“The Time Has Come. Enough Is Enough” – Fauci Dismisses “Freedom”

After the FDA fully approved the Pfizer COVID vaccine, Anthony Fauci immediately issued a decree via his permanent CNN propaganda platform that it is time for nationwide vaccine mandates.

Fauci declared that “There was some poll that showed about 30 percent of people who are not anti-vax, they were just waiting to get what they felt was the real final stamp of approval, which we just got today with the Pfizer product.

He continued, “And those 30 percent are saying when that occurs, they will feel very, very comfortable about getting vaccinated. So right away, you’re talking about 30 percent. I hope they come through with what the survey said.

Fauci added “They’re going to give a lot of incentive and backing for a lot of institutions and organizations and places of employment to mandate, and that could be colleges, university, the military, organizations that employ a lot of people, some of the big corporations are going to say if you want to work for us in person, you’ve got to be there and get vaccinated.”

Fauci then dismissed freedom as an after thought, noting “I know I respect people’s freedom, but when you’re talking about a public health crisis that we’ve been going through for well over a year and a half, the time has come. Enough is enough. We’ve just got to get people vaccinated.”

If we keep lingering without getting those people vaccinated that should be vaccinated, this thing could linger on, leading to the development of another variant which could complicate things.” Fauci further proclaimed.

[ZH: Additionally, Fauci also said that if the majority of Americans get vaccinated, COVID-19 will be under control by the “spring of 2022”!

The fact is- the majority of Americans are already vaccinatedbut that appears not to be what the authoritarian bureaucrat really wants.]

Fauci’s comments come after Joe Biden called for more private companies to implement mandates:

See more here: zerohedge.com

Header image: Greg Nash / Getty Images

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Comments (26)

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    Watch him die.


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      Herb Rose


      He won’t die. He didn’t get vaccinated.


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        Vaccines are not the only cause of death.


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            That it’s “only” an M4.7 is kinda funny, I never mentioned 47, did I?

            Like in that “old geometer” text.

          • Avatar



            Here’s a nice fitting song with outstanding drumming:
            The Ocean – Jurassic

            “Pieces are shattered once again
            You’re no longer innocent
            And no, this did not come out of the blue
            Well, how exactly did you expect me
            To react when you keep pushing it?
            Keep pushing the needle in

            You can feel the weather change
            Blazing ardour in the shade

          • Avatar



            That the drummer there is named Seidel is very apt, too. Considering Gauss, impulses and constraint solvers.

          • Avatar



            Hate to BREAK IT to you, but I also combined Jacobi with Gauss and Seidel, along with things like effectively directed conjugate gradient descent.

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      Saeed Qureshi


      The link seems to be working. However, when searched under “qureshi” it does not pick the article. There appears to be a bug somewhere, needs attention for correcting. Thanks.


      • Avatar



        I thought the same as you did, like as if he suggested that link doesn’t work.

        I think he simply meant “You didn’t refer to that article?”…


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    Terry Shipman


    This little garden gnome won’t admit he’s already lost the battle. He bet the farm on the jab and the truth is coming out from the countries that have high vaccination rates and it’s not pretty. Israel for example. Now we see reports (thanks to PSI) that jabbed individuals are turning into asymptomatic super-spreaders when they contract the Delta variant. Imagine the horror of all the hospitals requiring their employees to get the jab and it turns out THEY are the ones spreading illness and the non-jabbed employees are NOT.


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    ” Imagine the horror of all the hospitals requiring their employees to get the jab and it turns out THEY are the ones spreading illness and the non-jabbed employees are NOT.”

    They are not spreading disease as such, but, hospitals are quite often very toxic environments.

    You cannot be “infected” by a few particles (a result) of passive discarded (somewhat) toxic shit, derived from a far more toxic source, or cause (such as vaccines).


    • Avatar



      See, there is no evidence of the “covid viral load” in the vaccinated, causing disease in the unvaccinated. None whatsoever, it’s not physically possible.

      If you do think that sort of shit is possible, you were extincted a LONG time ago.


      • Avatar



        Like, Imma tell you straight.

        The “contagious virus” shit, is the enabling fraud, what allowed “covid” scenario. If you believe that sort of shit, you’re ALWAYS going to lose. Promise. Coz you’ll be anxious, stressed, subjugated, enslaved, imposed on, toxified by buying unnecessary toxic shit, from that fraudulent premise along with never addressing causative factors, processes, essentials, minimizing toxins.

        And that’s the downward spiral. That slippery slope, you’re such an enthusiast of, allowing that shit to slide right down into the abyss along with you.


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    There is NO approval for any Pfizer shot. It’s still under the EUA. You can call Pfizer’s 800 number, go through about 4 or 5 prompts, and they say right there that this has not been approved and licensed and that it’s under EUA.
    Call for yourself then share this, please. Why do people believe anything the government says. They bold face lie to us daily. Obola opened the door to lawless out in the open, in your face, and no consequences. This is what happens when good men do


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      Sorry. I forgot to provide the phone number.


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        and from the UK?


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      Yomama wasn’t the start of that bullshit, for instance, if you go back to the Reagan administration, you would noticed very peculiar enabling means for latent issues (some of which you see now), and parallels with say Bill Clinton’s administration.

      So basically, if you vote, you lose.


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        In Reagan’s defense, however, he did know Fauci should be removed.


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          Pity that he supported him, being a souled out piece of shit, just like say, Guanold Dump.


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    He knows that if everyone is forced to have the vaccine the door slam shuts and we will be subjected to this year on year and he will make fortunes . At the moment the door remains open to stop this madness as if the Inca innate sense show now statistical increase in deaths it makes. Mockery of the already fake vaccine .


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      What’s fake about the vaccine? Is it unlike all other vaccines, which are specifically made to toxify, and placebo?


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      oops sorry, wrote on my iphone and just looked- what happened!!!


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    FauXi is a criminally-insane mendacious sociopath… How often does he meet with Satan?


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    Sorry Mengele fauci, I just joined “rats against human testing” so I don’t give a rat’s butt about any of your garbage lies.


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