The Heatwave Of June 2, 1934

On this date in 1934, temperatures reached 101F in New York, 100 in Pennsylvania, 106 in Ohio, 102 in Michigan, 106 in Wisconsin, 105 in Illinois, 105 in Minnesota, 105 in Iowa, 101 in South Dakota, 102 in Nebraska, 100 in Kansas, 103 in Missouri, 101 in Arkansas and 100 in Tennessee.

It was 106F in Racine, Wisconsin on June 2, 1934. They haven’t been that hot since 1936.

The hottest June in Racine actually wasn’t 1934, it was 1933. Racine June temperatures have dropped about 5F since the 1930’s.

The number of days over 100F has plummeted since then and rarely happen anymore.

Temperatures as hot as 1934 are incomprehensible now. The Midwest doesn’t get hot weather like that anymore, especially not during the Spring.

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