The vaccine industry’s dirty secret

THE vaccine industry and those who uncritically promote it will tell you that safety standards are so high, and testing so rigorous, that vaccines are totally clean and safe. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

Apart from the toxic substances such as aluminium which are deliberately added, vaccines are frequently found to be contaminated with bacteria, viruses and metal particles.

It is now obvious that there are multifarious health issues associated with the Covid vaccines. Many could be a result of the experimental technology, but some may be related to contamination.

Three Japanese men died in August 2021 after being vaccinated with Moderna Covid vaccines contaminated with stainless steel particles during the manufacturing process.The batches had also been contaminated with latex, which broke off the vial seals when the needle was inserted, in a process known as ‘coring’. As coring happens an astonishing 40 per cent of the time and there are a number of people known to have latex allergies, this poses a serious health risk.

Even if the patient isn’t allergic to latex, the particles can still be dangerous. According to the publication Vaccine they ‘may potentially result in embolism and adverse reactions varying from autopsy-detected clinically occult pulmonary granulomas to local tissue infarction, pulmonary infarction and death’.

In the US, millions of batches of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccines had to be destroyed because of microbial contamination. Emergent Biosolutions, who owned the manufacturing plant, tried to hide the evidence of contamination from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors.

Pfizer have had contamination issues with ‘white floating matter’ in a number of vials. The company claimed it was probably normal ingredients that had not fully dissolved and continued to use the vaccines from the same batch after visual inspections found no other signs of the material. So, despite no tests being carried out, the vaccines from the same batch were administered anyway. So much for rigorous safety measures.

Viral proteins were found in the AstraZeneca vaccines and the researchers admitted that, although unlikely, it is conceivable they could cause blood-clotting.  Disturbingly, they say these viral proteins are found in similar quantities in most vaccines manufactured in the same way. The problem, therefore, is widespread.

These are not just unfortunate accidents but accidents waiting to happen. In the case of Emergent Biosolutions, the company itself had doubts as to whether it could comply with FDA safety standards. Their executive vice president of manufacturing and technical operations had known for years about the company’s deficient quality systems. Pfizer’s Kansas manufacturing plant had issues with mould and had been reprimanded by the FDA numerous times for its quality control and contamination failures. 

The risk of contamination is not restricted to the manufacturing process but is also a factor when transporting the vaccines. An NHS document highlights the risk of moving punctured vials of covid vaccine: ‘The movement of punctured vials of Covid-19 vaccines between multiple sites (i.e. end user locations) presents a greater risk of microbiological contamination and proliferation than a single site delivery. There is a need to consider the protection of vaccine quality and minimise the risk of harm to the patient from accidentally administering contaminated vaccines.’ 

After noting the potential risks, it says punctured vials should only be moved ‘where an assessment of the risk of microbial contamination and proliferation versus risk of wastage and loss of opportunities to administer vaccines at end user sites has been considered by the PCN [Primary Care Network] Clinical Director.’ In other words, even though there may a risk of injecting a patient with a contaminated vaccine and potentially causing them serious harm, the risk may be worth it if they don’t want the vaccines to go to waste. Patient safety is clearly not an NHS priority when it comes to Covid vaccines.

The issue of dirty vaccines is not confined to Covid products. The vaccine industry has a long and sordid history when it comes to contamination. Among of the main contaminants are viruses. According to an article in Contract Pharma: ‘Industry and regulators recognize that the holy grail of viral safety — absolute freedom from extraneous agents or residual pathogenicity — is a myth.’ 

The MMR vaccine, for example, has a history of contamination. In 1999, all chicken-cell derived MMR vaccines tested, showed evidence of contamination from the avian leucosis virus (ALV). 

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that ALV in vaccines is a potential threat to human health. Another study found that 33 per cent of MMR vaccines tested were positive for bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), probably due to the presence of the virus in the foetal calf serum used when culturing the virus for vaccine manufacture. It is a worrying fact that calf blood is used in numerous vaccines and it has shown to have very high rates of contamination.  One study says that ‘most commercially available bovine sera are contaminated with BVDV’.

Another vaccine found to be contaminated by ALV was the yellow fever shot. In the 1960s, contaminated vaccines in both England and the US were injected into potentially millions of people before the problem was discovered. The yellow fever vaccine was also the culprit during the Second World War when 50,000 US military personnel contracted hepatitis. 

In 2009, Novartis had to withdraw their meningitis vaccine after they found it was contaminated with staphylococcus aureus which can actually cause meningitis. 

The following year, various pig viruses were found in children’s rotavirus vaccines, the source of which was believed to be the porcine enzyme trypsin, used in the vaccine’s manufacturing process. Rather than ordering an immediate recall of the products, the FDA allowed the batches to be used because they said there was no evidence that the pig viruses were a danger to human health. However, the real reason for their inaction could well be highlighted in a report by the European Medicines Agency who admit there are 55 pig vaccines known to contaminate trypsin, they are almost impossible to detect and remove and it is too expensive to properly test for them.

Clearly, children’s health is being put at risk so that the pharmaceutical companies can retain their profit margins.

In 2013 Sanofi Pasteur discovered their ActHIB vaccine batches, destined for injection into young infants to protect against haemophilus influenza, contained glass particles. The company continued to use them until their expiry date, 18 months later, without the public ever being informed.

The problem of glass delamination, where flakes of glass break off from vials and contaminate the liquids within them, has been known since 1953. The FDA have warned that the glass particles could cause embolic, thrombotic and other vascular events when administered subcutaneously to a person and yet took no action against the company. From 2006 to 2011 100 million vials were recalled for glass contamination in the US.

In 2017, Italian scientists studied 44 different vaccines from various companies. Every single one was contaminated. Particulates included lead, nickel, tungsten, antimony, titanium, silicon, chromium, stainless steel, platinum, strontium and more exotic metals such as hafnium, cerium and bismuth. 

The researchers described the presence of these contaminants as ‘inexplicable’ and said: ‘The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration.’

The most infamous case of vaccine contamination involves the polio vaccine. Between 1955 and 1963 tens of millions of Americans and an unknown number worldwide were injected with a polio vaccine that had been contaminated by the SV40 virus. The natural host of this virus was the rhesus monkey, and it was the kidney cells of this monkey that were used to culture the polio vaccine. The discovery that the vaccine was contaminated came in 1960 but the manufacturers, with government approval, continued to distribute the remainder of the contaminated vaccines until 1963, even though the virus causes cancer. Indeed, recent research has linked SV40 to brain tumours, bone cancer, mesotheliomas and lung cancer.

In 2009 there could have been an even worse scenario.  The US pharmaceutical company Baxter shipped out ‘virus material’ to be used in human flu vaccines. Unfortunately, it was contaminated with the avian flu virus. A possible global pandemic was avoided when the sub-contractor discovered what had happened after all the ferrets that were injected with it in tests died. What was Baxter’s punishment for nearly unleashing a deadly virus on humanity? They were subsequently one of the companies chosen to produce the swine flu vaccine.

The idea that the vaccine industry has a rigorous safety testing regime is a myth. Companies have a long history of producing contaminated products and are clearly more interested in profit margins than people’s health. As Dr James Shannon, former director of the US National Institutes of Health in the US said:  ‘The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.’ 

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    Still waiting after 50 years for big pharma to tell the truth about ANY drugs they market.

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