The Truth About Contagion

When it comes to the pandemic industry there are now so many aspects of the swindle that we have written several books about it.

However, when it comes to the reason as to why the public buys into productions such as The COVID-19 Fraud we believe that the pivotal reason is the belief and fear of contagion.

In this video we go back to early 2020 at the time when the COVID-19 fairy story was coming out of Wuhan. Why did the 2011 film Contagion suddenly become popular again during this era and how did the plot, including the permitted “alternative” narrative, have so many similarities with events in recent years?

These days ‘contagion’ is taken to mean the transmission of illness via disease-causing germs but we have already exposed the fact that the scientific literature reveals that pathogens do not exist.

It is also evident that the original meanings of ‘contagion’ and ‘infection’ have been changed in order to support the failed germ hypothesis. Is contagion relevant at all and why is Daniel Roytas’ new book so important in this regard?

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Comments (2)

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    It is time people stop getting fooled by the media and so-called experts – especially CDC, WHO, FDA, Health Canada, and a host of other illegitimate authorities.
    Does anyone remember: The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again
    or Once Bitten, Twice Shy.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Dr. Sam Bailey,

    “but we have already exposed the fact that the scientific literature reveals that pathogens do not exist.” You wrote this and it seems you have become a major part of the problem, For if one substitutes observations for literature you would have a valid scientific statement.

    Have a good day


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