The Secret of Zinc’s Immunity-Boosting Power Revealed
Zinc has been acknowledged as an essential mineral for human health since the 1970s.1 It’s the second most abundant trace mineral found in the human body,2 but your body cannot store it very well, so you need to consume foods with zinc every day to meet your body’s needs.
More than 300 enzymes in your body require zinc for normal function,3 and it’s well-recognized for its role in immunity and normal immune system development.4
Research in the last decade has identified the crucial role that zinc plays in curtailing the length and severity of upper respiratory infections in particular. For example, a meta-analysis5 published in 2017 found those who took a zinc supplement of 80 to 92 milligrams (mg) each day at the beginning of cold symptoms saw a reduction in the length of their cold by 33%.
Research published in 2020 also demonstrated that zinc is crucial to immune system function, and that deficiency can raise your risk of severe COVID-19 illness.6 Early on in the pandemic, a number of doctors who were treating COVID patients recognized the importance of zinc and published early treatment guidelines that included it.7,8,9
How Zinc Influences Your Immune Function
Zinc affects your immune function and helps prevent infections in a variety of ways. For example, data have shown:10
People who are deficient in zinc have an increased susceptibility to pathogens, as zinc helps prevent viruses from entering11 and replicating12 inside your cells. |
Zinc mediates nonspecific immunity, including natural killer cells and neutrophils. |
Zinc deficiency prevents the activation of T-lymphocytes, production of Th1 cytokine, and the ability of B lymphocytes to help. During deficiency, B lymphocyte development is also compromised. |
Deficiency affects the function of macrophage cells, which can trigger cytokine production13 and dysregulated intracellular death. Thus, with a deficiency in zinc, you not only get more viral infections, but these trigger an increase in the hyper inflammatory response. |
Zinc is central to DNA replication, RNA transcription and cell activation and division. |
Zinc supports growth and function of ciliary hairs in your respiratory system. One study published in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy14 showed zinc stimulates ciliary beat frequency and may help improve mucociliary clearance, which is essential for clearing the lungs of mucous. Another group of scientists found that supplementing animals deficient in zinc affected the length of the cilia and number of epithelial cells in the bronchus.15 |
Zinc also improves your respiratory epithelial barrier.16,17 |
Zinc influences interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), which plays a significant role in defending against intracellular pathogens.18 When there is a reduction in this cytokine, your immune function will be impaired. |
Zinc Helps Immune System Regrow Immune Cells
A March 2022 study has now shed new light on how zinc influences immune function. As reported by Science Daily:19
“In a new study published online March 25 in the journal Blood, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center scientists reveal two ways the mineral supports immunity and suggest how it could be used to improve health.
Using mice, the team discovered that zinc is needed for the development of disease-fighting immune cells called T cells and prompts regeneration of the thymus, the immune organ that produces T cells.
‘This study adds to our knowledge of what zinc is actually doing in the immune system and suggests a new therapeutic strategy for improving recovery of the immune system,’ said senior author Dr. Jarrod Dudakov, an immunologist at Fred Hutch …
As in humans, Iovino and Dudakov found that the thymuses of mice deprived of dietary zinc shrink and produce notably fewer mature T cells, even after as little as three weeks of a no-zinc diet. Iovino was able to show that without zinc, T cells cannot fully mature.
He also found that zinc deficiency slows recovery of T-cell numbers after mice receive immune-destroying treatments akin to those given to patients about to receive a blood stem cell transplant. Conversely, extra zinc speeds this process, and T cells recover faster than normal.”
When zinc external to the cells rise, the cells release a regenerative factor that triggers renewal inside the thymus. T cells accumulate zinc as they develop, but when killed by a burst of radiation (or other damaging event), that zinc is released, raising the external zinc level.
A molecule inside your cells called GPR39 acts as a sensor that tracks changes in external zinc, and when the level rises, GPR39 triggers renewal factor release and thymic regeneration. The researchers also found they could trigger this regenerative process using a novel compound that mimics rising zinc levels. Dudakov explained:20
“What we think is going on is, as you give zinc supplementation, that gets accumulated within the developing T cells. It gets stored and stored and stored, then the damage comes along and the zinc is released.
Now you have more zinc than you normally would, and it can instigate this regenerative pathway. With the experimental compound we can just directly target GPR39 and basically get the same effect without any of that pretreatment.”
Zinc Ionophores Improve Zinc’s Effectiveness
While zinc is a crucial mineral for normal immune function, supplemental zinc is not very bioavailable. So, to improve zinc uptake into the cell, a zinc ionophore can be very useful. Zinc ionophores basically act as shuttles that transport the zinc through the cellular membrane into the cell, and getting the zinc into the cell is crucial for stopping viral replication.
Zinc ionophores that have received a lot of exposure in alternative media over the past two years are hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), chloroquine, quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).21 Chances are you’ve heard of HCQ being used for COVID-19, but the real key in early treatment protocols that use HCQ is really the zinc. The primary role of the HCQ is to boost zinc uptake in the cell.
Quercetin, which is a natural supplement, also shuttles zinc but has antiviral,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 anti-blood clotting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in addition to that.31 Quercetin has also been shown to inhibit binding of spike protein to ACE-2 receptors, thereby blocking the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to infect human cells.32
Importantly, quercetin increases mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle, which suggests part of its antiviral effects are due to enhanced mitochondrial antiviral signaling.33 By attenuating oxidative damage, it also lowers your risk of secondary bacterial infections,34 which is actually the primary cause of influenza-related deaths.
When HCQ was banned from use for COVID, many wisely turned to quercetin, which is available over the counter. A number of studies have shown quercetin, when used early, lowers your risk of hospitalization and death from COVID,35 and improves clinical outcomes.36
Beware, Zinc Supplementation May Trigger a Copper Imbalance
For all its benefits, more is not better when it comes to zinc supplementation. In fact, it can backfire if you fail to maintain a healthy zinc-to-copper ratio.
As noted by Chris Masterjohn, who has a Ph.D. in nutritional sciences,37 in an article38 and series of Twitter posts,39 “acceptable ratios of zinc-to-copper range from 2-to-1 to 15-to-1 in favor of zinc. Copper appears safe to consume up to a maximum of 10 mg/d” and “the maximum amount of zinc one could consume while staying in the acceptable range of zinc-to-copper ratios and also staying within the upper limit for copper is 150 mg/d.”
Zinc intake at doses between 150 mg and 300 mg per day has been shown to decrease markers of immune function, Masterjohn warns, and it’s “quite possible that the harmful effect of 300 mg/d zinc on the lymphocyte stimulation index is mediated mostly or completely by induction of copper deficiency.”
Even intakes of 60 mg of zinc per day has been shown to lower superoxide dismutase activity, an enzyme that is important to antioxidant defense and immune function and depends both on zinc and copper for normal function.
So, a key thing to remember is that your zinc level is also impacted by your copper level, and an imbalance in this ratio can lead to health problems. The best way to readily achieve proper balance is to get your minerals from real food grown in healthy nutrient-rich soils.
Do You Need More Zinc?
That said, zinc deficiency is common. Experts believe that about 17.3% of the global population are deficient40 and it is estimated most people over 65 consume just 50% of the recommended amount.41
This deficit may in part be the result of soil depletion of zinc due to conventional farming methods and may also simply be that not enough zinc-rich foods are included in the diet. Severe deficiency, however, is rare,42 and often associated with an inherited condition called acrodermatitis enteropathica.
Common signs43 your body may need more zinc include lack of appetite, mental lethargy, impaired sense of taste or smell, frequent colds, flu or infections, hair loss44 and poor neurological function.45 Individuals at higher risk for zinc deficiency include those with malnutrition, persistent diarrhea,46 the elderly, people with inflammatory or autoimmune diseases, chronic alcoholics, vegetarians and vegans.47
Although it may be necessary to supplement during illness when your body needs more zinc, I recommend trying to meet your daily requirement from foods. Foods rich in zinc include:48,49,50
Alaskan King crab | Oysters | Almonds | Cashews |
Kidney beans | Pastured chicken | Lamb | Chickpeas |
Oatmeal | Grass fed beef | Cheddar or Swiss cheese | Yogurt |
Mushrooms | Spinach | Pork chops | Pumpkin seeds |
Personally, I would be very cautious about taking more than 15 mg of zinc per day by supplement. If you are consuming large amounts of animal foods like beef, you may not even need any, as animal foods (see table above) are typically loaded with zinc, especially organ meats.
I eat about three-fourths of a pound of ground bison a day, which has 20 mg of zinc. I personally don’t take any zinc supplement other than what I get from my food, which is likely an optimal form to maximize absorption.
If you opt for a supplement, Masterjohn recommends taking 7 mg to 15 mg of zinc four times a day, ideally on an empty stomach, or with a phytate-free food.51 The recommended dietary allowance in the U.S. is 11 mg for adult men and 8 mg for adult women, with slightly higher doses recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women,52 so we’re not talking about taking significantly higher dosages.
He also recommends getting at least 1 mg of copper from food and supplements for every 15 mg of zinc you take.53 It’s best to get your copper from food and not a supplement.
Good sources include oysters, grass fed beef liver and other organ meats. Whole food vitamin C can also be helpful, as vitamin C contains an enzyme called tyrosinase, which has two copper atoms in it. Acerola cherry is one excellent source. You also want plenty of saturated fats in your diet, as copper is a fat-soluble mineral. If you don’t have fat in your diet, your ability to absorb copper plummets.
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Very informative, appealing to my intelligence, thank you.
What is the best way to absorb zinc?
Nick from Newtown
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And for the last 2 years not one gov health agency has ever said the word Zinc. Proves the gov is not there to protect you.
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Absorb zinc, use an ionophore as per the article, but if like me you prefer not taking lots of supplements then drink green tea preferably on an empty stomach. In the early days of the covid thing it was noted countries that drank a lot of green tea were seeing less people with serious symptoms. It was then found to be a zinc ionophore though less powerful than the supplement version green tea extract.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Ogmios:
Fake diseases only have fake symptoms that are verified by fake tests so the cucks can be convinces they need a fake vaccine. The symptoms are always ambiguous and continually expanded to lure more suckers into the germ theory medical fraud system. Do you really think the CDC and other government health agencies would ever tell the truth about anything? If they told the truth, they would be out of business.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
What you just wrote and commonly write sounds a bit like: “A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the thing is false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.” Guess to whom this is credited.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
No imagination needed, just follow the trail of death and injury. All the way back to the father of the germ theory fraud of blood toxin “vaccination” Pasteur, who even left us his autobiographical proof of his 40 years of medical mayhem and death. Sometimes the the best way to find out what works is to find out what does not. The same is often the case with what is truth. We know virology is a lie going all the way back to Enders in 1953. Knowing this is the first step in discovering the truth of what does.
Well Jerry, at least you didn’t quote the fanatical Zionist and plagiarist Einstein. So for your edification and enjoyment I have linked Newton’s genealogy and history.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
I looked at your link and I am impressed by its authors efforts to tear-down another person’s achievements. It seems this author and you commonly ignore the fact people with acknowledged achievements did not live in a vacuum. It seems the link’s author do not believe that Newton ever stated: If I have seen further than any man, it is because I have stood upon the shoulders of GIANTS!!! (or something like this if I don’t remember what I have read several times)
Again I ask: What do you claim your achievements in your life have been???
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
“Smallpox is an acute contagious disease caused by the variola virus, a member of the orthopoxvirus family. It was one of the most devastating diseases known to humanity and caused millions of deaths before it was eradicated. It is believed to have existed for at least 3000 years. … The basis for vaccination began in 1796 when the English doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were protected from smallpox. Jenner also knew about variolation and guessed that exposure to cowpox could be used to protect against smallpox. To test his theory, Dr. Jenner took material from a cowpox sore on milkmaid Sarah Nelmes’ hand and inoculated it into the arm of James Phipps, the 9-year-old son of Jenner’s gardener. Months later, Jenner exposed Phipps several times to variola virus, but Phipps never developed smallpox. More experiments followed, and, in 1801, Jenner published his treatise “On the Origin of the Vaccine Inoculation.” In this work, he summarized his discoveries and expressed hope that “the annihilation of the smallpox, the most dreadful scourge of the human species, must be the final result of this practice.” ( › smallpox › history › history)
Smallpox – WHO | World Health Organization › Health top
“Does the smallpox virus still exist? Currently, there is no evidence of naturally occurring smallpox transmission anywhere in the world. Although a worldwide immunization program eradicated smallpox disease decades ago, small quantities of smallpox virus officially still exist in two research laboratories in Atlanta, Georgia, and in Russia.” (Smallpox | NIH – National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases … › diseases-condition )
Mark, you referred to Pasteur (1882-1895) who hadn’t even been born when Jenner did his thing.
And what are your comments about Polio as you seek to criticize the practice of vaccination as if you have never made a mistake.
Mark, what have you actually done beside criticize others?
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
You live in the germ theory fairy tale world of establishment propaganda. The cats out of the bag now Jerry. The deified St. Pasteur has finally been exposed for the medical con man and charlatan he was. His diary was not intended to ever see the light of day, but his son-in-law, who hated the puffed up shyster preserved it. Pasteur in 40 years of non stop fraud that killed about a score of his “patients” never succeeded in transmitting one pathogen but always faked it with toxins, his favorites being arsenic and mercury. There were many real doctors and scientists such as Antoine Bechamp that knew the truth but were ignored. Widely experienced (Crimean War) British nurse Florence Nightingale at about the same time also exposed Pasteur. It is reported that on his deathbed Pasteur repented and exclaimed “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.
I will not go into the Jenner fraud but recommend you read Suzanne Humphries MD book “Dissolving Illusions” where she, using public records shows the real history of “vaccines.” When the media is under total control as well as all the information disseminated by the public indoctrination (school) system it is easy to paint a whatever narrative they choose, just like the Apparatchiks of the Zionist puppet state of the USSR. If you Jerry are so sure that viruses exist, then you should challenge microbiologist Stephan Lanka in the German court system. All you have to do is prove the existence of any virus and claim the 1.5 million euro reward. It is still on the table for all of you true believers. And how is it that well over 150 gov. health agencies all over the world cannot produce a written copy of the covid genome or any other virus but only an Insilco (imaginary) gene sequence fragment? Explain to me Jerry why it is that not one purified, isolated, verified covid 19 sample has ever been extracted from any animal or human,
The manmade fake Polio virus (which had never occurred before) is an even more spectacular case of medical deception and corruption. It is much too detailed to go into this, another one of your ridiculous fairytales for cucks here so I refer you to the excellently written book by Forrest Maready “The Moth In the Iron Lung.” He also explains the former almost unheard of but now epidemic of autism in his book “The Autism Vaccine.”
Just like the MSM with their fake wars, if the government (elite insiders) had never gotten involved with the fake virus, fake numbers, fake tests and fake vaccines to line the pockets of their big Pharma buddies while generating medical fear for controlling the livestock as with the fake AIDS, H1N1, Bird flu, Swine flu, Ebola, Zika, Anthrax, covid etc., the public would have forgotten about the fake viruses and vaccines a long time ago except for a few patriotic simps like you.
As far as you’re sanctimonious, sarcastic crap about what I have done or not done, it appears quite ironic coming from an academic layabout that has lived off the taxpayers his entire career.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark,
You concluded: “As far as you’re sanctimonious, sarcastic crap about what I have done or not done, it appears quite ironic coming from an academic layabout that has lived off the taxpayers his entire career.
You know this. How???
Have a good day, Jerry
Dr. Thomas Wnorowski
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Where are the references? I wish to expand this knowledge.
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Hi Dr. Thomas and readers.
Grab a computer and search; ‘zinc-immune system’. Search ‘zinc fingers’.
Search ‘magnesium-immune system’, and ‘vitamin D-immune system’.
The Israeli’s were global leaders in some research in relation to the Covid 19 ‘vaccine’ concoction and general covid 19 issues, some of which was not propaganda. On the homepage of the Jerusalem Post is a search option and if you search ‘vitamin D research’ there are some fascinating scientific summaries. Do not forget the necessary complimentary requisite of vitamin K3 with increased vitamin D uptake to maintain bone density and avoid tissue calcification.
The below reference is wikipedia summary on ionophores. Some interesting stuff. Wiki used to include hydroxychloroquine in it’s list of ionophores but that has been delisted and replaced with chloroquine.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Matt and Thomas,
Matt, did you check out whom Thomas might be? I did and his comment greatly encouraged me. And Matt, thank you for your comment for I was looking for any excuse to acknowledge this.
Have a good day, Jerry
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Hi Jerry.
I did not research who Dr. Thomas is but as many Doctors in my country are propagandized group think unfortunates I took for granted my simpleton understandings could contribute.
I note the wikipedia reverence I provided does reference zinc zapping corona viruses in laboratory research.
Dr. Wnorowski is a widely published biomedical nutritionist, Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, with post-doctoral study from Purdue, Tufts and Johns Hopkins Universities, focusing on the clinical management of obesity, diabetes education, men’s and women’s health and cardiac rehabilitation. He has a PhD and certifications in clinical/biomedical nutrition and master’s degrees in human nutrition and educational psychology. A member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Association of Integrative Medicine, he sits on the board of Mohr Results Sports Nutrition and the Integrative and Function Nutrition Academy. Dr. Wnorowski was the honored recipient of the 2006 Excellence in Practice Award from the American Dietetic Association.
Thank you Jerry for bringing this to my attention.
Best wishes all. Matt
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
After I had read much about zinc and zinc supplements and the need to balance zinc and copper, the final word was to eat a good , nutritious foods. Hence, enter Thomas.
Have a good day, Jerry
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Hi Jerry and readers.
In the 2020 scientists in Northern Italy found a majority of people becoming severely ill or dying from covid19 were low on zinc and vitamin D. Many luxury leather goods manufacturers in Northern Italy had been purchased by Chinese which is the link for why Northern Italy had some of the earliest deadly covid19 waves.
Israeli scientists did a long and large scale research study that showed that people were low on vitamin D and zinc before catching covid19, it was not the covid19 causing the low D3 hormone and low zinc. This study was overviewed by the Jerusalem Post around September 2021 but I have had a quick look to reference it here but could not find it.
Back when the Northern Italy research came out I did some research on zinc and the immune system and one of the take homes was immune system T cells look for zinc or grab for zinc before killing virally infected cells. If the T cell cannot find zinc it basically goes back to bed, if you will forgive the loose analogy.
A T cell when the body is zinc deficient is like sending a soldier to war without a weapon.
Zinc inside the cell is known to inhibit viruses. Taking a zinc tablet or zinc in your diet takes around 12 to 14 days for the liver to do it’s thing and to biologically get that zinc inside cells. An ionophore can get that zinc into the cell within a day or two which helps defeat or inhibit viral load early.
We all need balanced fertilizer in our vegetable garden.
Cheers. Matt the unqualified.
Mark Tapley
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Hello MattH and Jerry:
Whats all the big deal about zinc? It is an easy nutrient to get if you eat a good diet. In the U.S. back in the 1800’s there was very little cancer and heart disease. Diabetes that is rampant now, was rare and macular degeneration practically unheard of. Did those people need to consult with the Dietetic association, or the grain company bought out Heart As. or Diabetes Foundation. Not likely. Just eat a low carb (no vegetable -seed oils) high saturated diet and do strenuous exercise every day.
It is even easy to see where you are health wise. Sit down flat on the floor. Now get up on your feet without using your hands, elbows etc. If you can do that then unless you get hit by a truck or stupid enough to take the graphene oxide death shot, you Jerry and MattH are virtually guaranteed another 5 years. In 5 years if you can still do this, bam, another 5 years. It is a very reliable test. If you can no accomplish this exercise you need to 1. do strenuous core excursuses three times per wk. and keep your height to wt. ratio where it should be.
Mark Tapley
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Hello again MattH:
At 11 million dollars per day day, the Khazar thugs in their invaded and occupied land of Palestine, not including extensive other benefits from their satellite Jewmerica, which has spent trillions for the Yinnon Plan for Greater Israel ought to excel at something other than spreading terrorism worldwide. Most of which is accomplished be their Israeli foreign legion (U.S. military) extortion racket. If they don’t submit to the extortion (like Saddam and Qaddafi) the extortion is forced. Now a word from our former Sec of State Madeleine Albright, I mean Jana (((Korbal))):
Jerry Krause
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Hi Matt,
I question why I and my wife have not gotten Covid whatever and never even considered having any shots. We have friends only a few years older who recently gotten it and survived. They have multiple health problems but still survived
I am bald at the top and the hair I still have is very thin. But even though my wife tells me to wear a cap or whatever so my head does not get burned, I don’t and I do not get burned. She rides her bicycle at least a half hour or more every day and from what I read we eat much of the right stuff to naturally get plenty zinc. Is that the reason we have had no covid problems? I don’t know.
But I claimed I would be old when I turned 80 and unfortunately I was right. 80 maybe isn’t the magic number but if you haven’t noticed, study active people in their 80s and you will find most of them walk and talk like they are old; even if they are doing more physical activities than people 65 years old, these active, really old people look and move like they are old but most 65 year olds do not look old and move like they are old. And until one becomes ‘old’, one has not yet experienced what old is. But if you look around you can easy see the ones who have become old. My wife hasn’t and she has trouble understanding what might occur to her in the next five years or so.
Being a fisherman, you naturally get plenty of Vitamin D and because you have read about zinc you know what to read. Question, what percentage of PSI Reader do you imagine read about zinc and other thing like that???
Just taking the opportunity to have a conversation with you. Suspect you might be familiar with Anthony Bright-Paul who, I was told a few years ago, was ninety. He within a year or two wrote: “So who are the real deniers? Who are the supporters of phone science? I ask you, Whatever their faults–and all humans being have faults … This is a quote that deserves to be pondered whatever one’s age.
Have a good day, Jerry/
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
It appears that you’re aforementioned weakness in the legs is now migrating to the brain, since you are unable to recognize the transparently asinine medical fear and control campaign as clearly laid out in the Rockefeller documents of 2012, the same year that Robert (((Koch))) of the elite Zionist family held the first “pre pandemic” meeting and the Hollywood Jews even portrayed on the silver screen, an almost exact replica of the fake virus hoax in the movie “Contagion.” This viral facade was also portrayed at the Barcelona games around this time. All the countries had their fake PCR tests ordered in 2018, long before anyone had heard of Covid 19 or Gates 201 meeting and our shabbas butt goy senators held their closed door meeting and tipped off their big donors.
While wondering the halls of academic fantasy land babbling about you’re intellectual icons Galileo, Newton and the Zionist plagiarist Einstein, you fail to discern the forest for the trees. No problem Jerry, just listen to our wonderful CDC health personnel, marrono Jew Fauci, Rochelle (((Walinsky))) Sec. of Health Xavier (((Becerra))) and Assist. Sec. of Health tranny Admiral Rachel (((Levin))).
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark and PSI Readers,
Another of my heroes, whom I have frequently quoted, is R.C. Sutcliffe, F.R.S., a meteorologist who at the end of WWII was the Chief Meteorological Officer for the British Forces in Europe. Who, we must conclude, was part of a team given the responsibility of predicting the weather for the landing of the allied troops at Normandy Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Sutcliffe was invited by W.W. Norton & Company to write a book (Weather and Climate) as part of their Advancement of Science Series.
My point in drawing this book to your attentions is that Sutcliffe was not yet an academic as he wrote this book. And to consider the word—RESPONSIBILITY. This team of Practicing Meteorologists of predicting weather which involved the lives of the thousands of troops who hit the Normandy beaches that day.
I ask: Do you ‘think’ these meteorologists took this responsibility seriously as they tried to accurately predict weather like they had never done before, or since??? Do you believe, as they tried to do this, that they left no stone unturned and debated and debated and finally reached a decision. These meteorologists had to have been special because we know they got it RIGHT!!! And maybe we should pay special attention to what Sutcliffe wrote in his book which was published in 1966.
And I ask Mark: Have you ever had the RESPONSIBILITY of thousands of lives given you??? I haven’t. But relative to Covid that is where the medical community is at and it is clear there must be a Right Answer and a Wrong Answer in the debate which is occurring. And Mark, most all you write about is HATE as only you know the RIGHT ANSWERS.
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
You are unwilling to apply reasonable thinking and common sense to the transparently manufactured schemes such as climate change, fake Apollo money laundering “moon landing, 911 CGI nonsense or the self evidently fake virus. Instead you accuse me of just promoting hate. Many years ago I believed in the narratives spun by the controlled media. But you don’t have to look very hard or do much analysis to see that it is all a bunch of lies. That has always been the nature of government. The only difference is that now the Zionist syndicate operates on a global level. Reagan’s CIA director William Casey even said so: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
I am reminded of Apostle Paul’s exhortation in 1Corinthians 13: 12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
The problem is Jerry that you never grasp the truth. But just continue to accept the propaganda shoveled out without even questioning it.
I think it is very relevant that you bring up D Day because it has been a very successful Zionist psy op utilized in the entirely controlled conflict of WW2 where the German forces could have easily defeated any attempted beach head had their normal procedures not been sabotaged (like everything else) from beginning to end. So that the end result was approximately 800 troops (almost all Russian and Romanians) were left to defend the beaches against 36,000 allied troops. I enclose article detailing this massive sabotage by Zionist operative Hitler and other co conspirators. Note that this was just another in a long line of catastrophic “mistakes” Hitler made starting with the Dunkirk debacle where after the German tanks had 350,000 British troops and thousands of French trapped. This event would have secured victory on the continent for Germany but that could not be allowed to happen, so after giving a speech about how wonderful Britain was to his dumbstruck General staff, Hitler let the entire British army float back across the channel. I will not even begin to go into Hitler’s destruction of the German forces going into Russia, which would have normally been an easy victory if not for Hitler’s constant sabotage.