The Formation Of Liquid Crystals In Water
A water molecule consists of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, and although it contains an equal number of protons and electrons, it is not neutral
Because of the larger size and greater number of electrons in the oxygen atom it will appear to have a negative charge while the two hydrogen atoms will appear positive.
The electrical charge across the molecule is weak and as a gas molecule the hydrogen atoms will be opposite each other, connected to the oxygen atom by covalent bonds.
It is the uneven charge of water molecules that allows us to use salts with uneven charges (CaCl2, NaSiO2) as a desiccate to remove water from the air.
When in the presence of another water molecule the positive charge of the hydrogen atoms of one water molecule will be attracted to the negative charge of the oxygen atom in the other molecule, causing the molecules to bend and join together making liquid water.
They will form a structure of H2OH2O where the hydrogen atoms of one water molecule are perpendicular to the hydrogen atoms of the other water molecule. The water molecules join together like links in a chain creating a structure with a positive charged outer shell and a negatively charged oxygen atom on the end.
Just like the addition of batteries in a series, this polymerization of water molecules will increase the strength of the negative electric force (voltage) on the oxygen atom at the end of the chain.
As more water molecules are added to the chain, the negative charge at the end of the chain will increase. The increase in charge gives the covalent bonds of water the ability to dissolve crystals by breaking ionic bonds.
They once thought that they had discovered a heavier form of water but it turned out to be the result of the electric forces in pure water dissolving the glass container it was in. The more water molecules joining together to form a chain the stronger the ionic nature of the water becomes.
As other types of ions dissolve in the water they will direct the orientation of the water molecules, building structures in the and water changing the strength of the negative electric charge and its ability to create ions.
When energy is absorbed by a molecule it increases both the vibration of the atoms across a bond and the length of those bonds. This increase in distance weakens the attractive force between the atoms.
When a chain of water becomes long enough the negative charge at the end of the chain will become strong enough to separate a hydrogen atom from another water molecule ionizing the water into hydroxyl and hydrogen ions.
These water ions have a stronger electrical charge than a water molecule and will attract water molecules to them, again creating structures. The positive hydrogen ion will attachto two water molecules to form H2O+OH2.
This structure will no longer be able to addmore water molecules.The negative charge of a hydroxyl ion, created by the ionization of a water molecule, willbe able to form a structure with other molecules creating an OHOHOHOH- chain with anodd number of hydrogen atoms.
The positive charge of the H2O+OH2 structure willcause the negatively charged OHOHOH chain to form a closed loop around it, creating astructure with a negative ring around a positively charge liquid solution.
As more energy is added to the water molecules, more ions will form creating a negatively charged shell around a center of water molecules and positive H2O+OH2 ions within.
Once separated from the water, the water molecules in the crystal will continue to absorb IR energy, causing the shell to grow thicker. It is the increasing negative charge of the liquid crystal that causes the crystal to continue to rise in the atmosphere, even as the distance between it and the negatively charged surface becomes greater.
Water is using IR energy to create internal stored electric energy. This is why water is able to absorb so much heat while only radiating a small portion of that energy. (It takes 720 calories to convert 0C ice into 100 C steam.)
When the temperature of the water reaches 100C the vibrations of the bonds in the outer shell causes them to begin breaking (second melt point). Unlike the internal growth of the crystal in the atmosphere, the melting occurs on the outer surface of the crystal. Water molecules separate from the crystal but the negative charge of the hydroxyl ions are held on the surface by the positive charges within the crystal.
It is only when the inner shell is broken that neutralization of the electric charges occurs and the stored energy is released into space. It is this neutralization that causes thunderstorms and lightning.
There is a positive charge on the surface of the Earth under a thunder cloud. Since positive charges are in the nucleus of atoms and do not move, this positive charge must be the result of a negative charge in the clouds repelling electrons on the surface. It is almost impossible to separate electrons from O2, N2, Argon, or H2O molecules and even if this occurred a positive charge would also be created resulting in no change in net electric charge.
It is the negative charge of the shells of liquid water crystals that repels the electrons on the surface. When the water crystal shell melts and the stored charges are neutralized, the electrons on
the surface surge back under the clouds creating lightning.
The reason water molecules (which are lighter than O2, N2, or Argon) do not escape the troposphere into the upper atmosphere is because the melt point of the liquid crystals is below the temperature where water becomes a gas and it falls back to the Earth as a liquid.
This change of state is seen by the cooling of water coming from a tea kettle. It first appears as a clear gas but on cooling converts to liquid droplets. As heat is absorbed by the formation of liquid crystals the water again becomes invisible.
Further cooling will cause the covalent bonds of the water molecules to shorten converting it back into visible liquid water and then a solid.
It phases do not go from a gas to a liquid back to a gas then repeating as a liquid before becoming a solid.
The unique properties of water come from the creation of ionic structures from covalent bonds.
Header image: Structured Water
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Charles Higley
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“They will form a structure of H2OH2O where the hydrogen atoms of one water molecule are perpendicular to the hydrogen atoms of the other water molecule”
Wrong! The hydrogen bonds between water molecules are linear, not perpendicular. Too bad the author does not know basic biochemistry.
Herb Rose
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Hi Charles,
If molecules with charges are free to move they will move so that similar charges are as far apart as possible. This would cause the hydrogen atoms of two joined water molecules to form an X when viewed from above.
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“Just like the addition of batteries in a series, this polymerization of water molecules will increase the strength of the negative electric force (voltage) on the oxygen atom at the end of the chain.”
This type of behavior is why I asked if there was a charge boost.
Herb Rose
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Hi Howdy,
When similar charges are forced together the strengthen size of the radiated field increase. The charge of an electron doesn’t. With magnets when similar poles are forced together the size and strength of the radiated magnet field decreases but the magnets retain their structure and magnetism. The opposite occurs when opposite charges/poles get closer, the radiated magnetic field gets stronger while the radiated electric field gets weaker.
An atom with the same number of protons and electrons radiates a negative charge because of the distance between the electrons and the nucleus. This distance is due to the repelling force of energy associated with the positive charges in the nucleus. overcoming the attraction between the electrons and protons With the addition of more energy to the nucleus the electrons are forced away from the nucleus decreasing the attractive force between them and the protons (internal force). This increases the strength of the radiated negative electric field. The charges of the protons and electrons do not change but the change of their positions causes a change in the radiated charge of atom. How do you determine what the value of the charge is, when there will always be both an internal force between positive and negative matter and a radiated electric force caused by energy separating the charges? All you can do is measure changes in the difference of the radiated charge without knowing if the initial value was 100 with a change of 10 or 1000 with a change of 10. We can only measure radiated energy not internal energy so while the radiated energy of water may be 100C we don’t know if that reading represents 100 calories or 600 calories.
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In physics, how do particles maintain energy in isolation, such as when an electron travels, but is still able to produce the requisite charge on a faraday plate?
Also, if you could, what is the relationship between energy and the path of least resistance? What determines the path?
Appreciate it.
Herb Rose
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Hi Wisenox,
Fields expands from a source, decreasing with distance, until they encounters fields from another source of equal strength. It is these fields that determine the size of objects and interact with other objects. Objects are never isolated but always in contact with neighboring objects. Since energy only flows from higher to lower, it is equilibrium that stops the expansion and provides resistance. When an object is within the energy field of another object it is the larger energy field that controls the smaller.
The objects in the solar system are emitting fields whose size and strength are determined by the sun’s fields.
Objects orbit because they are in equilibrium with the sun’s field and therefore cannot gain or lose energy. If they do gain energy they are no longer in equilibrium with the field and lose energy, moving into a weaker field until equilibrium is again established. If you add energy the velocity will slow.
The size of the orbiting object’s fields is determined by the strength of sun’s field so you have asteroids whose energy field has expanded enough that other asteroids are orbiting them, even though they have little mass. Deep space is not empty but contains hydrogen atoms where their fields have expanded so the universe always contains electric and energy fields.
Because energy is motion the strength of these field varies with this motion, causing objects to expand into the weaker energy field created by this motion.
When an object gains energy (at a subatomic level) its energy field expands and the attractive energy force between its neighboring objects increases causing them to move closer . The resulting decrease in distance between the energy source and neighboring energy source causes an increase in the repelling negative electric force between the objects, which (when the energy continues to equalize with other objects) causes the distance between the objects to now increase. This is electromagnetic radiation which radiates in all directions from the source..
All moving objects create radiated energy and electric waves whose wavelengths depends on the speed of the object. The speed of these waves depends on the strength of the fields they are in, so they slow while moving away from a source and increase in speed as they travel through fields of increasing strength. The speed of light is never constant and because it is a form of energy it will continue to travels through the universe until that rare occasion where it is absorbed by matter.
Herb Rose
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Hi Wisenox,
I don’t know if it makes any difference to your model but the formula for the energy force (magnetism/gravity), F=M1M2/d^2, is incorrect.
I did an experiment using using those round composite magnets to see if it was correct (I didn’t like that the force of a magnet declined by “approximate” cube of distance.) and the formula was wrong.
I used a brass nut (ground to fit in the center hole) to attach a magnet to a brass all thread rod then suspended it over a scale with a steel block on it. By lowering the magnet and recording the force (grams lifted) at different distance I could determine the strength of the magnet. I did this for 2 magnets then attached one of the magnets to an aluminum weight and repeated the process to determine the lifting force between the 2 magnets. It turned out the lifting force of 2 magnets wasn’t much different than the value I got for the lifting force of one magnet. I realized that the value measured for one magnet was actually 2 magnets: the permanent magnet being lowered and an induced magnet coming from the steel weight.
I then created a model of a magnet using the 2 magnets and a steel washer. I positioned one magnet a distance up the brass rod with the steel washer in contact with it. At the bottom of the brass rod I attached the other magnet so the magnetic force of the magnets combined to form a magnet. I hung the model over a third magnet attached to the aluminum block to get a value of the lifting force of the model. I wanted to find out what would happen as the steel washer was lowered from the top magnet to the bottom magnet. Initially there was no change in the lifting force of the model until the washer reached the midpoint where the lifting power began to increase at an exponential rate.
This result caused me to believe that the induced magnet in the steel washer declined with distance while in the magnetic field of the top magnet and increased when it entered the magnetic field of the lower magnet. The distance between magnets (or masses) is not from center to center but from center of magnetic force to the equilibrium point of the magnetic fields and the correct formula was M3 = M1/d1 + M2/d2 so for equal magnets M3 = 4M1/d. The apparent decline of the force of one magnet as a cube of distance was due to the change of force of the induced magnet and the change in distance as the induced force increased.
I don’t know if this has any bearing on your math model but thought I should let you know.
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Herb, you are conversing with Wisenox, not me.