The Transhumanist Delusion

The following is an excerpt from my new book Reclaiming Reality: Restoring Humanity in the Age of AI

The transhumanist movement is built on a fundamental lie. It promises the evolution of humanity beyond its natural limits, offering a future where man merges with machine, where death is conquered through technology, and where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence.

This vision is presented as inevitable, as the next step in human progress. But at its core, transhumanism is not about progress at all—it is a rebellion against God, an attempt to remake humanity in the image of those who reject the divine order.

Transhumanism is not a new idea. It is simply a modern iteration of the oldest deception in history—the same lie whispered in the Garden of Eden: “You will be like God.” Since the Fall, mankind has sought to escape the constraints of mortality, weakness, and dependency on the Creator.

Today, this desire manifests in the belief that technology can free man from suffering, aging, and even death itself. The central delusion of transhumanism is the belief that human consciousness can be uploaded into machines, that the mind is nothing more than a complex set of data that can be transferred into an artificial medium.

This idea is rooted in materialism, the false philosophy that denies the soul and reduces human beings to nothing more than biological software. If the mind is just data, then it can be copied, modified, and improved like a computer program. But this is a profound misunderstanding of human nature.

Human consciousness is not a mere function of neural activity; it is the immaterial soul breathed into man by God. A machine, no matter how advanced, can never possess the essence of human personhood.

An AI may mimic human responses, generate art, and even engage in convincing conversation, but it does not have a soul. It does not love, it does not pray, and it does not seek after God. No matter how sophisticated artificial intelligence becomes, it will always be an imitation, a counterfeit life without true being.

The transhumanist vision of the future is not one of human flourishing—it is one of enslavement. The promise of digital immortality is a cruel deception, because no person can truly exist apart from the body given to them by God.

The desire to escape the limitations of the flesh through technology leads not to liberation, but to the reduction of man into something less than human. If our identity can be stored on a server, then it can also be deleted, modified, and controlled by those who own the technology.

Those who push the transhumanist agenda see themselves as architects of a new reality. They envision a future where AI governs decision-making, where human reproduction is engineered in labs, and where consciousness is no longer tied to biology.

Their ultimate goal is to redefine what it means to be human, not in accordance with God’s design, but according to their own ideological whims. This is not progress; it is a direct assault on the image of God in man.

The consequences of this ideology are already visible. Increasingly, people view their bodies as obstacles to be overcome rather than as gifts to be stewarded. The rapid rise of gender ideology, bioengineering, and human enhancement technologies reflects a culture that no longer accepts human nature as given.

If the body is seen as something that can be altered at will, then it is only a short step toward accepting the idea that humanity itself should be “upgraded” to fit the demands of a technological society.

Christians must reject this deception outright. We are not machines to be optimized. Our worth is not in our intelligence, our physical abilities, or our ability to integrate with AI. Our worth is found in the fact that we are created by God, for God, and in the image of God.

The goal of the Christian life is not to transcend human nature, but to redeem it through Christ. While transhumanists seek immortality through technology, Christians already possess the promise of eternal life—not through machines, but through the resurrection of the body in Christ.

This is the great divide between transhumanism and Christianity. One seeks eternity through silicon and software, the other through grace and redemption. One places its faith in human innovation, the other in divine providence. One seeks to replace God, the other submits to Him.

We must resist the push toward transhumanist ideology by firmly grounding ourselves in biblical anthropology. We must teach our children that their bodies are not mistakes to be corrected but gifts to be honored. We must reject any attempt to redefine human nature according to the standards of AI engineers and secular philosophers.

And most importantly, we must remind the world that true life—eternal, glorious, and incorruptible—does not come from technology, but from Christ alone. Transhumanism is a false gospel, promising salvation through machines rather than through the blood of Christ.

It is a modern-day Tower of Babel, an attempt to ascend to heaven by human effort rather than through faith. But like every rebellion against God, it will ultimately fail. Those who trust in the Lord will inherit eternal life—not as digital consciousness, not as AI-augmented beings, but as resurrected and glorified children of God.

Silicon Valley’s most influential leaders promote a dangerous vision of technological progress that threatens human dignity at its core. Their philosophy boils down to three destructive ideas. First, they worship speed and growth above all else, treating ethical concerns as obstacles to “innovation.”

This “progress at any cost” mindset justifies breaking moral and social norms if it means advancing artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, or brain-computer interfaces faster. Second, they view ordinary human limitations—aging, fatigue, the need for sleep and relationships—as problems to eliminate through technology rather than intrinsic parts of what makes us human.

Their ultimate goal appears to be replacing flawed biological humans with enhanced transhumans or pure machine intelligence. Third, they idolize market forces and technological inevitability, claiming unregulated capitalism and AI development will naturally create utopia—a naive faith that ignores how power consolidates in the hands of those controlling the technology.

The dominant techno-optimist ideology of our time—a reckless fusion of Nietzschean will-to-power, accelerationist dogma, and neoliberal market absolutism—is not just misguided but fundamentally anti-human.

It does not seek to serve humanity but to surpass it, viewing human beings as a temporary evolutionary step toward a post-biological order. Its adherents do not merely disrupt industries; they aim to rewrite human nature itself, treating moral limits as obsolete constraints and communities as relics to be dismantled.

Beneath their utopian rhetoric lies a nihilistic project: the replacement of embodied souls with disembodied data, of sacred life with machine logic.

Header image: Forbes

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Comments (3)

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    Hmmm. I agree in parts, and in others, not.

    “it is a rebellion against God, an attempt to remake humanity in the image of those who reject the divine order.”
    Not necessarily, and they may not know that, as alluded to by Jesus when he said, “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”

    “Christians already possess the promise of eternal life”
    Christian is a label, and eternal life is open to all, not just the chosen. It comes after many lives, not one.

    “Human consciousness is not a mere function of neural activity; it is the immaterial soul breathed into man by God.”
    The immaterial soul being the Holy Spirit, right? Mortals make a claim on the soul as if it’s a possession, yet the opposite is true.
    Human consciousness is there, as well as this spirit, as was stated by the Bible. The following is appropriate to this article:
    “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.”
    Do you understand what that statement means?

    “an attempt to ascend to heaven by human effort rather than through faith”
    But it is by one’s actions from the heart, not faith. That’s the whole point of life.

    Here’s a couple of questions:
    Does the Holy Spirit share a symbiotic existence with the body?

    Is the story of Jesus an allegory for the second birth?


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Howdy,

    One question: How does one become a CHRISTIAN?

    Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Howdy,

    One question: How does one become a CHRISTIAN?

    Have a good day


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