The Great Reset: WHO declares ‘We cannot go back to the way things were’

On Friday, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a news conference from the agency’s Geneva headquarters pronounced:

“In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change. The Covid-19 pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be: cleaner skies and rivers.”

Climate was always going to be linked to COVID, as we reported yesterday with ‘From COVID To Climate Change: Scientific Fraud To Serve Globalism.’

Slowly but surely, more citizens are waking up about the scamdemic – a precision operation, a pre-planned move to ratchet up the globalist control over our lives and implement worldwide eugenics policies.

As Dr Tim Ball, climatologist, warned us in his important book ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’ these elitist actors use the Hegelian dialectic of create a crisis, stir an alarmed reaction then offer the solution.

Dr Ball scored a monumental courtroom victory over the ‘world’s leading climate scientist fraudster, Michael E Mann exactly a year ago in the ‘climate science trial of the century.’

That timely legal decision helped demonstrate that there was no scientific validity to the claims that humans were dangerously warming the climate. In short, there is no basis to cut emissions of carbon dioxide to solve a non-existent crisis. We have been lied to over and over again.

Likewise, in this COVID19 calamity there is no scientific basis to shut down the world economy and implement a ‘global reset’ which simply serves the interests of the richest one percent.

For anyone new to the machinations of the globalist playbook you need to bone up on Hegelian Dialectic – Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Over on Climate Depot Marc Morano comments:

“You were warned, COVID & Climate – A marriage made in authoritarianism. The morphing of the public health bureaucracy and the climate establishment is at hand. Nothing good can come from this arranged marriage.”

Morano points astute readers towards the groundwork that the NWO laid out here:

Flashback: ‘Fantastic’ for the climate: Activists See Coronavirus Lockdowns As Dress Rehearsal for ‘Climate Emergency’ – Special Report

Flashback 2018: World Health Organization: ‘Climate change is the greatest health challenge of the 21st century, and threatens all aspects of the society in which we live’

To better understand why a fake pandemic has been foisted on the world you need to decipher the strategy behind both these crises. To attain clarity we must first understand “Problem-Reaction-Solution” or the “Hegelian Dialectic” from the German philosopher.

The man-made global warming swindle failed to capture the collective unconscious as planned, despite the best efforts over 30 years of corrupt climate researchers and Holy Greta of Sweden, darling of the UN bureaucrats. In October 2019 Bill Gates took over where Greta left off. These Malthusians share the same goals: they want you and me off their planet permanently. We either fight them or we surrender to oblivion.

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (17)

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    Oh my golly gosh.

    Who would have ever guessed that covid would create an attempted reset for climate change antics.

    One must research the science themselves. Belief systems are not science. Trusting what we are told without independent verification is belief system.

    Now, why has my lost tooth under my pillow not been exchanged for money.

    I must complain to the United Nations that the Tooth Fairy is not honouring the treaty and some monitoring is necessary. (satire)

    How often is conflict further entrenched when common goals and common enemies (plagues, starvation, clothing, and shelter) can contribute to resolution of conflict?

    The same modus operandi and grow the bureaucracy. Artificially create the imperatives. (not satire)


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    Ken Hughes


    I’m afraid this is war. It is a war declared upon the the average person, the majority, by the infamous 1%, global elite.

    In times of war, the “gloves” must come off and the ends start to justify the means. The elites are the aggressors here, having tried to destroy our economies with the climate religion and now with COVID 19. We are the innocent victims in this.

    It is a sad fact, that we are forced to go to war, not just with this globalist cartel, but also with all its followers who have either chosen their path to suit their personal advantage, or have chosen to believe the propaganda. I.e., some of our fellow citizens.

    Do we have the stomach for this fight?

    This is global civil war !


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      Choose your battles wisely. (Sun Tzu. The Art Of War)


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      “Do we have the stomach for this fight?”

      Of course – there is no alternative
      All restrictions to freedom and diversity are anathema to life, and the existence of life creates congruent conscious morality = all that is pro life.
      The death cult that presupposes dominance over life is antithetical to life.
      Authoritariansim is a fiction of the mind, seeded from childhood and nurtured by schooling and culture.
      Once the mental chains have been broken there is no need for war or fighting. It is already won.
      The “war” is merely the effort to recognise this.


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        Charles MacKay: “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
        People will have to break their own chains, and this is not happening. They are addicted to saving the planet and show no understanding of the climate fraud. Now hysteria has overtaken them over a virus, and they are willingly destroying the economies they depend on.


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          Self mutilation, en masse.


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    Tom O


    There was a post here a while back where it was pointed out that most nations had signed on to allowing the WHO to dictate whatever was to be needed to be done in a “pandemic.” This “scam” we are in is not a pandemic by its own definition. You can’t prove this virus killed anyone since they can’t prove this virus exists by isolating it – you know “who” will be responding to this it a little bit, our pet troll.

    The point is , if they can call a “pandemic” any time they wish just by saying it’s so, then there is a real problem here. I can agree that a real world wide effort needs to be done in the case of a real pandemic because we live so closely together, even from a world stand point with air lines. But it has to be legitimate, not fake, and with this COVID scam, I can never trust them to not be being “the boy who cried wolf.”


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      HERB Rose


      Hi Tom,
      Is the fake pandemic part of their plan for population reduction? After people learn of the scam release a truly deadly virus knowing that people will not believe it is real and take precautions.


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        Tom O


        Not a good choice since you would have to have all your special people pre-vaccinated, and then you really would have to worry about mutations. No, the scam is to drive mandatory vaccination where you can introduce sterility drugs or better, RNA modification that does the same. Not quite as fast, but better controlled, and you do get rid of the people that you don’t want that way. Perhaps with a caveat of a DNA marker that can be triggered with a follow up vaccination to bring about a wasting death. That way you can control the number of people you are pouring into the crematoria around the world.


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        “The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and = simulation = exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”
        By Sept 2020 – Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (WHO)
        What will be the second `pandemic’ sent to us next month?


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          Tom O


          Two possibilities. The much ballyhooed “second wave,” or, as smiling Bill says to the interviewer as he, Bill, turns to smiling Melinda, “The next pandemic will have a higher lethality (or words to that effect) and that will make them take notice.” So Gates, the modern day Nostradamus, seems to be saying their next release will really kill people, and that will move us to begging for his vaccine. Either way, I hope someone will at least isolate the virus so we can know it IS one, and not just a hodgepodge of “virus parts” pretending to be genome.

          I would have to say that if there is another pandemic that appears to be as unnatural as this one, all those people that are pushing for the medical mafia should be rounded up and put on trial for murder when the first person dies from the unnatural virus. That includes the likes of Gates, Fauci, and all the rest of those involved.


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    Hi John, Succinctly put! – again many thanks.


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    “In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change. The Covid-19 pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be: cleaner skies and rivers.”
    Based on NO evidence what so ever.
    Clear skies? Over the vast rain drenched and overflowing areas of the globe currently?
    And NO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, we can’t go back to how things were, for that would allow you to ensure genocide on any group of people you didn’t agree with, like you did in your own country.


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    So Tedros, not an expert virologist or even a qualified medical practitioner, tell us that there is a causal relationship between a virus based pandemic and the climate ( but not an expert in environmental sciences) and environmental pollution ( but not an expert in the ecological sciences).

    These people are stupid


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    Andy Rowlands


    Two great articles John, well done.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Cheers, Andy. As a grassroots body of concerned citizens were are steadily making a difference in waking people up to these appalling crimes against humanity.


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    Self mutilation, en masse.


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