The ‘Real Deal’ with Principia Scientific & Jim Fetzer
A lot has been happening in the world this past month and it was a great pleasure to join our friend, Jim Fetzer, in providing a round of some the news highlights from Principia Scientific International (PSI). Watch our video below.
Jim Fetzer’s ‘Real Deal’ helping expose the real stories behind the mainstream ‘news:’
Background Information
Crucially for us all during these tumultuous times is accessing reliable independent information on science, medically and technological issues impacting our daily lives. So sick are we of being told what to do by a self-serving, psychopathic ‘elite’ via a compliant mainstream media, that more of us are turning to alternative sources for news and information.
Coming to the fore has been Principia Scientific International, founded in 2011 to counter false directed narrative, agenda driven, faux science with proven, traditional applied science.
In January of 2022 the principles of PSI were invited to do a weekly, two hour podcast with TNT Radio. In January of 2023, John OSullivan and Joe Olson began a monthly video update with brief summary of recent events. This month we discussed the ongoing threat vectors in health, food, transportation and social cohesion. The food supply is being falsely attacked over Nitrous Oxide, a natural molecule created by lightning, splitting diatomic Oxygen, O2, which then combines with diatonic Nitrogen, N2 to form N2O, or another Oxygen molecule to form O3, Ozone. These are natural substances, and are beneficial for life on Earth.
TNT Radio Working with Principia Scientific International
On our Saturday, February 04 show, TNT guest, Dr Michelle Perro and hosts discussed the excellent 2015 World Net Daily article, “How Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark a Totalitarian Nightmare” by Lee Hieb, MD. Eight years later we are witnessing the hysteria and the nightmare.
Optical microscopes are limited to visible light in the 380 to 700 nanometer range. Viruses are approximately 20 nanometers and invisible until the invention of the electron microscope. The H1N1 virus was first identified in 1931. Any vaccine prior to this had no method of quality or quantity control.
The human DNA genome was finally qualified in 2003, and H1N1 in 2005. The 1918 Spanish Flu was a common, reoccurring H1N1 disease, made deadlier by war time protocol and medical abuse, just like the WuFlu of the last three years.
After provoking wars for a century and a quarter, the ruling warlords have kneecapped the west in a World War Three confrontation with Russia and China. The USA has been self-sufficient in material, manufacturing and manpower for two hundred years. Lead mining, on the Vibumum Trend ore vein has been continuous since 1719. In 2009, Obombie set about destroying the US coal industry.
In 2011 he set about to destroy the Lead industry. Lead and Zinc are mined and refined from the same ore. Lead is used to make bullets, Zinc is combined with Copper to produce brass, used for shell casings. This backhanded gun control effort now threatens ammunition production for national defense. Demonic warlords have stage set this final war, for the intentional destruction of western civilization. It is time to remove warlords from policy decisions.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Robert Beatty
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The basic problem is top-down government (tdg). Without (tdg) the elites have no exclusive platform.
The alternative is bottom-up government (bug). This has been successfully practiced in Switzerland for hundreds of years. Here everybody has an opportunity to be involved in all the critical decisions that the government makes. It is called direct democracy.
It is now up to each free nation to develop their own version of (bug). My view of the Australian option is at
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks, Bob. Wholeheartedly agree on ‘bug’ versus ‘tdg’
Tom Anderson
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As a thoroughgoing democrat myself, I would caution against accepting pure democracy too readily. Remember it killed Socrates. The key is protecting the rights of political minorities, all the way down to the single individual. Without it a dictatorship of the proletariat is waiting in the wings.
Robert Beatty
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As previously noted:
“In the case of the US, I think the best place to start would be to draft a new constitution document. I see a panel approach as being preferable. The panel of nine to include two recognised constitutional lawyers, a noted Swiss national, and six balanced personalities representing “we the people.” The aim would be to have the draft available for public discussion before the 2024 election.”
Some personalities who come to my mind are: Sidney Powell as one of the recognised lawyers, Roger Federer as the noted Swiss national, Mark Levin, and Lara Trump being two of the six representing “we the people”.
Any comment on proposed panel selection welcome.
Herb Rose
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Hi Robert,
As a citizen of the U.S. I am fed up with people being chosen to positions of influence for being celebrities or what they are (political correct) rather than who they are and their abilities. It is past time for governments to include competency as a qualification for positions.
Robert Beatty
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I agree Herb.
It will depend on how the ‘nomination’ and ‘recall’ provisions are drafted into the (bug) constitution document.
Tom Anderson
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The United States does not need a new constitution but only needs to restore the intent and mechanisms of the original.
A scan of what remains is much degraded, by amendment and judicial cowardice, from what was drafted and intended. The original was unprecedented in history – founded on principles of Judaeo-Christianity and the Scottish-English Enlightenment, it erected government entirely on the “unalienable” sanctity of each individual’s life and the right to live it unimpeded by “superiors.”
There hasn’t been any improvement on those prescriptions