The Guardian continues to promote climate hysteria
In an article about extending the lives of British nuclear power stations to help the energy crisis last week, the Guardian added this Op-Ed to the end of it:
There can be no more hiding, and no more denying. Global heating is supercharging extreme weather at an astonishing speed. Guardian analysis recently revealed how human-caused climate breakdown is accelerating the toll of extreme weather across the planet.
People across the world are losing their lives and livelihoods due to more deadly and more frequent heatwaves, floods, wildfires and droughts triggered by the climate crisis.
At the Guardian, we will not stop giving this life-altering issue the urgency and attention it demands. We have a huge global team of climate writers around the world and have recently appointed an extreme weather correspondent.
Our editorial independence means we are free to write and publish journalism which prioritises the crisis. We can highlight the climate policy successes and failings of those who lead us in these challenging times.
We have no shareholders and no billionaire owner, just the determination and passion to deliver high-impact global reporting, free from commercial or political influence.
And we provide all this for free, for everyone to read. We do this because we believe in information equality. Greater numbers of people can keep track of the global events shaping our world, understand their impact on people and communities, and become inspired to take meaningful action.
Millions can benefit from open access to quality, truthful news, regardless of their ability to pay for it.
It can be seen here
Information equality? Truthful news? Free from political influence? Are they having a giraffe?
It should not be forgotten that back in 2004 they confidently predicted that by 2020, the UK would have a Siberian climate because of ‘climate change’.
A year or so ago, they took the decision to stop saying global warming, and start saying global heating, because they thought the word ‘warming’ wasn’t alarming enough, and they obviously felt the need to raise the level of fear.
Extreme weather
Acting director of the NOAA’s National Hurricane Center Jamie Rhome recently said he advised against linking ‘climate change’ to any one event.
Michelle Stirling from Friends of Science said:
“One hurricane to make US landfall in two months during hurricane season.
It has been almost 25 years since that has happened, yet the media lie to us and tell us climate change is increasing frequency and intensity of these storms.”
The graph below, from Colorado State University, shows a slight downward trend in the number of global hurricanes between 1980 and 2021.
The graph below from Ryan Maue shows the same thing:
The late Dr Tim Ball said this in an email to me about storms:
“Most storms occur along the boundary between the cold air dome over the of the polar regions and the warm tropical air of the atmosphere. This is generally known as the Polar Front and occupies the middle latitudes between 30° and 65°.
The only storms that form differently begin close to the equator as a line of thunderstorms known as an Easterly Wave. They remain in a line until they move outside of 8° of the equator.
This is because Coriolis Force is too weak in that latitude zone each side of the equator to form the spinning motion necessary for a storm to intensify.
Once Coriolis Force is adequate the line of thunderstorms forms a circle with a High Pressure at the centre, this area of clear skies at the centre of a hurricane is known as the eye.
As you correctly note, the intensity of the storm is determined by the temperature difference across that Polar Front.
Also, as you correctly note the IPCC claim storms will increase in numbers and intensity with global warming. In fact, with warming, there is more in the polar region.
This will reduce the temperature difference and thus the number and intensity of storms.”
Ocean acidification
The Guardian posted another article a few days ago, claiming the Arctic Ocean is becoming acidic four times as quickly as anywhere else (see it here).
A recent article in Climate Change Dispatch (here) once again showed the oceans are NOT becoming ‘more acidic’. As has been pointed out numerous times, the oceans have a Ph of between 7.9 and 8.3, making them an alkaline.
It is difficult to see how you can increase the acidity of something that is not an acid to start with.
Also, as has been pointed out many times, the Ph scale is logarithmic like the Richter scale, so each number represents a ten-fold difference from those either side of it.
Therefore, for the oceans to become even the mildest acid, at 6.9, the Ph value would have to reduce by a factor of almost 20.
Normal rain has a Ph of 6, making it a very mild acid, and nothing in the ocean has ever been harmed by being rained on.
The intention of course, is to make us believe the oceans are turning into an acid, and will soon be dangerous for all life.
Global temperatures
The chart below from the University of Alabama in Huntsville shows the lower troposphere, where the signature of global warming is supposed to be most readily visible, has seen periods of warming, periods of cooling, and most importantly, two ‘pauses’ with no change at all since their records began in 1979.
The chart below, from the US Climate Reference Network, which began taking data in 2005, replacing the old Historical Climatology Network stations, shows a very slight upward trend in temperatures across North America.
The Central England Temperature Record, below, the longest continuously-monitored temperature record in the world, shows that England has seen an increase of 1.4C since 1659.
Hardly anything to lose sleep over.
Droughts and heatwaves
The left-hand chart below, from the IPCC 4th Assessment Report, shows there has been no increase in US heatwaves since 1900.
The right-hand chart, from the International Journal of Climatology, shows there has been no increase in European droughts since 1870.
In the 2007 British tv documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle, Tim Ball said:
“The analogy I use is that my car’s not running very well, so I’m going to ignore the engine which is the Sun, and I’m going to ignore the transmission which is the water vapour, and I’m going to look at one nut on the right rear wheel, which is the human-produced CO2. The science is that bad.”
It can be seen on Youtube here:
PSI has published many articles about media and alarmist claims of ‘climate change’ causing untold damage which will only get worse, and in every case, the official data shows the exact opposite of what is being claimed.
This is why more and more people are becoming climate skeptics.
Header image: Janata Weekly
About the author: Andy Rowlands is a university graduate in space science and British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer and editor who co-edited the new climate science book, ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap‘
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Peter F Gill
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Hardly News Andy. As we all know this is what the Guardian does.
Andy Rowlands
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Thank you Peter.
Jim Judd
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Keep up your good work Andy!!????
Andy Rowlands
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Thanks Jim 🙂
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That picture looks like a grade school class that got out of school early if they participated.
Andy Rowlands
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Which picture?