The Psychology of Conspiracy Deniers
This is a good discussion following up on the “midwits” concept. The 120IQ midwit crowd will be the most enslaved people of all history and all time. At 120IQ the powers that be have found a solution for complete, utter, total, and permanent enslavement.
Lower IQ people have both the intuition to detect and higher testosterone levels to rebel against slavery, while higher IQ people have the capacity to perceive invisible walls around them and to scheme liberation from them.
At 120IQ you have the perfect Idiocracy, the perfect population of low testosterone betas with no connection to intuition and also no connection to higher intelligence. These are the people who ask for sources and peer-review in regards to whether certain questions can be asked or not.
These are the most pointless people in the universe and could just as well be replaced by poorly-written AI software systems without making a difference to humanity at all. They exist solely to be extracted from, solely to be ruled, solely to be slaves. They are the last-man Ignavi perfected.
They are a testament to the ridiculousness of human existence, a universal mockery to the idea that humanity deserves anything other than total dissolution, or enslavement, or is capable of anything higher. If humans can become Gods then the 120IQ midwit crowd makes a mockery of what it must mean to be a human-turned-God.
The galaxies rotating, the solar systems spinning, the stars burning and bursting, the vast and incomprehensibly magnificent intergalactic voids…what a joke all these things become, what a Clown Show it all is, what a Clown Universe scheme have we here, when one contemplates the 120IQ PhD Professors of science midwit crowd that makes up human academia.
The whole place…the universe that is…becomes revolting and disgusting – this apparent magnificence and profundity of the scale of the astronomical cosmos is in fact its opposite: it is all an infinite mockery of human existence for their 120IQ midwit crowd of tenured university academics.
Because how can a person look at this and not see what it is both on its face and in its details:
How can a person look at that and not see that it is a flat Earth with sunshine too cold to create the climate or weather or any warmth on the planet Earth at all? How can a person not see it? And if they do see it, then how can they not comprehend that it is relevant and important? That it is consequential? That is has meaning? That is says things, and states things? That is says things and states things which can be evaluated, rather than simply accepted because “an expert” said it was so?
It is the 120IQ midwits who blindly accept it, who cannot comprehend it, who cannot evaluate it, who cannot imagine that there is any meaning within it at all…other than the meaning of accepting that it is so.
Whoever pulled this off…has made a remarkable statement. Whoever owns this has achieved something in itself worthy of whatever their aims were with it. It is the most remarkable thing which has ever occurred in the historical intellectual tradition: the insertion of blatant flat Earth theory and its attendant irrational consequences into the heart of modern science, celebrated and defended by the academia as the most important contribution to politics which science has ever produced.
Please post any questions for Joe Postma at
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Wow. When I clicked on the article I thought it might be an intelligent discussion about why so many people can’t accept that conspiracies really exist. Instead, this drivel. How disappointing.
Tom O
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I have to agree with you. I was expecting something that I certainly did not get. And I was doubly impressed with the setting. C- to D+ for this one as I give it having some value, but I find it disconnected from the written portion of the article as well.
Zoe Phin
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As acurate as this post is, I’m kinda jealous Postma gets his site manually scanned for updates.
I wasn’t going to say anything, but …
Are not any of my numerous blog posts worth getting a PSI post?
Does anyone care that Zoe figured out something REALLY important?
Does anyone realize my geothermal arguments are way better than the competition?
Who disagrees that this is one of the most important climate science article ever written?:
John O'Sullivan
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Zoe, I never ‘manually scan’ JP’s website for posts but get automatic updates and we selectively post only those relevant to PSI. We value your insightful contribution to open scientific debate. Please do look to upgrade your site to include social media apps, notifications, etc. because I’m so busy that much good material can get overlooked which we would otherwise want to share with our 500,000+ readers.FYI we just posted 2 of your excellent articles.
Zoe Phin
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You still didn’t subsribe to my site’s wordpress feed or email.
Thank you very much, John! ?
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OMG where do I begin…
A conspiracy (theory) starts the minute the “official” story makes no sense, in case of 9/11 all the redacted lines in the “official” reports, in case of Malaysian flight MH17 by letting initially Malaysia out of the JIT and Ukraine in, in case of WWII – the winner(s) write history and therefor we should completely ignore what really happened. Dumbest video I have seen in years. Give me back those 15 minutes.