The Former Head Of Pfizer Sums Up The Current Virus Situation
It is quite clear to me that, whatever the truth is about the origins of the virus or whether or not it actually exists in the precise form that we’re told, certain things have happened & continue to happen. Very closely together in time, scores of countries simultaneously discarded their pandemic preparedness plans & instead adopted what I’ve dubbed the “Eight covid19 lies”.
What almost every government told their people was an absurd set of statements, most of them easily disproven by reference to published literature & often simply by thinking.
These statements were & remain untrue, every last one of them. When politicians make technical statements, it’s not reasonable to expect them to know whether it’s right or not. But when the advisory team guiding policy responses is invoked, as they usually are, untrue statements by those with good levels of knowledge & experience has no better description than lies.
These are not ‘slip-ups’, ‘well-intentioned mistakes’, ‘erring on the side of caution’ or similar. They’re deliberately misleading.
In all countries for which I have information, the communications were done with the guidance of people who’s professional jobs are psychological manipulators, sometimes called ‘PsyOps’, and used fear over anything else.
Once you examine these statements, you have all the evidence needed to show to a receptive, open minded person that indeed we are all facing a heavily manipulated situation.
While I recognise there’s a constant flow of important new information, such as the time ordering of patents, people apparently becoming magnetised after vaccination, the concept of ‘shedding’, graphene oxide in the vaccines etc. I’m more than happy to benefit from others diligence on all these emerging items, and not to invest time I don’t have myself.
I’m not convinced that many of the usual institutions are operative, and so I’m not aiming to influence them (in U.K. for example, Parliament).
I may be wrong to do so, but I’m now aiming solely at the general public. I have given & will continue to give interviews on the theme of the “Eight covid19 lies”.
I put it to the list that while interesting, it’s not necessary for the purpose of trying to wake up the public to know & tell them about anything more that proves beyond doubt that there’s massive SV scale fraud & deception going on.
There is no possible benign interpretation of the fact that we’re all being lied to, for between 15-18months. None whatsoever.
All that has been accomplished is destruction of the economies of many G20 countries, wrecking of civil societies, substantial, avoidable loss of life (often through deprivation of healthcare) and a pervading sense of fear, everywhere.
Additionally, large & growing fractions of populations have been injected with new technology, experimental gene based vaccines, which have been associated with rates of death shortly afterwards of 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than any previous public health prophylactic vaccine.
Everywhere they are steamrollering appropriate objections to vaccination in people who cannot benefit from this intervention, yet certainly can be harmed or even killed by them.
We hear the imminent arrival of ‘vaccine passports’, which don’t enhance public safety yet grant to the state totalitarian tyranny over them.
There is no other interpretation that fits all the major facts, than that the goal is control through what will be the world’s first digital identity database.
What will be done with that power, we cannot be sure. My views or rather reasoned deductions are well known & I continue to stand by them.
There being immunologically no need or justification for 3rd & subsequent vaccines (booster, top-up, variant) the fact that they’re imminently to be administered to people en masse should send alarm bells ringing loudly.
Biotechnology has awesome power but it can very easily be misused. I am of the view that 3rd & subsequent vaccines may be used to initiate depopulation. The first generation vaccines I don’t think were deliberately made to be dangerous so they’re no guide at all to what might be next.
Bottom line, my intentions are best served by me continuing to give as many interviews as I can, alone or in groups, to those with the largest audiences.
This note is in no way intended to be critical. It’s just great that people are stepping forward. But I do believe in this world war, there are no Allies. No one is coming to save us. Time is marching on.
I wish us all the most persuasive skills in your efforts to persuade the persuadable. Many aren’t.
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graham Moore
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I asked you via snail mail to give evidence in court in the case of Steve Todd, you never replied. Your videos and blogs are great but when people rely on your information and then get told in court its hearsay unless the expert attends court, you are causing damage to the people that are fighting back.
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There is one very glaring untruth in you final analysis
You said nobody is coming to save us
Jesus Christ said
I am the way the truth and the life
Nobody comes to the Father but my me Jesus Christ
He also stated
Romans 10:9
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Twila Tharp
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Graham Moore, that is not how you secure an expert witness – fire off a “snail mail.” – it takes a lawyer to make the contact with time date, etc., and proposed payment. If an agreement is made, then the expert witness will appear in court. You are unjustified in criticizing this man, who quite obviously has been through a lot personally, that he is causing damage to the people who are fighting back. No one would go to court who had any common sense before they at least spoke with a member of the courthouse staff and discussed what they planned to do and how they would go about it. Hearsay is never allowed in court under any circumstances and court staff can tell you that and how to subpoena, if necessary, witnesses. Here’s a question for you to consider with your knee jerk reaction: Did you send your “snail mail” via Registered Mail? If you didn’t you have no proof that you sent it. Mr. Yeadon needs our support, not a lot of petty bickering that’s useless.
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Mr. Yeadon doesn’t need support when he’s peddling the fundamental enabling fraud that allows crap like the “covid” scenario.
This is much more important than Yeadon and just covid. It concerns the PRS (problem reaction solution) cycle with the perpetuation of the fundamental misattributing, conflating fraud of viruses, in its entirety. If you don’t address that, you will just keep on falling for the same “covid”/”virus” problems. It is a slippery slope that you should in no circumstance passively allow with “charismatic” yet convenient “opposition” which happens to be anchored in that industry itself.
So you see, THAT is what Yeadon is currently “compelled” to do, to perpetuate that basis of the “viral terrors” as controlled opposition and misdirect, distract from those fundamentals. That is, subversion, undermining actual progress.
That is also why he skips past those fundamentals and projects, talks about the politics, the products, etc.
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Personally I simply see Yeadon as a tool for the narrative.
I fundamentally disagree with him about a few things and I don’t really care what he has to say, considering his history, interests, what he’s suggested, his media exposure, etc.
Kinda like controlled opposition, as he’s peddling from the basis of the same enabling fraud, with respect to “viruses”.
So I have zero respect or interest in what he has to say.
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I mean, I opened this article thinking “Well, let’s see if Yeadon says something meaningful THIS time, even though he hasn’t really, yet. As he just refuses to address fundamentals…but hey let’s give the benefit of doubt.”…
So then I read some drivel, the first paragraph being quite telling (which is what all the fraud is about, that of “viruses”) as it kinda happily just skirts around that and gets to the politics and misdirection. Nice one.
Then he goes on to mention something that I believe only a zombiedronerobosheepclone could potentially be programmed to “believe”…
“The first generation vaccines I don’t think were deliberately made to be dangerous so they’re no guide at all to what might be next.”
Good for you Mike. You know, despite prior animal vaccines with similar prototype vaccines implicated in the death of all the animals?
PS. I used to know someone named Mike, he got shot in the face.
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Excuse me, just a small correction.
“You know, despite prior animal trials with similar prototype vaccines implicated in the death of all the animals?”
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Btw, I just need to point this out.
I used to post and observe at, now occasionally there’s on “okay” article. But I find it’s mostly subversive, undermining. There’s clear bias too as well as censorship and propagandist, employed posters who “live” on the site, if you know what I mean.
Hilariously, I was accused of being CIA be one person and KGB by another, there. Eventually everything I posted there was censored, regardless of the content.
I also know a canadian plant researcher that used to post there and was eventually entirely censored too.
Yet, they would allow very peculiar posters and posts without issue.
So honestly, I don’t have any respect for There used to be good comments/commenters…I doubt that is the case anymore.
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Mike Yeadon is a very courageous man who has been speaking out in the absence of others in the uk who are presumably afraid of losing their jobs and careers of they challenge government and media covid agenda of fear, restrictions and “vaccines”. In the USA, Canada and Europe there appear to be more doctors and scientists trying to inform the public. They are possibly less heavily censored than in the UK? It must be particularly exhausting to feel like a voice crying in the wilderness. People should in my view have respect for his bravery instead of being critical unless they are raising their heads above the parapet to get fired on.
Twila Tharp
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Well said, Fiona and I agree with you. Mike Yeadon has personally suffered a great deal and it’s unfair and rather stupid to use him for a shooting gallery. Thanks for your post which is useful and supportive. is an excellent website for information with sources attributed and a gateway to other reliable websites. Dr. Joseph Mercola is an Osteopathic doctor.
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Fiona, I don’t really care.
I am here to address fraud, errors and malice, especially regarding fundamentals. Which I believe Yeadon perpetuates by failing to address the issue of viruses.
For some perspective, you might wanna check out guys like Andrew Kauffman, Stefan Lanka, Tom Cowan, etc.
So excuse me if I don’t share your positive sentiments about Yeadon, considering I disagree with him about fundamentals regarding these issues and he refuses to address them.
Twila Tharp
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“Sir_isO, your comments, of which there are far too many, make no clear statement as to any validated knowledge that you have. This question(s) of your’s: Okay, but I have questions…so is something like ivermectin an essential, nutritional biological component? Seriously how old are you? You’ve got to be joking. Ivermectin is used to worm horses. Now you find out how it’s been so successful in helping people who were desperately ill. Maybe do some research? You hardly know what you’re talking about and I highly doubt anyone here cares about your opinion of the guardian. If you want to help stop this, get some useful facts, try to use good grammar and make a difference.
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You make a lot of accusations about my character, knowledge and such.
But you address none of my questions. So ivermectin is a dewormer, how does it function in your body with respect to improving health?
Like you can’t explain how it is a dewormer “helps so much” against a phantom fraudulent virus. But if you could, it might give you hints about the overlooked essentials you just skipped past.
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I’m 39 years old, among other things, I coded physics for a decade and my sister is a geneticist, having been previously funded by B&M gates and she used to work with vaccines (HIV and TB), btw.
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Politicians should be expected to know that statements they make are true, and they should not be making them if there is any doubt. Or they should deliver them with a warning. Tony Blair took us to war on a false claim that Saddam had biological weapons. Boris has used predictions from Prof Ferguson knowing that all his previous predictions have been wrong. Politicians have access to any number of experts, and they need to have the ability to assess their views before making political decisions. Effectively, what we have with Boris is experts making decisions and Boris accepting them. We elected Boris to govern, not academics.
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Dr Yeadon has done a sterling job in getting the message out that we are facing a tsunami of irregularity and illogical actions. He must be exhausted. He seems to have bben hounded by many folks. I don’t blame him for alteting direction.
Frankly, we seem to have been bombarded by a tidal wave of lies and deceit since cv19 emerged. The world seems to have become more draconian by the day. Thousands of lives have been lost in this mess, much of which can be directly attributed to the aggressors. These toxic liquids have killed enormous numbers of trusting people, and will kill many, many more. It ferls very much like a final march of the lemmings is taking place.
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If covid is interchangeable with flu, and covid is obviously fraud, what it’s say about flu…if it’s the same thing?
Understand? It’s much more than just “covid”…name a “viral” problem.
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Well, we’re back to the 1918 Spanish influenza and it’s associated disease causative agent. Pfeiffer’s baccilus (hope memory serves correctly) was initially blamed, even though experimental evidence was most often elusive. It was the accepted cause initially.
Then, this novel influenza virus was found, and the blame apportioned. Soon after, herd immunity was reached and the plague subsided.
Which was the real causative agent?
Real disease does certainly flare up seasonally around the world. Human natural immunity normally deals with whatever the causative agent, we recover, and get on with life. Very few tests are ever done to figure out what went on. The annual flu vaccines are, at best, almost a placebo, with mental supportive effect – mind over matter – unless they kill you first.
I can tell you, though, from first-hand experience, that the Dengue disease is virus-related. It is nasty, and can recur. It is related to yellow fever virus, and corinavirus/es.
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I had yellow fever as a child.
Have you considered that dengue results simply from toxicity and is not contagious?
Much like a scorpion, spider or snake bite that could do lasting damage.
There were HUGE vaccination campaigns as well as REALLY SHIT conditions, poverty, poor nutrition, environmental toxicity for the 1918 “flu”, as well as other terrible practices (medically) AND the introduction of EMF.
Unfortunately I don’t believe in ANY kind of immunity.
RTIs have consistent sort of symptoms, or rather should I say, people often have pulmonary issues…in winter, for instance. Regardless of the supposed, repeated exposure to those viruses…no actual immunity.
And somehow, those pulmonary symptoms, regardless of what they call them, tend to be consistent, and another consistency is often the shared environment of low sunlight, there’s also rather overwhelmingly, say, vitamin D deficiency implicated.
Why would people choose to ignore the obvious? Vitamin D, for instance, is KEY to genetic regulation. It couldn’t be more obvious.
But no…you go believe the “healthcare” industry founded by oils and metals monopolists, selling waste and derivative synthetics as “medicine” and who are VERY reliant on you being sick and believing their phantom bullshit so that they can peddle you some more unnecessary toxins to attack results as if they’re causes.
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So to make that a bit more direct.
I don’t believe in immunity regarding “viruses”, because they are results framed as causative, and they are results from unaddressed/ignored/poorly understood toxicity and deficiency factors, influences.
For instance, in plants resulting “TMV” synthesis is achieved with phosphorus deficiency.
For RTIs, vitamin D deficiency.
For measles, vitamin A deficiency.
For Polio/GBS/AFM (essentially the same), nerve damaging toxins.
For ebola, high levels of toxicity (chlorine and heavy metals) along with associated deficiencies too. Which is why ebola never spreads and stays localized to those sort of areas where there is significant toxicity (often mining or manufacturing close by, sometimes even explicitly toxified by other means), and deficiencies of among other things, selenium, vitamin E deficiency (both helping against heavy metals, for instance).
So, what I’m saying is, you can’t be immune to a result such as “viruses” if you don’t address the causes, which includes essential factors and toxins. That is, you can’t be immune to known causative, very important factors such as deficiency and toxicity. Unless you’re dead.
Like, I don’t care how many vaccines you got (well, the more, the more toxified you’re gonna be)…if you have vitamin D deficiency, you’re gonna get pulmonary issues…and even if their “tests” say you don’t have flu/covid or whatever, those symptoms are going to be somewhat consistent, coz physics is invariant.
Oh btw, another neat thing people haven’t noticed. “Antibodies” aren’t measures of protection. They are intermediary results for neutralizing toxic, as such, they are actually signs of toxicity/deficiency related dysfunction.
You can get “antibodies against” practically anything toxic, just saying. All it means is you were toxified/had dysfunction, and the antibodies are results of that. That would be a result of the toxicity being neutralized/equalized.
That’s also why antibodies are often, in and of themselves, considered toxic…
Daniel C Eckel
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Ivermectin could be saving lives currently, WHY NOT?
sir isO
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Firstly, I’m not peddling or supporting any sort of industrial product, just so that you know my bias.
But the thing is, I don’t believe in their idea of “viruses”. Sorry. I can/have explained why.
Okay, but I have questions…so is something like ivermectin an essential, nutritional biological component? Have you established covid is what they say it is, does what they say it is, etc?
So let’s say you used ivermectin, and your PCR “test” now returns negative…okay then. What does it actually mean though, considering the PCR “test” and supposed “covid” is fraud? Did your actual health improve? If so, describe the processes by which ivermectin improved your health.
Otoh, there’s sunlight (which is not just vitamin D) deficiency. Seasonality with RTIs, association with low vit D and RTIs. But melatonin for instance, also helps neutralize say, EMF and other damage. Sunlight affects that.
There’s also iodine deficiency quite often. Exacerbated by toxic fluorine, chlorine, which are very pravelent. Potassium and magnesium deficiency vs sodium and chloride. Numerous other toxins and deficiencies.
In general, mitochondrial dysfunction when people get sick (from those factors), that in turn messes up cellular energy. And often, people also don’t have enough antioxidation capacity. Eventually, cellular, genetic damage.
So, why don’t people just address that?
There’s for instance one guy that suggests doubling vitamin D levels (generally) could lower all cause deaths by nearly 20%. You know how easy/cheap that is? But then, vitamin D is only one factor.
Doug Harrison
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Sir IsO, This question is not meant as criticism in any way. I am a plants man and have experience with plants being infected with mosaic virus carried by aphids. The result is well known in science as a loss of vigour. However if there are no such things as viruses what was it that the aphids were injecting into my plants if it wasn’t a virus?
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I’m also a plants man, and “TMV” is from what I see merely a functional result from stressors. I’ve seen absolutely no evidence that it is what’s claimed.
And in my experience, aphids don’t so much inject as extract, btw, particularly in imbalanced systems (eg, excess nitro). But with that, they also stress and damage plant tissues. I’ve observed it time and again. But what sort of toxins they also produce and/or harbor, may play a role too.
People seemingly continually fail to notice negative results from toxicity, deficiency, stressors. And I find that peculiar, known essential and other physically influencing factors just waived away.
But basically, as I explained, any number of toxic factors and deficiencies can lead to the results interpreted as “viruses”.
An example being how measles practically vanishes with vitamin A sufficiency. Or RTIs (crudely speaking) with respect to sunlight. Or polio, due to various other improvements (noticably less nerve damaging toxins).
Remember, viruses have no ATP function, no motile function and no reproductive capacity by known means. “Viral load” happens to be commensurate with toxins and deficiency. “Viruses” often have rather significant homology (similarity) to the supposed host.
But then, for example, doesn’t it occur to anyone that their genetic material is constantly breaking in their bodies, DNA to RNA, DNA truncations, mutated, broken, toxic, ejected proteins, misfolded proteins, etc. What do you think those things are?
Do you think it’s conceivable that Pasteur methodology is entirely fraudulent having framed results as causative, for an industry who would rather appreciate it if if you were sick, as they rely on sick customers? Almost as if not addressing causes would be beneficial for such an industry. Especially when it then attacks t hose results as causative with toxins…causing more problems.
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It’s actually funny that you mention aphids and TMV.
As I’m currently growing plants out of season (in winter) exacerbating nutrient (uptake) issues.
Now while these are the same species, they are not the same strain (and importantly, not inbred). Despite the plants having basically the same mediums, same treatments…due to the (difficult) conditions and individual plant function, preferences, adaptation influencing nutrient uptake levels, there is a fair amount of variation in health status.
So what I have here currently, is plants of the same species (though varied strains) with very different health status. Some plants have LOADS of aphids (though look fine), most of them don’t have aphids at all. One plant (which I noticed was particularly suspectible to cold, and I suspect that influencing it’s nutrient levels more than anything) happens to have what many would call “TMV”.
Now peculiarly, these plants are all next to each other, but the aphids stick to specific plants and the “TMV” is only affecting ONE plant and has done so for months without any spreading, as if it’s merely metabolic dysfunction (improper nutrient levels, perhaps broken/mutated mechanisms resulting from prior inbreeding).
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See I have this idea, which I kinda tested a few seasons now…relating to the prevalence of Aphids and subsequent issues.
In winter, phosphorus is a significant issues for these plants, nitrogen not so much, perhaps potassium to some degree. But if I had to guess, MAINLY the relative levels of nitrogen vs phosphorus suggesting the likelihood of aphid prevalence (and of course, that imbalance, relative deficiency vs excess itself would be a marker of ill-health.)
Then I believe aphids are sort of nature “trying” to equalize. Yes, it’s a bit “out there”, but I think the aphids are extracting nitrogen to a large degree. Effectively aiding the plant. But, the tissue damage associated with that also makes the plant potentially more ill, or resulting in other problems.
So considering that, I did a search…
Tobacco mosaic virus reproduction in plants with an increased anthocyanin content induced by phosphorus deficiency
Consider holistically what I’ve said
Oh and the plant I have here growing in winter, with kinda obvious phosphorus deficiency also happens to be a purple/black strain (anthocyanin heavy)…
Think about it.
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Excuse my typing…
And a short elaboration, that is, the plant with the (relative) phosphorus deficiency and anthocyanin excess, being the one with the “TMV”…
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In summary…
Phosphorus and anthocyanin metabolic dysfunction (which would be central to cellular function, energy)…results in “TMV” production. Magical, isn’t it?
Now let’s think about how that happens. For instance, if insufficient phosphorus leads to say, cellular/genetic damage (as it does)…you’d imagine things would break, perhaps fragments of things, perhaps mutations….those things resulting then..would include the likes of “TMV” (meaning it is not causative).
And I’m saying the same applies to other peddled “pathogenic contagious viruses”. They are all results framed as causes. Results from systemic dysfunction, relating to toxicity and deficiency.
Brian James
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This is well worth watching.
July 20, 2021 Video: Breaking Discovery! What COVID Injections Do to Your Blood! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!
Dr. Jane Ruby appears at Stew Peters Show with another bombshell report. UK doctors now have indisputable proof showing exactly what these shots are doing to your blood.
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Thanks for the link…I made a comment speculating about vaccine function and “oddities”…before you linked that and I checked the video…it even looks like what I crudely described here:
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Your thoughts and logic are reasonable. Vitanen D has certainly proved itself. I think that an all round balanced immune system is the way to go. All drugs are poisonous. How people can believe that injecting poisonous liquids into a person can prevent anything, escapes me.
When I was young, I learned to sweat out a cold with high doses of Votamen C in 24 hours. In later life, when a chill comes on, I dress to sweat, and sleep it off, together with suitable doses of Vitamen C. If it hit my chest, I treat accordingly to relieve the congestion. In the cool season, I generally sleep with a sweater – maintains body temperature more evenly throughout the night.
This is how my wife and I survived the first cv19 wave when it passed over our region (immediate neighbour to China, not far from Wuhan) in early Sept 2019. It hit us like a ton of bricks – more so, my wife – literally put of the blue. She developed secondary infection in her chest – very badly – we solved that. The local doctors had no clue at all.
Over in our part of the world, Dengue is a real issue. No idea if the mosquito injects poison, with associated system response. I’ll research that aspect. I used ergotamine for the headaches, and pain killers. My wife broke the fever using Tigerbalm – that was quite an experience. The fever broke within a few hours as I shivered. Could eat again within hours. We flew longhaul within 4 days of that. 🙂
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Personally, I also do not know what sort of toxicity is associated with the mosquitoes, but I’d imagine it is quite significant. There might also be something environmentally or nutritionally associated in those areas compounding it, perhaps obscured.
And I wonder if there are environmental influencers of the mosquito toxicity, if they do indeed have toxic components associated (as they appear to).
Speculating about mosquito toxicity, what could happen for instance, is the influence of numerous pieces of genetic material from different hosts/species, often also including homology (which is related to say, autoimmune issues)…and who knows what happens with that sort of material as it “festers”.
I mean, you could imagine a mosquito being quite “dirty” with varied influences, potentially even worse than a tick, right?
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“Speculating about mosquito toxicity, what could happen for instance, is the influence of numerous pieces of genetic material from different hosts/species, often also including homology (which is related to say, autoimmune issues)…and who knows what happens with that sort of material as it “festers”.”
Ironically, you might find numerous vaccines have similar sort of composition and can sometimes result in similar symptoms.
And if you think about when they talk about “immune response”, what do they mean, they mean like inflammation, cytokine, chemokine responses.
Those are ALWAYS signs of toxicity…just like say, a mosquito bite (presumably toxic) or a scorpion sting. What does that say about vaccines? They’re merely toxins.
Don’t you love how they frame physical, obvious damage as an “immune response”.
Kinda like, when someone tries to attack you, and you defend yourself…they would frame that attack as a “good thing” for your “protection”.
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Do not discount the effects of EMF, the fearmongering related stress, anxiety, effects of policies like masks, staying indoors and the massively increased excessive use of “sanitation” (all of which is toxic) products…
Personally, I’ve been through “3 waves” here in south africa. It doesn’t affect me, or anyone I’ve known…coz uhm, it can’t do what’s claimed.
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As an immediate “neighbour” to china, do you just discount the environmental toxicity, the fact that they have lots of geoengineering (including chemicals, EMF “stimulation”), the EMF increases, the vaccination policies just before the “covid outbreaks” there.
As an example, the area supposedly worst hit in China (early in the covid narrative), happened to be very industrial, rather super toxic, with lots of poverty…and significant deficiencies, including selenium. But then, 5g was also introduced.
~100-10ghz EMF alone, is around a QUINTILLION times more than natural. It affects, among other things, factors like hydrogen, hydrides, iodine, etc
5g affects, among other things oxygen, oxides.
They have VERY real effects, including oxidative, nitrosative stress and are even implicated in DNA double strand breaks.
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Excuse me…
…100mhz to 10ghz… (the vast majority of current anthropgenic wireless radiation).
I mean, don’t people even wonder why 3g/wifi functions at exactly the same frequency as a microwave oven, or wonder about what that does?
Some “conspiracy theorist” once told me SMART is an abbreviation for:
Secretive Militarized Armaments Residential Territories.
Just saying, if those devices are the SMART part of the equation, that probably means you’re the dumb part.
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For any interested/concerned readers…
In January last year, I noticed on they started pushing the “covid” stuff…and I noticed peculiarities about it. Because at the time, it was (still is) a non-issue, but was littered with articles about that virus. Totally dominated the article lists. Even in January 2020…
So I made a comment about that, coz I mean, I smelled BS.
Many articles on link to medicalexpress, and I commented a few times (used to comment a lot on…
Here’s an article from January last here which I commented in:
If you read those comments…can you tell me how incorrect my comments were, in retrospect?
So immediately I started researching, including what could be associated with the general, more common symptoms of supposed covid. Of course, I noticed old people with poor health being the most obvious thing to notice. So accumulated toxicity/deficiency results, mitochondrial dysfunction. As I was concerned about the actual health status as opposed to their industrial politicized attributions, or the importance of “covid” as such.
With that of course, noticing the associations of various essential elements, their function with diseases, symptoms. Naturally, I found sunlight to be a big factor. As well as electrical activity in the body, along with enormous amounts of other common factors.
One thing I found early on which I thought to be quite important, which is VERY rarely mentioned, considering mitochondrial dysfunction, accumulated toxicity, antioxidation capacity, association with age and symptoms was PQQ.
Here’s an exerpt from some documents about it:
So I stumbled upon PQQ, noticing it’s actually an essential factor and very important, long-term and heavy duty, numerous functions. Incredibly potent redox factor (dealing with toxicity/volatility and such).
Then I also noticed old, sick people with mitochondrial dysfunction, pulmonary, heart issues (such as covid) also happen to have low PQQ and CoQ10 levels ( ubiquinones in general I suspect)…particularly in their hearts and lungs.
PQQ, for instance, happens to involved with mitochondrial repair and even genesis.
So there’s random trivia for you, a “random” essential factor that’s never mentioned.
I could also tell you how the prevalence of chlorine and sodium, vs magnesium and potassium (particularly) causes whole body electrical problems…massively overlooked problem. And, how that is associated with the reports of mental, heart and other issues relating to covid patients, and HCQ. HCQ, worsens that imbalance by causing excessive sodium retention, making a significant common problem much worse.
Iodine? Huge issue. Worsened by unessential, incredibly excessive chlorine, fluorine, bromine.
When you start putting these things together…it’s really kinda clear.
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Btw…here’s another random sort of thing.
You guys notice the prevalence of fluorine and aluminum in society, right?
I mean, infants are almost instantly attacked with aluminum and other shit, aluminum is in everything, fluorine is pushed like crazy. Neither essential or good for you…
That’s kinda retarded.
But anyway…so, did you know, in terms of cAMP, adenylyl cyclase that fluorine and aluminum (SPECIFICALLY) react, to cause pathogenic results? It happens to be worsened by say, EMF.
Now, regarding mitochondrial dysfunction (consider it the main generalized problem in all disease), that damage/attack negatively influences ATP, cellular energy. That is, btw, key in health status.
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Aluminum: a requirement for activation of the regulatory component of adenylate cyclase by fluoride.
“Activation of the purified guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory component (G/F) of adenylate cyclase by F- requires the presence of Mg2+ and another factor.
The requirement for Al3+ is highly specific; of 28 other metals tested, only Be2+ promoted activation of G/F by F-.”
Now imagine your brain is potato mash.
Okay. but it has little bits of aluminum and fluorine scattered in it. Now, you put that potato mash in a microwave (3g frequencies). Neat huh? Do you remember what happens with aluminum in a microwave. Now just imagine little pieces of fluorine being “excited” by that and popping off like little bombs. Sure, it’ll be non-obvious, some or slow…but hey, still happens.
Very science.
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Maybe you’re like me, and you investigated positron emission tomography coz you noticed an association with leukemia (I knew a guy).
So then, I sat there thinking…
“Wait a minute, so you’re telling me…you’re injecting already toxic, volatile but now also radioactive fluorine to populate glucose channels, like the whole body pretty much…and then….you shoot that with radioactive positron emissions which excites that radioactive fluorine and causes it to explode in that person’s body…to generate a pretty picture and “confirm” that someone has cancer?”
See at that point, I started a research endeavour. It occurred to me, that I can start shooting people with tachyon cannons so as to observe them.
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And please excuse my horrible typing/shitty grammar, I tend to not review what I type so well.
But also, I’ll stop apologizing for that, coz I’m gonna make a lot of mistake still.
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We hail from the same motherland. We seem to have a way of simplifying life into its essential components. ?
SA cv19 pcr-test results follow perfect 6 month seasonal cycles – winter and summer effects. The 3rd wave has long past, using natural immunity and some support from brave outpatient clinicians. The toxic liquid injections do absolutely nothing to the test curves. They will, however, like everywhere else, bring mass death and suffering.
Have you looked at the original Pfizer Phase 3 test results? The medical ‘scientists’ had to apply statistics to statistics in order to bamboozle the public. Practically, the test ‘showed’ an absolute effectiveness of around 0.74%. The so-called ‘health signal’ was well within the experimental uncertainty range. In other words, within the noise. Total rubbish.
The really useful part was that around 99.3% of the subjects were never affected by cv19 – I suspect not clinical symptoms, rather pcr-test. In other words, less than normal ‘extinct’ seasonal flu.
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Well, I looked at trial data/reports suggestings things like 25-50% (obvious, short term) adverse reactions, 15% serious. I also noticed things like meningitis vaccines being used as “placebo”. Also, rather preferential candidates…all kinds of biased and data skewing. Good stuff. Definitely characteristic of an exploitative corporation in rather dodgy industry.
So I dunno, if it’s toxic stuff made to degenerate you, like actually targeting you as a virus, what are you expecting?
mRNA crap, has what, 30 years of research? Trials having had terrible results. So I guess it’s a matter of diluting the toxin enough that it’s not super obvious, for what, 2-3 years…according to their uhm, trial data restrictions and such. Gee I wonder why.
I’m not just “anti-vax” in terms of covid, every vax, and I’m even “anti-virus” (at least, in the suggested/”understood” sense).
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Here’s a reminder about some trials:
“UCSF Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Peter Chin-Hong said 25-50% of 75,000 patients involved in the Pfizer and Moderna trials experienced some side effects. Fifteen percent of them were more serious and needed more than a day to recover.
“It’s your body’s immune system trying to get activated because it’s seeing this new thing and the way that it gets activated is the way you’re feeling which is inflammation,” Chin-Hong said. ”
Doesn’t that put you at ease, the sort of “science” spoken there.
“..seeing this new thing and the way it gets activated is the way you’re feeling which is inflammation…”
Wow really? Do you know what else does that? Toxins. So…wait a minute…isn’t inflammation, say, including cytokine, chemoking “storms” often involved in things like disease?
So that new thing…does the things associated with disease, toxins, you know like physical damage, inflammation…but that’s…for my health? Yup. Sounds legit.
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Well isn’t this convenient?