The Great Covid Robbery

I’m not quite sure why anyone thought that this virus was about anything but money. The U.S. government has distributed well over two trillion dollars during this so-called emergency and the states and medical establishment have sucked it up faster than a dry sponge at a car wash.

As Rahm Emanuel once said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” We Americans have to be some of the most gullible people in the world when it comes to fearing a disease that the medical establishment says could kill us.

None of the original predictions about the death rate of this virus have come true and in fact, what we are seeing now is a race to see which state can claim the most deaths to collect the millions of dollars in government aid. Just look at Idaho, it will receive $100,000 for every Covid-19 case. What an incentive to cook the books and grab this windfall being distributed with borrowed money that our grandchildren will have to pay back.

We have all been victims of fear-mongering by not only corrupt politicians and the media but also those who will profit handsomely from any drug that they can develop to contain this virus. If anyone thinks this whole Covid fiasco is about anything but money, you are sadly mistaken because that is all it is about.

When this virus broke out there were dire cries from the WHO, CDC, and NIH that we were in a crisis and millions would die if we did not quarantine everyone immediately and basically close the economy. Well folks that’s what they did for what is turning out to be a bad flu bug that was created by an enemy of our country. China has caused complete chaos in the U.S. since the beginning of this year and they are clearly pleased with the result.

As they get back to work and restart their economy we are still sitting with an unemployment rate of 8.4% and many of our states are still on restrictions because of governors who are opportunists when it comes to getting free money from the federal government our own included.

Depending on what study you read the death rate from Covid-19 can range from less than 1% to as high as 3%, but you have to remember that for every covid case and death there is money to be had by the states. While we all know that the age group with the highest fatality rate is the elderly who have other contributing co-morbid conditions.

The way the hospitals are counting the deaths from this virus is no less than criminal as they know that they will get paid more money if they can attribute more deaths to Covid-19. All the while the medical community is sucking up our borrowed tax dollars the insurance companies have been reaping a windfall harvest in earnings as many hospitals have closed for regular business.

The real winners in this fiasco are going to be the drug companies who have been very effective in eliminating the use of Hydroxychloroquine with zinc as a method of treatment. No one realizes how much power this group has in our country. Armed with billions in advertising dollars they can spend 5 times what a presidential candidate spends in an election to lie to the public.

They create a panic and then create a new pharmaceutical that might be a cure for this virus. Just think about the billions being thrown at these drug companies for research into a vaccine that no one even knows will be effective. This virus will mutate just like any other and next year it will be more money for a different strain of the virus. What do you think happens every year when they come out with a new flu vaccine?

They guess at what strain will be the most active and develop and produce the vaccine that will hopefully prevent people from getting this flu bug. Problem is that they never know if it will be effective and in most cases, it is never more than 60% effective in preventing the flu.

They know it cannot stop the flu 100% yet all you hear in September and October is get your flu shot, get your flu shot now. Have any of you ever even read the label on the vaccine that they are injecting into your body. Most likely not. Most of us are afraid of death and what the drug companies do each year is to scare the pants off of us with their bombardment of advertisements for their flu vaccines.

You pay them to reduce your fear of death and they walk away laughing their asses off because you don’t even know what is in that vaccine that you paid for and to top it off they have no liability for any ill effects the vaccine causes.

Yes folks this is just one more way for the bureaucrats and the elite to steal our tax dollars and put us in fear for our lives. Therefore, while we all walk around like faceless Americans thinking that staying 6 feet away from anyone and breathing your own saliva back into your body is beneficial the bureaucrats continue to control how you live your lives and take your tax dollars.

They get more powerful as you get more fearful. I look at this whole pandemic as a ruse to plunder, steal, and create fear. As for me, I have no fear of this virus or any other that might be out there. As a Christian and a believer in God, I have no need to be fearful. God is in charge of my life and my destiny and when he wants me he will make that decision, not some doctor or virus created in a foreign country.


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Comments (6)

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    Regarding Italy, a vaccine and covid19. Not all of Italy has been hit by the virus, and not even the whole of northern Italy, where 3/4 of all deaths have occurred, has been affected. The epicentre of the Italian epidemic lies more specifically in Lombardy which accounts for 2/3 of all the victims. In January, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus, following a mini epidemic of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths). The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated (35,658 total deaths in Italy).
    It is critical to investigate whether there is a link between vaccination and the proliferation of atypical pneumonia in Italy. One of the very perverse side effects of vaccines is that they alter the microbial ecology. Since nature abhors a vacuum, the ecological niche vacated by artificial immunization is immediately occupied by other, more insidious or more dangerous species of bacteria. What should we do now that the vaccine-suspect has been identified? The vaccination status should be checked of the deceased in Italy as well as other regions (in France and Spain) where an abnormally high number of severe pneumonia cases have been reported. If it shows a correlation between vaccines and cases of covid19, you can be sure that the powerful vaccine lobby will once again use the media under its control to churn out the usual argument of a “coincidence in timing” between vaccinations and covid19.

    Futhermore, Seqirus, the company that makes the flu vaccine, Flucelax, was sold to the USA, UK, Italy, Germany, and Spain – the countries with the highest cases of covid19 (except France wasn’t listed as a buyer). Were the people who got the flu shot more susceptible to getting covid19 in these countries? Again, a mere coincidence or a smoking gun? Who will still be fooled?


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    Dr Roger Higgs (geologist)


    Thanks Bob.

    “We have all been victims of fear-mongering by not only corrupt politicians and the media but also those who will profit handsomely from any drug that they can develop to contain this virus. If anyone thinks this whole Covid fiasco is about anything but money, you are sadly mistaken”.

    The same applies to the myth that perfectly natural (and temporary) Sun-driven global warming is ‘man-made’, likewise propagated by the United Nations (IPCC and WHO are both UN). The UN is controlled by the same few dozen(?) globalists who control the global banking system, the MSM, Hollywood, Facebook, and the EU, and ‘own’ most of the world’s political leaders.

    Like covid, the climate non-science is all about control and money, e.g. the needless, hopelessly inefficient and unreliable wind ‘farms’ and solar ‘parks’ wrecking landscapes and precious agricultural land. Cui bono?


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      Hi Roger,
      I think of just a minor correction: It is not about “the money” — it is about what money gets you in the western world — power!
      Also, I’m not sure about IPCC re. C-19, but WHO officials do support the CAGW agenda — their director is on record about that.


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    In 2012, Under Obama, the unemploymrnt rate was 8.1%. With lockdown and the hell it unleashed to business 8.4% doesn’t seem so bad


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