The Ten Bulbs Bulb
[Sarcasm alert!] Brought to man-kind through Climatology Science Investigative Computer Model Predictive Knowledge of all things in the Entire Universe. (Sponsored by the UN and EU)
It’s the latest in mystical technological breakthroughs, brought to us all from the benefits of our knowledge of Scientific investigations from the Climate Change wizard universe.
Yes that right, from now and until the ends of time itself, lighting has been forever changed by this amazing insight into the Mechanical Thermodynamics of Infra-red Radiation which happens throughout the entire climate change self-hugging galaxy.
The first bulb absorbs the 90{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} IR coming from the tungsten filament and then sends 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of this back to the filament with the remaining 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} going to the next bulb layer. Each bulb layer then does the same things, meaning a whopping mega massive, super gargantuan amount of re-radiated 10 times back radiated heat insulating blanket greenhouse glass layers, super-hot tipping point reached and then beat by tons, plus some more back to the surface of the filament. Just like in a greenhouse and the global warming of Venus. 😉
This back radiance makes the filament so much hotter, its so hot, we need a fan, a really big fan, and its so bright we all need shades, really cool ones.
By back radiating IR energy using glass back to the filament, it gets so much hotter and then this means it shines so much brighter and gives out many times more light than a normal boring light, those old fashioned designs suck, stop being so silly. The ten bulbs bulb, blows all them other lights out of the water. You got darkness, get the “TEN BULBS BULB!”
Do you believe in the power of global warming with all your heart?
Then you should believe in the power of the………………..
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Robert Beatty
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A useful discussion with direct relevance to Earth and Venus where a major source of the sensible heating comes from core fission activity. High surface temperatures on Venus are not due to gravity, but are due to a blanket effect caused by the thick cloud bank, and consistent core heat input. A compressed gas will return to ambient temperatures unless heat is continually added to the gas. On Venus the higher surface temperature on the sun facing side is due to the slower release of core heat out to space, because the blanket effect is more effective when assisted by incoming solar radiation.
jerry krause
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HI Robert,
When you refer to Venus I do not believe it wise to ignore photochemical reactions occurring above the cloud deck. After all the value of its albedo seems to be about 0.76 and the incident solar is significantly greater than that of the Earth.
Also, I consider that vertical convection is not necessary to maintain the adiabatic lapse rate beneath the cloud deck. The Brownian motions of the atmospheric molecules in a gravitational field is sufficient to cause this. And the observed temperature gradient (as the instrument package was parachuted to the surface closely matches lapse rate predicted.
Have a good day, Jerry
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This is the diagram of spacecraft multi-layer insulation (MLI). MLI is known from experience to REDUCE the spacecraft’s infrared radiation to space, although never as much as theory predicts. Warmists claim back radiation forces the surface to INCREASE radiation, as shown in their KT diagrams.
Wikipedia’s pages on MLI and the “greenhouse gas effect” say these exact two opposite things – So which is it?
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MLI works because of special materials designed to REFLECT infrared. The concept is very similar to a thermos bottle.
The bogus “greenhouse gas effect” does NOT work. “Back radiation” from the atmosphere can NOT heat the surface. The concept is spoofed (above) with the hilarious example of multi-layered bulbs around a filament, supposedly making the filament brighter!
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True, the aluminum coating on MLI reflects, but this reflected infrared can no more be re-absorbed by the spacecraft surface than infrared emitted by [any gas in] the cooler atmosphere can be absorbed by the Earth’s surface. Otherwise, as Alan Siddons has said, you could burn your face with your own reflection in the mirror.
I think we’re in agreement – My point was the two Wikipedia articles both say the infrared is absorbed (it can’t be), but the “GGE” one says it forces the surface to radiate more; the MLI one says it forces the surface to radiate less.
So yeah, it’s just snake oil sales talk.