Childhood vaccination rates down by 20% in Australia.
Time to celebrate folks! The government has jumped the shark and there is no putting that particular genie back in the bottle.
I will just highlight a few of what I consider to be the outright lies in this piece of rubbish masquerading as a news article.
Australian Medical Association councillor Dr Kenneth McCroary said he was “really disappointed” about the national decrease, warning there is a real risk of it “wreakinghavoc in the future”.
“One in 50 kids used to die from measles, people don’t realise how serious it is,” he said.
“There’s a syndrome — panencephalitis — where the kids get measles, and they’re ok, and then five or 10 years later, their brain essentially turns to mush, and they die within 12months.
That’s “science” ™️
One in 50 kids in Australia have never died from measles – at least not since we’ve been keeping records. I believe he made that up.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, since records began to be kept for measles notifications and deaths in 1907, the highest number of deaths has always been in the 0-4 year old age group.
A death rate of 1:50 as McCroary stated would mean 2,000 children dying for every 100,000. Remember this figure because I am going to show you how unreal it is.
The highest death rate from measles in Australia was in 1912 with 383 children sadly passing away after being diagnosed with the infection. At that time, there were 534,591 children between the ages of 0 and 4 in the country as a whole. Meaning that the rate of death was 71.6 per 100,000 – orders of magnitude lower than McCroary’s estimate.
In fact, in 1969, the year before the measles vaccine was introduced in Australia, the country had 34 deaths reported from measles – 24 of which were in that 0-4 year old age bracket. At that time, there would have been over one million Australians in that age bracket and we don’t know how many cases were reported because, at that time, measles was not even a reportable infection! So how serious could it have been?
In 1991 when the National Centres for Immunisation Research and Surveillance first started a national database to track ‘infectious diseases’ and vaccination rates, there were 1,380 notifications for measles and 3 deaths. Keep in mind that according to the official figures, at that point, 85% of the children under 6 years of age were vaccinated against measles.
And that was also the first year that Australia had a national database to report laboratory-diagnosed cases of so-called infectious diseases.
Dr McCroary is entitled to his own opinion, but he is not entitled to his own facts. Especially when he is speaking with the imprimatur of an organisation like the AMA.
I am writing to the good doctor and will be requesting him to provide any primary data that shows that at any time in Australia, 1 child in 50 was dying from measles.
If he cannot show me this evidence, I will ask both Dr McCroary and the Daily Telegraph to issue an immediate retraction and apology for misleading the Australian population about such an important issue.
One other thing—SSPE, or Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, which Dr McCroary refers to as turning the brains to mush…has been reported following both measles infection and vaccination. So you could just as easily say that preventing SSPE would mean stopping the injection of measles-containing vaccines.
McCroary continues:
…32 cases of measles have been detected in Australia so far this year, 16 ofthose in NSW.
The missing piece of this puzzle is – how many of those 32 people were vaccinated against measles?
Historically, the vast majority of those who contract or die from these illnesses have been fully and ‘appropriately’ vaccinated against them.
Never more true than when we look at the COVID jab but it is similar for these conditions – measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough – you name it.
You find the infections in the vaccinated and unvaccinated and even though the vaccination status is not often revealed, when it is, it is more common that a vaccinated person gets sick than one who has not received the poison.
This is why we need to be discerning healthcare consumers. Because those we have been told to ‘trust’ with our vaccination decisions are often ignorant of the facts or else, intentionally twisting them to suit an agenda.
I will not ascribe any intent on Dr McCroary, but I do expect him to provide me with the information to back up his statement.
When he does, I will be sure to let you all know his response.
The war for the hearts and minds of Australia
In the meantime, it looks like we are winning. Can you handle it – all this winning?
First the US Court declares that the experimental gene modification jab isn’t a vaccine because it doesn’t prevent infection and now, we have this news of a huge decline in parents saying yes to getting their children jabbed in Australia!
In spite of the financial losses; in spite of the social pressure – parents will always put their children’s wellbeing first and they are discovering that this means saying no to injecting untested, unsafe, ineffective and unnecessary pHarmaceutical products into their kids. Bravo!
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The People must match by their millions and pull all these Mass Murderers out of their Cat Bird positions an give them all the Mussolini Process.
If you DO NOT…POST HASTE…these very same Shit heads will do the to you again and again…until your Children are complete defenseless against their predation…as YOU WILL ALL BE DEAD.
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Good news as perhaps parents are waking up to the insanity of vaccinating children with poisons. It should be 80% refusing.
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It really should be 100% refusal of all VAXES.
The People must match by their millions and pull all these Mass Murderers out of their Cat Bird positions an give them all the Mussolini Process.
If you DO NOT…POST HASTE…these very same Shit heads will do the to you again and again…until your Children are complete defenseless against their predation…as YOU WILL ALL BE DEAD.