‘These Aren’t Normal Cancers’: What Doctors Are Seeing After COVID Shots

Tune in to today’s episode of “Doctors & Scientists” to hear from guest Ryan Cole, M.D., on jaw-dropping COVID vaccine research.

Dr. Ryan Cole and others have found unusual and surprising numbers and types of cancer after the rollout of COVID-19 injections.

Also, tune in to hear a breakdown of the critical science on “several foot long … atypical clotting” as well as the high concern about reproductive toxicology.


See more here: theepochtimes.com

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    Gastric Cancer

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    The jab’s permanently DESTROY your immune system so of course cancers will skyrocket .
    Idaho doctor reports “20 times increase” in cancer among those “vaccinated” for covid

    The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”

    Thousands report developing abnormal tumors following COVID shots

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    For Dr. Cole: MIT Broad Institute patent :”SHARED NEOANTIGENS” US 10 , 233 , 454 B2 (2019)
    and also DNA2.0 (the same company which participated in the ModE-RNA genetic sequence) “DNA VECTORS , TRANSPOSONS AND TRANSPOSASES FOR EUKARYOTIC GENOME MODIFICATION” US 10 , 233 , 454 B2
    All about treating cancer with synthetic new genes, Spike connected???

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    jessica ayni


    I make 85 dollars each hour for working an online job at home. dso I never thought I can do it but my best friend makes 10000 bucks every month working this job and she recommended me to learn more about it.
    The potential with this is endless…>>>>>>https://t.ly/eGAt

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    They aren’t normal cancers because they are caused by the patent.
    The monkeypox bulls%#t should alert people to the fact that none of the current events are exclusive to each other.  They need nano-tech in your brain and they know you won’t accept it,  so they’re going to force the issue before elections.

    If they put gold nanoparticles in your brain, they can cook it from the inside with a wifi signal, and the nanotubes can directly influence neural signaling. 

    It is essential to know what is being injected in you.  Therefore its essential to know the patent. They cross the blood brain barrier and install carbon nanotubes.

    Moderna patent:

    With these link you can get 2 Moderna patent 10703789 spreadsheets:


    When you see the number 14 and a fish, that’s Enki (the new equinox, Aquarius).  Politicians and presidents sign Noahide laws (Chabad) that call for decapitation of those who do not worship him.  Those people are Christians and everyone else who doesn’t worship Enki (Aquarius), and may even be your family.

    Don’t vote for politicians who entertain Noahide laws or support Chabad fanaticism. 

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    Mar Tapley


    Hello Wisenox:
    Patents based on Insilco (imaginary) gene fragments are worthless. All cancers are the uncontrolled growth of non determinant cells and may be triggered by an irritation to an area of the body as is likely to occur whenever people allow themselves to be injected with toxins (poisons). We do not know what all the Eugenicists are putting in the blood toxins other than several independent labs have detected graphene oxide.

    The puppet actor politicians are under and have been under Zionist control for decades. They are instructed to implement the Zionist system of the 4th industrial revolution (Agenda 21) where all the goyim will be toiling for the chosen: Joshua 9:21
    And the princes said unto them, Let them live; but let them be hewers of wood and drawers of water unto all the congregation; as the princes had promised them.

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    We have an experimental gene therapy spike protein(s), being scammed as a vaccine that was never thoroughly trialed and tested, which usually takes roughly 10 years. So, what do you expect from big pharma that has shown us time and time again that they can never be trusted?

    Cancer is an internal affair which widely remains unknown. The more toxic garbage you put into your body, especially poison vaccines and drugs, the greater the risk of disease and death.

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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Tom:
      Show us the evidence for the mechanism of the alleged spike proteins you keep referring too. There should be mountains of studies confirming their application. There are none. Micro biologist Stephan Lanka says the technology does.not work. Common sense dictates that you cannot make a vaccine for a virus that does not exist. Lanka also has a reward of 1.5 million euros for anyone who can prove the existence of any virus to the German Supreme Court.

      The cause of cancer has been known since since when Ernst Krebs extracted Laetrile from apricot seeds. Indigenous groups who consume enough of this substance do not contract cancer which is a deficiency disease. Big Pharma cannot cure cancer because it is a metabolic disease like scurvy, rickets and pellagra, not a pathogenic disease.

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    Geraint Hughes


    Any connection between vaxes and monkey pox?

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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Hughes:
      There is a connection between Covid 19 and money pox. They’ re both fake. No viruses have ever been purified, isolated nor verified. No real sample has ever been extracted for any animal or person. All microscopy photos of alleged viruses are indistinguishable from cellular debris. The fake monkey pox has already moved ap. 100 million into the pockets of insiders running in the drug business with much more on the way. It will never end until the stupid cucks ever figure out it is all a racket for easy money and control in the name of health.

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