The Sea Level Saga in Kiribati
A short comment by Nils-Axel Mörner
Some people claim sea level is drastically rising in Kiribati. Much of this stems from boyscout contributions to the horror-scenario of a general flooding in the near future due to a global warming caused by man-made interference, in the form of CO2-emission.
Mr. Benson (in the photo) claims that he “stands on the ruins of the shore” in the 90s.

The ruins of a shore – yes; because what we see is the erosional rests of a beach-rock layer. It has nothing to do with a rise in sea level – just an effect of coastal erosion. Kiribati has a tide gauge record from 1993 – and it shows a stable sea level over 17 years (see below).

So, we can be quite confident that there is no rapid sea level rise going on in Kiribati.
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