The History of Population Control is Important

Reducing global population has been a consistent goal of the ruling class for centuries.

While many support the abstract idea of population control, no one wants to volunteer to be the ones who are culled.  The business of population control has hence been a very messy subject.

When the COVID vaccine program began, I—and likely many others—suspected the COVID vaccines would have an “unexpected” side effect of reducing fertility.  Early in their development, Mike Yeadon (and others) at great personal risk publicly warned regulators of a clear fertility danger inherent to the vaccine (found in section IX of their petition).

Subsequent regulatory document leaks from the European FDA revealed Pfizer exempted themselves from testing the key areas of concern (infertility, autoimmunity and cancer) in animals. This highly unusual moved further suggested serious problems existed in these three areas (as you can’t find something if you don’t test for it).

Despite repeated denials, signs of each of these key complications from the vaccine have now emerged. While I do not have every piece of the puzzle—there are likely many “population control initiatives” I’ve never heard of—I know enough to paint a clear picture of this dirty business.

The first half of this two-part article will lay out the historical precedent of using any means necessary to reduce the population, while the second part will examine how this has been attempted with vaccinations.

Beliefs of Population Control

As best as I can tell, there are three overlapping schools of thought that have created the zealous belief in a need for population control.

Many governments, especially those in the East, have adopted the viewpoint that periodic wars are necessary for the stability of the society.  This viewpoint primarily arises from social instability caused by too many young adult males in the state coupled with the issues that occur when there is insufficient food available to the population. In turn, many wars have been fought specifically for this reason. (I am most familiar with this being a common theme in China, as they have observed over the centuries the one thing that will create rebellions are famines.)

Following World War 2, the Western ruling elite came to a consensus that the war approach was no longer tenable due to the extreme collateral infrastructure and environmental damage modern weaponry (ie. nukes) created. There are only two exceptions to this rule:

Wars in third-world countries lacking modern weaponry, where collateral damage was inconsequential to first-world countries

Talks that occurred within the Chinese military leadership, but have so far not materialized, over starting a war with India so both countries could mutually alleviate their challenging population burden. For context, China has attempted population control with their “one-child” policy, but it has been met with mixed success and widespread social resistance.

The alternative to war is a multipronged attack that seeks every possible avenue to reduce fertility and accelerate aging, which many argue is the more humane option of the two.  One of the curious facts I have observed over the decades is how frequently an odd policy or environmental agent always seems to converge on the common pathway of reducing population.  Once or twice, you can write it up as a coincidence, but at a certain point, you have to wonder if it is all intentional.

When I studied the early history of infectious diseases (discussed in my previous articles on smallpox), one of the most striking things to me was the absolute squalor the serfs were forced into as the feudal lords kicked them off the land to live in the early cities.  It was much worse than most people of this modern era can even conceive of.

When I first learned of this, I guessed this must have been viewed as a necessary trade off by the European rulership to support the Industrial Revolution, which was vital for national development.  After I learned about the Malthusian philosophy, I realized the abhorrent living situations was likely the goal in of itself.

In 1798, Rev. Thomas R Malthus published the influential work An Essay on the Principle of Population, which argued that human populations tend to increase at a geometrical (exponential) rate, but the means of subsistence (food) grows at only an arithmetic (linear) rate.

The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man,” according to Malthus, who therefore believed the standard of living of the masses could not be improved without the checks of war, famine, or disease. In their absence, population would increase by a geometric rate and lead to a catastrophic “Malthusian” food supply collapse.

While there are numerous errors in his theory, Malthus was appointed to multiple important positions, and his ideas appear to have gradually become a prevailing conviction among members of the ruling classes in the 19th century. These ideas also influenced other key figures, such as Charles Darwin as he created his theory of evolution and natural selection.

Numerous groups were founded over the decades, which emphasized birth control and increasing mortality of the poor.  These groups included Dr. George Drysdale’s Elements of Social Science in 1854, the Malthusian League in 1877, and Margret Sanger’s National Birth Control League in 1915, which became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.  Initially these groups were domestic, but gradually they became global where they tied international aid and development to population control measures.

The Malthusian and Darwinian ideals gradually gave birth to Social Darwinism and Eugenics, which were widely adopted by the ruling elite. Social Darwinism argued that class divisions were the will of nature and that this form of natural selection, rather than being evil, was necessary. The most extreme version of this ideology, eugenics, appears to have arisen from two key factors:

1. The tribal nature of human beings and the tendency to view all other tribes as inferior (the ruling class felt this way towards the poor).

2. The advances of society were making it possible for many of the weaker members of society, who previously would have died off, to survive long enough to reproduce and, over time, significantly weaken the gene pool.

Eugenics in turn advocated preventing those who were less “fit” from breeding. This has been responsible for horror upon horror since its inception, and it provided the theoretical foundation for why, among other things, the Nazis forcibly sterilized the mentally ill. In many cases, programs with more immediate results were also implemented. While most are aware of the millions executed by Hitler, other dictators such as Pol-Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong arguably did even worse.

A lead researcher in this field coined the term “democide” and estimates these governments executed approximately 150 million people in the previous century. When the Nazis eventually were tried at Nuremberg for their crimes against humanity, few know that that many cited the fact similar actions were first conducted by the “Great United States” in their defense.

For example, consider one of the more problematic Supreme Court rulings, Jacobson vs. Massachusetts.  It held that Jacobson, who having previously suffered a severe adverse reaction from a smallpox vaccine which led him to contest Massachusetts’ smallpox booster mandate, did not have the right to refuse forced vaccination.

Following this ruling, Virginia passed a law authorizing the involuntary sterilization of people the deemed to be “feeble-minded,” or mentally ill.  Citing Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, a Supreme Court Justice wrote: “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.”  By 1930, dozens of states were forcing women to undergo involuntary sterilization, and more than 60,000 American women were sterilized by the government against their will.

While books could be written on the horrors of eugenics, the key point to remember is that the discipline never disappeared and has enjoyed sustained support from the upper class.  Did you know that the creators of the dangerous AstraZeneca COVID vaccine—which has been promoted as the vaccine of choice for the third world—have extensive ties to major eugenics organizationsI wish I was making this up.

One of the major shifts that has appeared within these movements has been who they target. Until recently, they seemed to be racist against specific sets of people, primarily those of color. Planned Parenthood’s founder, for example, wanted to reduce the black birth rate, but many were far worse. Eugenics was also conducted by whites against other whites, however it typically was due to class differences or perceived genetic quality rather than race (the only exception I can think of was the British Empire towards the Irish).

This all seems to have shifted recently to where the healthy and affluent white members of society are now being targeted too.  As this is a new change, much of the western population has been caught off guard, and there has been a much higher COVID vaccination uptake in whites than other races who remember being targeted by their government.

Governmental Planning for Population Control

Numerous documents and conferences (a few of which will be discussed) suggest population control has also been a priority for both national governments and international governments. The infamous 1966 Iron Mountain Report is the most well-known example, and while it echoes many of the themes laid out in this article, there are serious questions regarding its authenticity.

As such, I do not feel it is appropriate to discuss in detail, but I will note that it contained the argument that the need for war could be replaced by having the population gradually only become able to reproduce through artificial fertilization.  This is a theme echoed in many other places, such as Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World.

While it is difficult to estimate precisely, the use of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) has steadily increased and is expected to continue to do so: the CDC estimates its use has “more than doubled” in the last decade.  I have also heard numerous reports that since the vaccines have launched, COVID has significantly increased the need for and difficulty of IVF (that being said, at this time I could not locate data directly supporting this contention).

For those interested in medicine’s monopolization of the pregnancy process and the tragic harm it creates, The Business of Being Born (which can be viewed online) and Robert S. Mendelsohn’s writings on the subject are two of the best resources I’ve found on the subject.

National Security Study Memorandum 200 is the most well-known authentic government document advancing a systematic population control agenda.  Written in 1974 by Kissinger during Nixon’s presidency (and unclassified decades later), it identified thirdworld population growth as a critical national security issue for the United States and outlined a variety of steps to combat it.

Population control has also been discussed within the public media. The 9/4/94 Associated Press article “Compromise near on Population Control Plan” stated:

“On the eve of the opening of the United Nations Population Conference in Cairo, a U. S. official said that a compromise on the sensitive issues of abortion and birth control was “very close.”

During three preparatory conferences, delegates from 170 countries agreed on more than 90 percent of the plan for controlling population.”

The confidential Cobden Club Memo Mandate for Reduction of Existing World Population is a now accessible document allegedly presented to a group of international representatives shortly before the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, which focused on managing the consequences of overpopulation.

This memo referenced many other projects for population reduction, stressed the urgency of globally implementing population reduction, and advocated having each member of the UN security council (the primary military powers) force the rest of the world into submission to this agenda.

While the actual summit occurred (this is where Agenda 21 was formulated), like the Report from Iron Mountain and many other documents in this genre, I am ultimately unsure if this document is authentic, which is part of what makes researching these subjects so challenging.

Mechanisms of Population Control

As best as I can tell, population control measures typically follow one of three approaches:

  1. Create social changes that discourage having children.
  2. Introduce an environmental factor that decreases male testosterone and sperm viability.
  3. Directly sterilize (or give birth control to) women of childbearing age.

Social Approaches:

The first approach is a politically touchy subject. I will cite a few quick examples:

  • Second Wave Feminism transitioned a significant portion of the population from raising families at home to a sterile existence working outside the home. Second Wave Feminism was essential for our country and corrected many serious injustices towards women, but there is also some evidence to suggest the movement was hijacked to help the upper class by removing women from a motherly role and doubling the workforce. For example a pioneer of this movement, Gloria Steinem who strongly discouraged being a housewife, was also a CIA operative.
  • The societal messages around dating have been shifted from romantic bonding (which produces children) to a hookup culture without intimacy.
  • Women are strongly encouraged to pursue a career before having children or a family, which frequently results in them missing the opportunity to do so.
  • Previously rare sexual pairings that either cannot or are unlikely to produce children are actively encouraged by the media and corporatocracy.
  • Alternatives to relationships, such as computer or video addictions, are strongly encouraged in society.
  • Economically, it has become more and more difficult for individuals to afford to have children.
  • Having children is labeled as environmentally destructive and hence strongly discouraged.
  • Having children is now characterized as a major obstacle to spiritual growth and self-development.
  • The widespread support and social validation for having children has gradually diminished.

I have personally observed as the years have gone by, fewer and fewer people are interested in having children, and some combination of the above reasons are typically cited. I also find people who have children have a much deeper sense of happiness than those who do not, despite media messages suggesting the opposite.

The idea of population control or mass extinction for the greater good has also been increasingly observed within the media.  Avengers Endgame was the top grossing film of 2019, and it was so heavily promoted throughout the media that it accomplished the unique feat of almost doubling the revenue of the runner-up.

I have often wondered whether this was deliberate on account of the message the movie spread in the months immediately preceding COVID-19 of the need to be evil and eliminate half the population for the “greater good”.

This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here:

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Comments (5)

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    Mark Tapley


    Population control is a natural tendency of the aristocratic class in all societies as they seek to enslave everyone else so the “elite” may live a sybaritic lifestyle while utilizing the power of government to force the other 99% of society to work for them. In order to accomplish this objective, more power must be aggrandized by the government (elite) and the more oppressive things become. The worse things get the more the mass of people resist which the elite perceive as a threat to their position and so the harder they tighten the screws of coercion.

    The favorite tool of the elite to maintain control and generate fear so as to move the herd in the most expeditious manner has always been war. To accomplish this there of course must be an external enemy. If there are no viable enemies, one has to be created. This new threat has to be presented in such a way so that the populations of both target countries are willing to be taxed (direct and indirect) more for.huge military spending and submit to more authoritarian control in order to “get the best deal possible. This technique was developed by the philosopher George Hegel (Hegelian dialectic) and is also often presented as problem, reaction, solution. This tactic was used by the Zionist elite in both world wars. After the contrived wars it was necessary to flip the Soviets again from being “our great allies’ to being our “deadly enemy” in order to facilitate the fake “Cold War” which was finally ended (as Lenin stated was all a transition) in order to use 911 to precipitate the coming “War ON Terror” and the Balkanization of the Middle East for the Yinnon Plan for Greater Israel. The Hegelian dialectic is the favorite tool and will almost certainly be used again for WW3 by combining the militaries of Zionist controlled Russia and China against the western powers. The intended result will be permanent martial law on in global a global totalitarian system.

    Once the power of government is in the hands of the elite there are other tools that can be utilized to plunder the livestock and eventually reduce the population for more efficient management. One of the first targets to plunder the citizenry and is especially effective in wiping out the elite’s no.1 enemy, the middle class is control of the financial system through the use of monetized debt under control of the banking cartel. The best way to change society (in order to gradually reduce the herd) is to change the people. That can only be done by changing the younger generation and the best way to do that is with the public (indoctrination) school system.

    It is also essential that all the main news media is in the hands of the elite in order to sell what ever new contrived war, staged riot, or shooting or current money laundering (space program, welfare, cancer and virus research, military, money for Israel, federal education, etc.) program requires public support (and direct or indirect tax money).

    The programs mentioned above are all part of the Zionist operative Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) ten point planks to destroy a capitalist system that are all still used today. However two newer planks have been added with the Germ Theory medical control scam utilizing the fake viruses and blood toxin fake “vaccines to debilitate and sterilize the goyim while pretending to fight the nonexistent pathogens. This medical fraud has also been used as a massive cover operation for the transfer of trillions more (as in 08) to the banking cartel’s corporate buddies at Black Rock (Rothschild -Rockefeller). while damaging smaller businesses and the general economy. The other additional control scam is the elite parasite’s Club of Rome environmental front groups pushing the fake climate change (formerly global warming) to destroy the western economies in order to create endemic shortages, austerity and poverty all blamed on manmade CO2 emissions. We now clearly see the model for this NWO program in the Chinese total surveillance total control system. The ultimate goal has non changes since Marx but is still the abolition of all private property into the insiders hands. Once property rights are gone (as they are now under constant attack) the elite know, all other rights will follow.


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    If they wanted population control and control global warming, why are they demanding tens of millions of garbage dump 3rd world cornholers into the developed nations?

    ANSWER: Each new garbage dump illegal is worth million$$ each to the bottom line of the mega corporations, and the working legal citizen taxpayer will pay for it all by providing free everything to these parasitic welfare nits.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Joe:
    That was part of the Zionist Jew plan led by Jacob (((Javits))) and Emanuel (((Celler))) in the 1965 “open the flood gates” immigration act. That was just an incremental part of the bigger tidal wave of cultural destruction and miscegenation launched by the (((Warburg’s))) (Rothschilds) in 1921 with the Pan
    Europa Kelergi Plan to destroy the all western the western countries, in the name of “cultural diversity” and “ethnic enhancement.”


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    John Doran


    An important essay, & replies.
    The elite’s Satanic plans are clearly set out in granite on the Georgia Guidestones.
    An excellent book on this harrowing subject is nuclear PhD Robert Zubrin’s Merchants of Despair.
    Much recommended is the brilliant economist Julian L. Simon’s The Ultimate Resource 2, which shows that, historically, increased populations have led to increased prosperity.
    The ultimate resource is human ingenuity, which is never figured into the equations of doomster dumbos like Paul Ehrlich & John Holdren, who both lost money to Julian Simon in a bet.
    Perhaps the best introduction for newbies to this debate is Dr. Tim Ball’s little
    booklet, only 121 pages, Human Caused Global Warming The Biggest Deception In History.



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    Me stuck in traffic…..yes yes get rid of all these damn people!!
    Me stranded on a desert island………… damn I wish I had some company!


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