The Secret Race To Buy The Ocean Floor

deep sea mining

A secret race is going on. A race between private companies rushing to
secure access to valuable minerals. Mining the ocean floors is potentially a multi-billion-dollar business. But some think we need to focus our attention on the planet, just not for profits.

As private companies push for licenses to commercially mine on the ocean floor, the organization created to protect the deep sea, the International Seabed Authority (ISA), is helping them accomplish this.

And companies are lobbying to obtain licenses, eager to start mining as soon as 2024.

The UN-affiliated organization ISA, set up to protect the ocean floor, seems more interested in paving the way for contractors, rather than regulating them.

What on earth is going on at the bottom of the ocean? And is it too late to stop it?

h/t Joe O.

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Comments (2)

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    Their avarice and disrespect will be their undoing.


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    Mark Tapley


    This video did not define what “deep sea” means. Since the great majority of marine life is within an area where the sun penetrates and not much below a certain depth, I think all potential mining should have to be say below a hundred feet. This would insure that estuaries and reefs are protected. Next I would require all mining companied to place in escrow 2 million dollars to cover damage or bankruptcy (leaving without paying). Also 5% of all gross revenue should have to go into a fund for marine habitat preservation.


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