The Ocean Is Deeper Than You Think. We Need Better Maps.

Our maps of the ocean are surprisingly bad! On Google Maps it looks like we know so much… but we know less about the ocean floor than we do the surface of Mars.

And that’s a big problem, because we are using the ocean all the time: We’re laying internet cables across it, we fight wars in it, we search it during a crisis – like the imploded OceanGate Titan submersible or the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. 71% of the surface of the Earth is water!

And yet we have a surprisingly limited view of what’s below it. But that’s also understandable. Because cartographically speaking, water sucks. For Mars or Earth’s surface, we can take pictures. But light doesn’t get to the ocean floor, so we need other ways to see it.

The good news is, we’re developing that tech right now, and an international group called Seabed 2030 is working to piece together a better map. There is a terrifying, incredible, alien world on our own planet, and we’re FINALLY using technology to see it more clearly.

Source: YouTube

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Comments (16)

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    A significant reason the ocean surface rises over underwater mountain ranges or lowers over sudden deeper water is because of oceanic rivers. (currents)

    An ocean with no currents would have less undulation.


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      Also, the enormous pressures at significant depths is a huge challenge. Space is easy, there is only a 14-15psi differential. At 4k depth, water pressure is over 5,800psi .. the bottom of the Mariana Trench the pressure is around 16,000psi .. that is some huge force!!


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    Herb Rose


    If we can’t go there why do we need maps?


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi MattH,

    For some time I have pondered: Have you ever read “No Latitude For Error” by Sir Edmund Hillary?

    Have a good day


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      No, I am afraid of heights.


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        Jerry Krause


        When you wrote “No” to my question–Did you read his book?–that was to which I was referring. I still do not know if you have.

        Have a good day


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          No means no.
          Growing up, my parent’s had another of Ed’s books, Nothing Venture Nothing Win, which I also have not read.


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            Jerry Krause


            Hi MattH,

            Thank you for the alert about Ed’s 1975 book. I will try to get an inexpensive used copy and read it for I learn much from reading what people of SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS have done and thought.

            You have now confirmed that what I wrote about you was correct. I add that when one doesn’t read books one is being very LAZY and self-centered.

            Have a good day

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi MattH,

      So, you seem comfortable with your state of ignorance about what a fellow New Zealander did beside climb Mt Everest.

      Have a good day


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        To suggest I am ignorant of Hilary is a statement of ignorance.

        Every body knows Sir Ed went to the south pole using a modified Fergie 28 tractor;
        That his first wife and daughter died in a plane crash in Nepal;
        That he initiated and did the heavy lifting building a number of schools and hospitals in Nepal.
        We only had one TV channel in NZ in those days so we all followed his work through news broadcasts and funding to enable Ed’s work was supported nationwide. Even little school kids fundraising for our hero/legend.

        Never underestimate a humble bee keeper.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi MattH,

        Please reply to my comment of October 15, 2023 at 2:36 pm.

        Have a good day


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      Jerry is like some weird internet


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi MC,

      If I knew what an “internet” was I might agree with you. For this morning my world is being turned upside down. Hopefully, MattH will respond and set me straight.

      Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Herb and others,

    Herb asked: “If we can’t go there why do we need maps?” ‘Others’ because I am certain that I remember an account of an astronaut who descended to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in a bathysphere; but now cannot find any reference to it. Please help me.

    Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Readers,

    The Ocean Is Deeper Than You Think. We Need Better Maps. Published on October 14, 2023 Written by Cleo Abram. After this Cleo wrote 14 lines of text.

    The text was merely a promotional, piece to get one to watch a video. As do many PSI articles these day. To me the text was not especially dramatic (emotional) as was Cleo as she narrated her video.

    And there was no reference to Admiral Rickover’s nuclear submarines. I have a cousin my age who was one Rickover’s nuclear engineers who spent months under the surface of the oceans trying to keep track of similar Russian nuclear submarines also armed with nuclear missiles as they played ‘hide and seek’.

    As mentioned in the video, we have detailed maps of the earth surface but I do not read they are much used to predict weather. The satellites can look down and see where thunder-storms are occurring and moving but they are unable to predict where and when the very destructive tornados and short lived storms might occur. Ground based radar is the best tool to do this.

    And if one washed the video to its end there was a single word which described the real purpose of the video. This word was “Subscribe”.

    Have a good day


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