“The Nurses Became the Paid Assassins” Kate Shemirani Blasts Doctors & Nurses Complicit in Murder

In this video, Kate Shemirani breaks down how nurses have become paid assassins as 9.9 million milligrams of midazolam was ordered by Matt Hancock and used within a few months.

The entirety of the order was used in the first few months of the pandemic which happened to be the same time period that the majority of the deaths occurred.

Most of these deaths came in the form of the elderly and those “at risk” and nurses became paid assassins to kill the people who trusted them with their care. It might come as a shock to some that these people were executed, given injections even when they were unconscious and unable to consent.

Shemirani points out to doctors and nurses that if they are hastening a death that is euthanasia which is illegal in the UK. When the time comes that people look for someone to blame, their anger is going to turn to doctors and nurses who had the power to say no and didn’t, the same doctors and nurses who committed murder to keep their jobs.

Source: Bitchute 

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    The heroes? I guess regarding the shots, it depends on whether they were enlightened as to the truth of what they were injecting or not. The do not resuscitate orders thing seems a bit more clear cut.


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    nice post


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