The ‘No Virus’ Doctors: Why Are We Doing This?

For far too long, it’s been the “freedom community” with the “no-virus” stance, positioned against the “pro-virus” community.  There have been endless videos, Instagram posts, tweets, name-calling, and “de-bunking”.

It’s time that we – recognized leaders of the “no-virus” team – restate why we remain committed to this growing worldwide movement. 

For us, the reason is straightforward…it’s to experience a new concept of life, biology, and health, that is rooted in truth and freedom.

Click play on the video above to learn more about why we continue on – despite the higher levels of conflict amongst our positions.

PSI Editor’s Comment:

At Principia Scientific International (PSI) we heartily share the core foundation position of the above doctors and retain the fundamental belief that the traditional scientific method requires our relentless demand for empirical proofs to substantiate any hypothesis.

For both the claim that carbon dioxide (CO2) is proven to be our climate’s control knob and that viruses  have been proven to exist as deadly pathogens there is much debate and disagreement among the scientific community.

For 13 years PSI has steadfastly shown that there is no compelling scientific evidence that human emissions of CO2 cause ‘catastrophic’ global warming. Applied science can show not one iota of empirical proof that CO2 traps heat or delays heating – quite the contrary CO2 is a superb cooling gas and has been used as such in industrial refrigeration for over 100 years.

Likewise, PSI has published extensive evidence to demonstrate that no empirical proofs exist to verify than the alleged COVID 19 virus was the cause of the recent global pandemic,  despite consensus claims to the contrary.

We have set out our position on both of the above in the following books:

Slaying the Sky Dragon

Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon

We urge all open-minded thinkers to consider such evidence and form your own opinion based on facts not consensus.    John O’Sullivan CEO Principia Scientific International

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Defend The Scientific Method

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 


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    Colin Edge


    “Rise of the Shill” by Colin Edge (Ret: UK Police Inspector)

    Isolation and Categorisation of viruses

    The PCR test for Covid – 19 was created by the Drosten Institute in Germany. The World Health Organisation (WHO), authorised the Drosten test for global usage as a diagnostic tool. The finished sequence was shared globally so that the PCR tests could be replicated by other companies involved in pandemic diagnostics. So, you may ask – what is the problem with this?

    The Drosten research paper admits the following in their approach to creating their PCR test. Phrases in their paper read, “without having virus material available” and “as virus isolates are unavailable.”

    They had no isolated virus to work from. No categorised sequencing had been completed on any virus material. They used instead computer modelling to create a fictional construct using other virus datasets of genome sequences. The computer samples they used for this purpose were from other virus samples that were never sourced from actual isolated and categorised viruses from nature. They believed that the SARS -CoV-2 virus shared the same RNA sequences as SARS coronavirus. The problem with this approach was that the SARS virus had never been isolated or categorised from a sample in nature either. It was an ‘in sillico’ computer generated fantasy construct, created from samples that were not isolated viruses.

    This fact is admitted to in the following paper: (Drosten et al. Diagnostic detection of 2019 -nCoV by real-time PCR; 1-13.) The paper states: “We used known SARS and Sars – related coronaviruses (bat viruses from our own studies as well as literature sources) to generate a non-redundant alignment. We designed candidate diagnostic RT PCR assays before release of the first sequence of 2019-nCoV).

    By stringing fragments of nucleic acid strands together and saying this is what the virus looks like is an absurdity, abhorrent and utter disgrace to anyone with an ounce of integrity.

    Dr Stefan Lanka states that nobody has ever isolated any alleged pathogenic virus. Isolating means separating it from other genetic material. No virus has even been seen in blood samples, saliva samples or tissue. Dr Lanka states that electron microscopes have never seen a virus in any body fluid sample. In contrast, bacteria has been isolated, observed and categorised. The belief remains that if a patient has believed infectious disease and bacteria cannot be observed, then a virus must be the poison.

    “The greatest derangement of the mind is to believe in something because one wishes it to be. The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.” Louis Pasteur (French chemist and microbiologist, 1822-1895).

    Colin Edge

    (Ret: UK Police Inspector)

    ‘Rise of the Shill’ (Rupturing the shackles of chimeric virus theory) Estimated publication 12 -18 months.


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    So Kary Mullis is officially dead.


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