The narrative collapses? It’s all coming to a head – and heads may roll
The narrative collapse is currently in full swing, and, as the deadline issued to GPs for issuing booster doses was tomorrow (31st January), I think we can expect some major, paradigm-shattering revelations come February.
Already, the mainstream press is starting to vigorously flip the narrative on its head, with The Express warning about vaccine-induced heart failure, The Mail issuing heavy criticism of the government’s “unethical, totalitarian”, propaganda scare tactics, and even Piers bl**dy Morgan praising the joys of going mask-free.
This is just a small sample of the theatrical sea-change currently underway on the world stage, and – whilst I’m hugely pleased and relieved the derangement of the last two years is set to be revealed (I’ll never forget the moment I knew true mass madness had set in, the occasion when, in March 2020, a complete stranger barked at me to “sing happy birthday twice” whilst I was washing my hands) – I feel considerable apprehension and anxiety, too, because, while “we were right”, and will be vindicated as right, a much larger concentration of the population was wrong – severely, horrifyingly, lethally wrong.
And when that realisation fully dawns on them, I can’t quite comprehend what the social and political consequences are going to be.
I do think there will be a lot of “sacrificial lambs”, e.g., notable public figures who will be seen to be exposed and punished to appease the seething, baying mob of the bitterly betrayed public – either because these figures (Boris, Whitty, et al) have served their purpose and the ruling classes no longer need them and so will be happy to throw them under the bus, or (more likely, in my view) because the whole “exposed and brought to justice” thing will just be another fake and hoax; a ruse staged by actors (always keep in mind the inextricable crossover between politics and showbusiness, and just how many politicians and media talking heads have acting credentials on their CVs).
The reason this causes me some considerable trepidation is two-fold: first of all, I am profoundly worried about the mental health of those who were deceived, and what the psychological consequences will be for them as they are confronted with the truth in a way that they can’t dismiss, ridicule, or deny. It’s extremely difficult for any of us to admit we were duped, because it’s such a huge threat to our self-perception and our ego.
As Mark Twain so astutely observed, it’s much easier to dupe someone in the first place, than to convince them thereafter that they’ve been deceived.
That’s why the “normies” are so absolutely impervious to any amount of evidence that their beliefs are wrong, but, when it comes to the point that all the mainstream channels, all politicians, scientists, doctors, and media talking heads, converge on a narrative-flip and confirm everyone’s been duped – well, denial won’t be an option any more, for anyone, and I don’t know how the collective national psyche is going to process that, because such a monumental, horrifying act of deception has never, to my knowledge, been perpetrated on a people before.
My sincere hope is that most people are able to remain in a state of relative calm. I know that’s asking a gargantuan amount of them, but anything else is just playing into “elite” hands, since what the ruling classes want is mass mayhem. They want riots and violence and all the rest of it, because they want our society torn to the ground so they can “build back better”. Ordo ab chao (order our of chaos), as is their motto. That’s why they’ve set this whole dark pantomime up, and why they are revealing it now.
So if you’re in the position where the awful truth is starting to dawn on you, then, as much as I extend my heartfelt sympathies towards you for all the anger and rage you must justifiably feel, please don’t give the puppet masters perennially trying to jerk our strings what they want. Please do what you can to process the truth (including looking into ways to reverse the effects of the injection), and then start to strategise ways you can fight back that are in our interests, not “theirs”.
Networking with like-minded people and forming real-world communities is critical in this, and Stand in the Park is a great initiative for finding like-minded people near you, as are various pro-freedom movements, such as the Freedom Alliance political party, which regularly organises real-world events (even if you’re not into the voting side of things, joining a political party has historically always been an excellent way of networking and organising with those who think like you).
What the overlords want is mindless, violent, disorganised rage, so we must strive to ensure we behave in exactly the opposite fashion, remaining calm and in control of ourselves, and ensuring how we react to “the great reveal” doesn’t help expedite the ultimate goal of “the great reset”.
Which leads on to my subsequent concern, which is, not for the shortly-to-awaken, but for the already awake, who have known all the while that this was a scam. We have been relentlessly pilloried, mocked, ridiculed, attacked, and worse, with many jobs, relationships, and families left in tatters or lost forever.
So, obviously, when it is revealed that we were right all along, the overwhelming rush of vindication is going to be intense, and, in many ways, amazing – and therefore dangerous. As they say, a football team is at its most vulnerable when it has just scored a goal.
So – as challenging as this will certainly be – I think we’ve got to work really hard to remain relatively dispassionate as “all is revealed”, and not get too sucked into the media pantomime of dramatic exposes and grand revelations.
Remember, this is all just another pre-scripted act on the world stage, and – although we absolutely should feel vindicated in our abilities to accurately recognise and resist murderous government psy-ops – it is not a straightforward “victory”. Rather, it’s just another strategic chess move on the part of the global games-masters.
So I’m not saying don’t be vindicated – absolutely do be. I’m simply reiterating the age-old wisdom necessary to preserve freedom – eternal vigilance, including and especially in the light of an apparent victory.
They’ve played their latest move. Now it’s our turn.
See more here:
Header image: NBC News
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Jurg Gassmann
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Do not forget the small villains of this system, note the names, so that none escape! After all these abominations, they should not be able to turn their coats at the last minute and pretend that nothing happened!
Sophie Scholl, Leaflet IV
Jerry D
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As this article points out, the ‘victories’ are just another set of moves. As Churchill once said: “This is not the beginning of the end. But maybe the end of the beginning.”
Whilst the people who took away our rights still have the power to do so, we are always going to be in danger of it happening again.
Jerry D
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most of my “friends” (church, etc., including my husband) are not awake. they will be shaken. my daughter and a few FB friends have been awake this whole time. most people fell for the hype.
Andrew Pilkington
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You must be gutted, Paula. Going out of your bloody mind with frustration and feeling untrusted, by people you though better of.
But, you’re not alone, Missus. I can promise you that.
They don’t know what they’ve done or, what they are doing to you, or themselves. I sometimes envy their ignorance, but things are set to get pretty ugly for the injected and it’ll all be our fault of course, so Stay Strong and all the very best. x
Walter White
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It’s nice that this article is wishful in it’s theme. But let us not forget that unfortunately there are two massive problems that prevent this narrative from collapsing:
Problem one – The entire world is owned and controlled by an International cabal of Satan serving scumbag trillionaires who own the world’s monetary systems and central banks. Thus they create money out of thin air and literally now own all governments, all media, the medical system, education, the courts, think tanks, industry, music, art, movies, TV……..EVERYTHING. They want a world with about 500 million slaves at their service run by a centralized one world order. Thus they have created the Covid scamdemic out of thin air just like they do with money. They will never stop the lying, killing, masking, and 24/7/365 tyranny ever until they reach their goals.
Problem two- The world is now inhabited by the most cowardly, indoctrinated, obedient, mindless sheep like “people” that have ever drawn breath. Simply incapable of fighting back, critical thinking, taking action, organizing, seeing the lies or doing anything accept lining up for never ending jabs, dutifully wearing their submission masks like good little owned bitches, and endlessly taking it up the ass by their demonic owner and controllers.
So you see humanity is pretty much done as the world has known it. Too much politeness, political correctness, unwillingness to go against the grain and full blown cowardice mixed with such trained monkey mindlessness that frankly there is no hope for most.
Death and suffering is already here and is going off the charts. But the owned media never even mentions any of it. Canada has a Truck blockade going strong, yet most people don’t even know because it is not televised and the sheep have lost their ability to think for themselves.
When you mix unlimited evil cabal who have captured this realm and have built it into a prison with the most ignorant, cowardly, lazy, obese, mindless, clueless, docile sheep the world has ever seen only one thing results: GENOCIDE. Game over.
Andrew Pilkington
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My god, Walter. Very Powerful and sadly deadly accurate too.
There are more of us, but we are vastly outnumbered.
We may be able to win in pockets, but unless this Realm is Completely wiped free of ALL the Parasites and ALL their Minions, we will ALWAYS be under attack from them.
That said, if the right card is taken out from the bottom of their House of Cards, down it comes.
The 500M Slaves will be their GMO’d Survivors initially, but it’s the Hybrid Baby generation they really want.
They are injecting “Body Snatcher” Nanotech, which takes things to a whole new insidious level of Pure Evil.
Still, they can go to Hell, sooner rather than later for my liking. I’ve no intention of conceding to the bastards 🙂
All the very best, Walter. You are a True Realist, pal 🙂
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India is reporting that the Wuhan lab is worried about a new virus NeoCov reportedly a mix of SARS and MERS with a much higher mortality rate than Convid 19. It might be true or a cover for when they turn up 5G. This isn’t over.
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As I write this, some Australian states continue to build their “Covid Camps”. So I doubt this is over by a long shot and they have deep plans, or they’re too involved in their own hubris and can’t see what’s coming.
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“some Australian states continue to build their “Covid Camps”, yeah? I’ve walked on and driven on Australian states but never seen a state in a restaurant or in school or any where other than being terrain. I suppose you mean state governments, well why can’t you write that? There are no actual state governments in the fictitiously name continent “Australia” they are all foreign registered corporations. Australia actually exists on Norfolk Island, no where else, where “the First Fleet” first sailed to and set up the Commonwealth of Australia there and then invaded Tera Australis. Captain Cook found Norfolk Island uninhabited so he notified the Admiralty upon his return to London, that’s the City of London, who then sent the First Fleet there and occupied it and, again, set up The Commonwealth of Australia Corp which is a registered corp in Washington DC!
Look, get your facts straight before making unsubstantiated claims, please! See here, under definitions;
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DARPA admits HCQ and Ivermectin are effective treatments aganist Covid. However doctors in US had their medical license revoked for “spreading Covid misinformation” and treating patients with Ivermectin. Doctors who go aganist the narrative are under investigation for daring to speak out against the Biden Regime and for daring to question Big Pharma. They want to block every way possible to reach people for cheap and alternative treatments. You can get your ivm by visiting
Dr Melinda. R.
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I just told my licensing board to eff off. I used the French spelling.
I am going to sue them out of existence.
According to Black’s Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition, page 1110: License , “In Constitutional Law, and in the Law of Contracts, A permission, accorded by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal, or would be a trespass or a tort.
The act must FIRST be illegal!
For instance, owning wild tigers is illegal. They could issue a license for that activity.
But BOARDS do not have the authority to issue medical licenses.
They are operating illegally.
Take their circular logic to it’s ultimate conclusion. They could make breathing illegal in order to sell you a license to breathe.
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“I am profoundly worried about the mental health of those who were deceived…” yeah, right, blame another imagined force that held a gun to their heads not. I suppose home buyers and new car buyers are deceived too. Too late to worry, should have got to them before they rushed to get the jab, but even you couldn’t have stopped them! I think I heard your Mum calling you for tea, better get going before it gets cold!