The GREAT Electric Car Cover-Up Just Got Worse

Germany is showing how the all-electric car plans may not be as rosy as it would seem. The European Union has said that it will phase out gas-powered cars by 2035.

But now Germany has asked the EU to exempt cars powered by synthetic fuel. Italy has supported this request with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni arguing that phasing out gas-powered cars would put thousands of jobs at risk. Spain’s environmental transition minister has said that this is a disappointing request and that it could derail the plan. In fact, this did derail a vote that was scheduled for March 7. That vote was delayed on fears that Germany would abstain.

Author Siddharth Kara has been speaking out about the increase in slave labour to run the EV supply chain and even called out Kevin Bacon on Twitter, for not voicing the other side of the EV argument which is being covered up. The production of EV’s alongside the increase in power consumption from charging them is something that matters but is never spoken about.

In China, it has been reported that since the switch to EV’s the air quality has worsened with lethal consequences. It is estimated that in Shanghai, pollution from an additional million EV’s would kill almost three times as many people annually than an additional million gas powered cars.

Source: YouTube

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Comments (3)

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    Kevin Doyle


    In the 1890’s, electric launches and boats were created. They were quiet and enjoyable, but had speed and distance limitations.
    Around the same time, electric automobiles were invented. They were also quiet, but limited on range due to limited energy storage, i.e. batteries.
    Fast forward 130 years, same limitations.

    Meanwhile, someone else in the late 1800’s figured out there was much more energy stored in a jar of diesel fuel than could be stored in any battery available. Thus, Thermodynamics won.

    Today, folks blatantly disregard Thermodynamics in favor of emotion and sentiment…

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      …And pure stupidity.

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    Carbon Bigfoot


    There isn’t any acknowledgement by Clayton’s assistant that any of this is scalable, economically feasible.or Thermodynamicaly possible. Clayton you need Joe Olson on your show,. Your assistant has a suspect CV therefore she cannot ascertain the validity of what she researched as feasible. Pretty face though..

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