The Lies We Were Told About Covid And The ‘Vaccines’

Almost nothing Australians were told about COVID or the COVID “vaccines” has been true

Virtually everything we were told were absolute and intentional lies.

The government embarked on a massive misinformation and disinformation campaign aided by incompetent “health experts”.

It has cost us dearly. But it gets worse.

There have been no apologies, no changing course and no real empathy for those who died or have been seriously injured.

Claims of millions of lives saved is a myth based on outrageous and inappropriate modelling assumptions by people who have a history of abysmal predictions, yet this lie is repeated over and over without any scientific data.

Last night on Channel 7 the misinformation campaign continued. Outrageous claims of safety and efficacy for the injections continued to be made by industry spruikers.

We know them. They have wilfully ignored the scientific and clinical data that has emerged over the last 3 years. They have ignored the misery caused by the mistakes of ignorant politicians and bureaucrats supporting them who care more about their jobs than the lives of Australians.

While I was gratified to see that there was some discussion of personal Covid “vaccine” injuries, the two clinicians who made unsupported positive claims about the injections were not able to be properly challenged because there was no opposing scientific or clinical voice on the panel.

Most convenient for Channel 7 if you wanted to avoid any proper debate and provide useful information upon which to avoid the mistakes of the past. The mainstream news media has let us down badly and this television production is a good example of why fewer people now trust them.

It is sad because our democracy and our safety depends on a trustworthy and honest media.

Given the unhelpful panel discussion on Channel 7 last night, I would like to remind my readers of the most informative and important conference on COVID and the COVID “vaccines” held in Australia – that was the COVID REVISITED CONFERENCE held at Sydney Library on 2 April.

was proud to be part of this conference. You can watch the entire conference by CLICKING HERE.

You can also download a copy of the conference papers by CLICKING HERE.

They want us to forget the Covid mistakes they made and move on.

We won’t move on. Things must change.

See more here

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Bold emphasis added

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (9)

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    Lemme know when you hear big pharma or the government telling the truth.


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    Nothing about picornaviruses?


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    Greg Spinolae


    Thank you Saeed. We have heard you say this many times – and not just about Australia. Once again, the same lies were (and still are) orchestrated (by whom?) simultaneously across multiple countries. Saeed Q et al have been the earliest in alerting us all to the thesis – “Almost EVERYTHING was a LIE”.


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      Saeed Qureshi


      Hi Greg:
      Thank you very much for your kind words. Such words are like fresh air for me, as I often do not hear such kind words. I hope others also recognize my work and view it as helpful in bringing (actual) science back into addressing real-life issues, particularly the health area.


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        I rarely say much to people whose posts I read but I agree with Greg. You have provided valuable information to laymen like myself. I saw through the lies the day that they were talking about a pandemic and no one was getting sick where I live. As an old man who refused the shots and remained healthy, people were dismissive of my attitude and information I was compiling from many sources, yours being one of them. Keep it up.


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          Saeed Qureshi


          Hello VOWG:
          Thank you so much. It is humbling and greatly appreciated. I am trying to “keep it up.” I hope and pray that my views/expertise will be understood and followed.


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      Who, the 100 families that rule the world….hint, one of them is the Rothschilds. They practice Judaism ( or the Elohim worship cult )


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    Control of the media is a central pillar of the mass deception required to create and sustain the covid-19 fraud and democide on such a vast scale.

    Its the same here in the UK. You cannot have a scientific fact based debate on any topic that dissents from the official narrative.

    Until we find a remedy to the mass psychosis induced by the propagandist media the narrative and our future will not change.

    So what is the solution? I have an open mind but know one may never appear….


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