The Rising Up Down Under: Wide-Scale Revolt Against COVID Tyranny
Australia is burning, literally. Last week anti-lockdown protesters set fire to the Old Parliament building in the capital of Canberra.
Meanwhile in Melbourne, the nerve center of Covid panic, a man protested vaccine insanity by dousing himself with gasoline and setting himself on fire.
You can be forgiven if you didn’t hear about any of this, because our own media has done its best to avoid reporting the full truth of what’s happening in the newly-reborn prison colony of Australia.
We aren’t afraid, though.
We’re joined in the video beow by Maria Zee, our on-the-ground correspondent in Australia:
See more here:
Header image: CNN
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very old white guy
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I don’t see any of their tormentors being dragged into the streets. Police lines have to be charged and removed. Freedom has to return, not just in Auzziland.
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There needs to be a lot more of it. We Aussies are a bit too docile but it’ll come to a crunch at some point.
Roslyn Ross
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Can we be specific. The protesters who set fire to old Parliament House were protesting for the Aboriginal industry and not for freedom from Covid fascism.
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Come on! How naïve do we think people are?
Agree with Roslyn Ross.
My reading: the ‘rumble’ article has next to zero, to do with excessive/unreasonable COVID restrictions – which I also DO NOT support.
Suggest this topic is being used/hijacked here – as a cover for the protesting (and arson attack) against an established government by the usual Marxist/socialist/Greens protesters. Further evidenced by the not uncommon, inappropriate support and comments of Indigenous Greens senator Lydia Thorpe… For example see article, on the protest and Lydia Thorpe’s, since deleted email, in the Daily Mail (Australia): PUBLISHED: 22:50 AEDT, 30 December 2021 | UPDATED: 02:26 AEDT, 31 December 2021.