The five biggest coronavirus myths BUSTED!

TRIGGER WARNING! Do not read this if you are a loyal member of the Branch Covidians, cravenly awaiting the pleasure-pain prick of the Covid vaccine before you will appear in your own garden without a face nappy.
Or rather, do read it, but don’t expect to like it. There is no place for assumptions here—only logical thought from first principles. The only aim is to debunk the biggest myths that the media and political establishment have propagated.
And if you can hear me out then I salute you; there are few of us left who hold open minds.
Myth 1: Slowing the spread of the virus is a good idea
This is the fundamental premise of the world’s ‘response’ to Covid, from which all else springs. But it has never been established that we should be trying to slow the virus down, not even from the blinkered point of view of just saving lives in the short term.
Slowing the spread of the virus was initially sold to us as a way of protecting health services: if everyone gets sick at once, the hospitals will fill to bursting point and people will die on gurneys in car parks outside. Remember ‘flatten the curve’? Since Covid infections are inevitable, spreading them out through time will indirectly save lives by ensuring that everyone who can be saved by medical interventions – oxygen masks and ventilators – will be.
A noble idea, but as it happened, a misguided one. Most hospitals spent the months of the outbreak as good as empty. All other medical treatments were postponed in order to prepare for the onslaught of Covid patients coughing their lungs up—an onslaught that never arrived.
Even intensive care units rarely reached full capacity, and it quickly became apparent that for the people most at risk from Covid, ventilator and intensive care treatment is unsuitable. Only a tiny minority of those who have died actually died in intensive care—old people with many co-morbidities are best kept in ordinary wards.
So ‘flatten the curve’ was a dead duck, but doesn’t it make sense to slow the spread of the virus anyway? Well, only if you think that those who would die of Covid if they caught it can evade the virus until a vaccine is developed.
If vulnerable people who believe that they have not caught the virus (they may be asymptomatic) want to wait for a putative vaccine, then they should be more upfront about their intentions. Because if they can’t, then there is no point to any of this.
In addition, there is at least one theory why you could be doing someone a favour by giving them the virus. Evolutionary theory tells us that as a respiratory virus spreads, it loses potency. A successful virus is a mild one, which does not kill its host before they can spread it.
This is how herd immunity really works in this context: it’s about the changes to the virus itself. In contrast, when we locked down, the virus had nowhere to go. Instead of getting milder, all of the most dangerous strains came together in the only places where sick people gathered: nursing homes and hospitals.
This is why I greeted news that the virus was becoming more contagious with jubilation—it is better that the virus spread freely, at least among the healthy.
Myth 2: Lockdowns slow the spread
But let’s pretend for a while that it isn’t better. Because without the fundamental assumption that spreading = bad, the rest of the discussion is flipped on its head. ‘Spikes’ become cause for relief, not concern. Masks, if they work, would become counter-productive. I am not claiming this as truth—only that it is at least as likely as the classical model.
But if you can suspend your disbelief for long enough to imagine that hindering the spread of the virus is worthwhile, then you might be forgiven for assuming that lockdowns are the way to do it. There is, however, no suggestion, let alone evidence, that lockdowns would pose a problem for a wily virus.
If lockdowns played any part at all, we would expect to see a correlation between the different forms of lockdowns enforced by various regions or countries, and the shape of the death curves there. But we do not—the correlation is zero. Belgium, the UK, New York: strict lockdowns; lots of deaths. Sweden, Japan, Uruguay: light or no lockdowns; few deaths.
You can point to opposite examples, but that’s just the point—there is no consistency. And before you try to explain away individual countries with hand waving about ‘different cultures’ or ‘better testing’, there is no correlation with any of those things either.
Simply put, there is nothing that can be easily pointed at to suggest that any measure taken by any government in the world to block the virus has worked. Lockdowns may be the biggest tools in the shed, but they are still faulty.
Myth 3: Contact tracing is the answer
Early in the outbreak, there seemed to be a connection between those countries with impressive track and trace capabilities, like Germany and South Korea, and their ability to cope. Of course, the tracking and tracing itself could not have been ‘curing’ the population of Covid. No one knew why there seemed to be a positive effect from comprehensive testing. Months later, still no one knows.
But that has not stopped western governments from pathetic attempts to emulate the conformist East Asian societies with contact tracing apps and programmes. Despite a not inconsiderable propaganda campaign, they have all failed miserably. This is largely because not enough people even have any symptoms anymore, months after the virus peaked.
Trying to ramp up contact tracing in August goes beyond locking the barn door after the horse has bolted. This horse bolted so long ago that now herds of its descendants roam the countryside. Meanwhile, the farmer ruins his homestead in order to pour his resources into increasingly elaborate and expensive door locking contraptions.
Myth 4: BAME people are more at risk
For BAME, insert whatever ethnic or other minority you have read is worst affected by the virus outbreak. Of course, the virus is racist—everything else is. Factoids like this come from dividing the sick or the dead into their Woke groupings and then comparing the proportions to the population as a whole. And no doubt, BAME people are ‘over represented’ in such statistics.
But the risk is at the population level, and is almost entirely explained by mediating factors like obesity, diabetes and other co-morbidities, more prevalent in some populations than in others. If you are in your eighties, overweight and sickly, then you should be worried about catching the virus regardless of your race.
Similarly, if you are fit and under 60 you are more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by the virus, regardless of your race. There has been a suggestion, but only a suggestion, that lower Vitamin D levels in black people could play a part, but that is not behind the disparities.
This basic statistical point makes ridiculous the notion that some professional athletes were worried about returning to their sport. I actually feel sorry for the likes of Troy Deeney (not just because he’s been relegated with Watford) but because he has been understandably frightened by poor scientific communication.
As a healthy young BAME man, there is no reason to suspect that he himself is at an increased risk. But he has been persuaded that he is by a regime that distils power from fear.
Myth 5: For schools to open, pubs must close
What utter rot this is. The individual who came up with this false trade-off would have a bright career in board game design, if they were not earning so much as a public servant. This is simply a fabrication, and as such somewhat difficult to disprove, rather like the existence of invisible fairies.
You could just, you know, leave the pubs open and then open the schools too? But I suppose then there would be a ‘second wave’ in deaths two weeks later. You know, like the second wave that was warned of in May. And then June. And then July.
Only in the past two weeks did the WHO finally give up the dream and change its story to ‘One Big Wave’, which doesn’t have the same ring to it. But the second wave fiction has not yet been memory holed—it can be trotted out on demand to force through any further assaults on our remaining freedoms.
All I can do is predict that a second wave in deaths will never materialise, and every day since April I have been proven right. The establishment, in contrast, makes wrong predictions again and again, and are never held to account.
They just change the prediction, and hope everyone forgets about what they said a week ago. Don’t wear masks. Don’t go to work. Go to work, but don’t take public transport. But if you do, wear a mask. Do not be fooled into thinking that the confusion is incidental. It is part of the plan—confused people are easier to control.
The bigger the lie
It may have been Joseph Goebbels who said: ‘’If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.’’ It seems this is an evergreen statement; not only is there no limit to the size of the lie, there seems to be no limit on the number of lies either.
Hypotheses make predictions, and if they are consistently proven right, eventually they become theory. Einstein is heralded because he made predictions about black holes that are only being proven true almost a century later. Many fine minds have put their necks out to make predictions about the nature of this outbreak, despite slime and slander from the cheerleaders of the elite. But when they are vindicated, the cheerleaders just drown them out.
In contrast, Neil Ferguson is rolled out again and the second wavers just keep saying ‘wait another two weeks’. When will this end? Never. Not until we have a complete rethink. Logic and reason have not worked. It’s time for a new approach.
About the author: Peter Andrews is an Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics.
Read more here.
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Richard Wakefield
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What a bunch of pseudoscience crap. He’s advocating we do nothing and let the worse case scenario play out. Completely insane.
Compare Sweden, who didnt lock down, with Norway, Finland and Denmark who did lock down earlier. Sweden has TEN TIMES the death rate per million than Norway!!!
Plus we have Australia and Japan, who managed to get it under control fast locking down in January, only to lift lockdown too soon and experience a second wave worse than the first one.
Spain and other countries experiencing a second wave is because they lifted lockdown too soon PROVES locking down prevents the spread.
If you want to see what worse case is look at Brazil, and Peru. The US is no longer number one in deaths per million, Peru is and Brazil is catching up fast.
Then there is India, which is still accelerating in cases and deaths because they cant contain the spread. Expect them to go on for another year or more.
There is no herd immunity.
PSI is supposed to be the bastion of good science against the bad bullshit. But with this virus, you are promoting the latter. It’s not only shameful, but grossly irresponsible.
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Norway with half the population of Sweden-
“Top Norwegian health official: We could have controlled …
A top health official in Norway said the country could have brought the coronavirus outbreak under control without a lockdown and urged the country not to lock down if a second wave hits”
Richard Wakefield
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“Norway with half the population of Sweden”
Hence my reference to deaths per million. Sweden is ten times that of Norway.
Richard Wakefield
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“A top health official in Norway said the country could have brought the coronavirus outbreak under control without a lockdown and urged the country not to lock down if a second wave hits”
How? Exactly?
Richard Wakefield
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That article is from May 26, 2020. Note this comment:
“The comments came as Japan lifted its coronavirus state of emergency Monday, declaring that its strategy to combat the virus, which did not include a lockdown, had effectively stopped the spread of the virus. As of writing, 830 lives were lost due to confirmed coronavirus cases in the island nation out of fewer than 17,000 total cases.”
Japan just experienced its WORSE outbreak in a second wave. That PROVES this article is complete bullshit.
Japan has had to reinstate lockdown, and it is working, reducing cases.
Richard Wakefield
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Ten days ago: Norway Clamps Down As Coronavirus Cases Rise, Face Masks A Possibility
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Three quarters of deaths were in old peoples homes in Sweden. How would have a lock down made a difference.
the median age of deaths was 86 in Sweden and 80 in other countries.
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I countries like the US, the UK, and also Sweden (without a lockdown), overall mortality since the beginning of the year is in the range of a strong influenza season; in countries like Germany and Switzerland, overall mortality so far is in the range of a mild influenza season.
Richard Wakefield
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Excess deaths over background is much higher because of this virus.
Plus Covid is 20 times the fatality as the flu.
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“Plus Covid is 20 times the fatality as the flu”
“According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% to 0.3% and thus in the range of a severe influenza (flu)”
Richard Wakefield
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During the week ending April 21, 2020, 15 455 COVID-19 counted deaths were reported in the US.5 The reported number of counted deaths from the previous week, ending April 14, was 14 478. By contrast, according to the CDC, counted deaths during the peak week of the influenza seasons from 2013-2014 to 2019-2020 ranged from 351 (2015-2016, week 11 of 2016) to 1626 (2017-2018, week 3 of 2018).6 The mean number of counted deaths during the peak week of influenza seasons from 2013-2020 was 752.4 (95% CI, 558.8-946.1).7 These statistics on counted deaths suggest that the number of COVID-19 deaths for the week ending April 21 was 9.5-fold to 44.1-fold greater than the peak week of counted influenza deaths during the past 7 influenza seasons in the US, with a 20.5-fold mean increase (95% CI, 16.3-27.7).5,6
The CDC also publishes provisional counts of COVID-19 deaths but acknowledges that its reporting lags behind other public data sources.7 For the week ending April 11, 2020, data indicate that the number of provisionally reported COVID-19 deaths was 14.4-fold greater than influenza deaths during the apparent peak week of the current season (week ending February 29, 2020), consistent with the ranges based on CDC statistics.6 As the CDC continues to revise its COVID-19 counts to account for delays in reporting, the ratio of counted COVID-19 deaths to influenza deaths is likely to increase.
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you keep quoting April and May. Now in August we know the numbers are the level of a bad influenza –
According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% to 0.3% and thus in the range of a severe influenza (flu).
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“Ten days ago: Norway Clamps Down As Coronavirus Cases Rise, Face Masks A Possibilit:
Oh dear, Sweden is not in lock down and not wearing masks and has not killed its economy.
Richard Wakefield
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Better go tell that to the author of that link.
BTW, our economy will come back. It came back after 911, it came back after 2009. It will after this.
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you keep referring to data from May and April
In August we now know-
“According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% to 0.3% and thus in the range of a severe influenza (flu)”
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13 over 70s and already ill died on the Cruise ship, Princess Diamond , out of a ship’s compliment of 3800. This ship had a high viral load and illustrates that Corona was only dangerous to the old and already ill.
Flu kills all ages, even the healthy.
Richard Wakefield
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“Corona was only dangerous to the old and already ill.”
Completely false.
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the Princess Diamond illustrates it was the old and ill who died on a ship with a heavy viral load.
The average age of deaths was 80 and mostly already ill.
“According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% to 0.3% and thus in the range of a severe influenza (flu)”
“In many countries, up to two thirds of all extra deaths occurred in nursing homes, which do not benefit from a general lockdown. Moreover, in many cases it is not clear whether these people really died from Covid-19 or from weeks of extreme stress and isolation”
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why are you flagging up something from April that is wrong? –
Richard Wakefield
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“Health professionals have told Reuters that even young and healthy people are succumbing to the infection, sometimes deteriorating rapidly and taking doctors by surprise (here). ”
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another article from May when we know that is is mostly the old and already ill that died with most deaths in old peoples homes.
Richard Wakefield
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So no healthy people have died from this?
She was 9.
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“Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid-19 turned out to be false: many of these young people either did not die from Covid-19, they had already been seriously ill (e.g. from undiagnosed leukaemia), or they were in fact 109 instead of 9 years old. The claimed increase in Kawasaki disease in children also turned out to be exaggerated”
“The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years (e.g. 86 years in Sweden) and only about 4% of the deceased had no serious preconditions. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality”
“In many countries, up to two thirds of all extra deaths occurred in nursing homes, which do not benefit from a general lockdown. Moreover, in many cases it is not clear whether these people really died from Covid-19 or from weeks of extreme stress and isolation”
“Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by Covid-19, but by the effects of the lockdown, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by up to 60% because many patients no longer dared to go to hospital”
“Even in so-called “Covid-19 deaths” it is often not clear whether they died from or with coronavirus (i.e. from underlying diseases) or if they were counted as “presumed cases” and not tested at all. However, official figures usually do not reflect this distinction’
Richard Wakefield
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Yeah old people in homes are of no value to anyone. Maybe we should just line up everyone who turns 65 and shoot them? Then no worries about pension shortfalls!!!
The deaths of young healthy people is fact, like the 6 year old girl. Your apathy to these people is scary.
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“The deaths of young healthy people is fact, like the 6 year old girl. Your apathy to these people is scary’
I don’t remember you passing any comment about the 23,168 Communicable disease deaths so far today- 15.38 pm-
I doubt you passed any comment about the 100,000 that died of flu , of all ages, including healthy children, in the US last Christmas.
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“The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years (e.g. 86 years in Sweden) and only about 4% of the deceased had no serious preconditions. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality”
Richard Wakefield
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500+ people my age or younger.
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50,000, of all ages, died of flu in the UK in 2018- no Lock down.
Richard Wakefield
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South Korea sees second wave, locks down again.
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and yet no lock down for the 100,000 that died of flu in the US this last Christmas. Or for the 1-4 million that died of Hong Kong flu back in 1969- that hardly made front page news.
No second lock down in Sweden. No 1st lock down either.
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“Now, a version of this study for England and Wales has been done by Simon Wood, a professor at Bristol University”
Richard Wakefield
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Again an out of date article. UK seeing a second wave starting.
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it’s just in increase in testing.
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Covid19 is a lie
Andy Rowlands
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There is no second wave in the UK Richard Wokefield. This is taken from the BBC virus webpage – “…the number of tests being carried out is also increasing – and these tests are targeted at areas where infection rates are highest.
As BBC health correspondent Nick Triggle points out, if you are testing more, you are likely to find more cases.
If you look at the percentage of tests coming back positive, the rise in cases becomes marginal, once daily fluctuations are taken into account, he says.
Separate data released from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), which surveys a sample of households in England for current infection – not including care homes or hospitals – also suggests that coronavirus cases are stable across most of England.”
Richard Wakefield
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Tests required to find a case is 150:1.
Test per thousand is up. Has been since June.
Cases has been rising again since the beginning of August.
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in the meantime, since Jan-
8,164,107 Communicable disease deaths this year- and not a word about it.
Roger Clague
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” Second wave is because they lifted lock down to soon ”
Or because it prevented herd immunity
No second ? in no lock down Sweden
Herd Immunity is also from common cold corona virus infection and general health and hygiene
Richard Wakefield
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I posted a link on the fallacy of relying on herd immunity. Read it.
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Predicted Vs Reality in Sweden-
and remember, most of the deaths were in old peoples homes.
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No lock down Vs lock down-
“A joint report from Sweden (without primary school closure) and Finland (with primary school closure) concluded that there was no difference in infection rates among children in the two countries’
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Do you advocate lock down with influenza?
“In the USA, three times more children up to 14 years of age have died of influenza than of Covid-19 (101 versus 31) since the beginning of the year, according to the CDC’
Richard Wakefield
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“Do you advocate lock down with influenza?”
If it was as bad as this virus,. absolutely.
Sweden deaths by age group. Notice the number under 70, who should have had decades left to live.
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I repeat – the median age of deaths in Sweden was 86!! three quarters of them died in old peoples homes!
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“Sweden deaths by age group. Notice the number under 70, who should have had decades left to live”
Median age was 86. Flu kills all ages including healthy children.
Finn McCool
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Richard wakefield
Here is where you can find the data on covid deaths from the Swedish governments own stats.
Why don’t you download the data and do your own research?
I’m sure that with your 35 years of programming and statistical analysis, that should be easy for you.
Richard Wakefield
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Finn McCool I already did.
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Sweden – so you will know that three quarters of deaths were in old peoples homes and the median age was 86.
Richard Wakefield
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“so you will know that three quarters of deaths were in old peoples homes and the median age was 86.”
Which means one quarter of the deaths were young healthy people. What’s your point? It’s OK to let people just die without some attempt to save their lives????
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Which means one quarter of the deaths were young healthy people. What’s your point? It’s OK to let people just die without some attempt to save their lives????
“The US CDC found that Covid-19 hospitalization rates for people aged 65 and over are “within ranges of influenza hospitalization rates”, with rates slightly higher for people aged 18 to 64 and “much lower” (compared to influenza) for people under 18′
and the people who couldn’t make it to hospital for other causes, they were left to die.
“Extra 10,000 dementia deaths in England and Wales in April
People with dementia ‘just switching off’ amid reduced medical care and family visits”
So i am guessing as influenza kills more young people than Covid you will be pushing for lock down at Christmas?
Roger Clague
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Logic and reason were used on maths models
which have assumptions such as human behavior is fixed
Science models use real data and can be changed in light of new evidence
j Dunae Robinson, LMPS< EMT Instructor
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Killing Old People-1_COVID: Behind the global nursing home disaster, and the case-number scam
Killing Old People-2_Soylent Green is people; COVID-19 is old people
Killing Old People-3_Death by killing old people, not COVID—the basic deception
Killing Old People-4a_Murder by lockdown: details from a dozen countries
(BEST ONE BELOW – With GRAPHS showing deaths and Lockdown Dates – J.R.)
Killing Old People-4b_Questions for lockdown apologists by John Pospichal
640 European Doctors Gather to Discuss the Overreaction to COVID and How It’s Damaging Society
ER Doctors Go Over COVID-19 Statistics – Why Are We in Lockdown? Also, a Lesson on Immunity
The Ultimate Divide and Conquer Is Upon Us: Russ Bangs Tyranny Can Only Begin When We Are Separated
UN Officials Cite Study That Finds Lockdowns, School Closures KILLING More Children Than COVID
There Is No Evidence Lockdowns Saved Lives. It Is Indisputable They Caused Great Harm
Lockdown ‘killed two people for every three who died of coronavirus’ at peak of outbreak
Critics say lockdowns will be more damaging than the virus. Experts say it’s a false choice
Death By Policy
Why most Covid-19 deaths won’t be from the virus
Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month
U.N. warns economic downturn could kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020
Coronavirus Lockdown May Spur Surge in Mental Illness, U.N. Warns
Where’s The Evidence For The Drastic Measures Against COVID-19?
30 Useful Facts on COVID-19 Debunking the Media Narrative
‘We Never Needed Lockdown – the Govt Lied to Put Us in Our Homes’ [VIDEO]
World-Leading Infectious Disease Expert Explains Why Government Lockdowns Should End: Dr. John Ioannidis
COVID-19 Strike Teams Shut Down Farms – Food Wars Go Hot [11:49]
Dr. Rashid Buttar: 5G, COVID19 and the Fake Media
More Proof that the Covid Is a Scare Tactic
J Dunae Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructo
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I hate it when I mispell words, and don’t see it proofreading!
Richard Wakefield
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Do you have any idea at all what the worse case would have looked like? Maybe you should read up on some of the scenarios from the experts. A pandemic like this could utterly destroy society, killing tens of millions (50 million from the Spanish Flu), disruption of essential supply lies causing further non-virus deaths, and complete breakdown of society (as currently seen with cities and rioting happening).
You do not want to experience the worse case, and that is what would happen with no lockdown.
Richard Wakefield
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“essential supply LINES” You guys need an edit button.
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do you mean Hong Kong flu, back in 1969, that killed between 1-4 million with no lock down and hardly made front page news?
Japan, with no lock down, had very few deaths.
Richard Wakefield
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Japan locked down. There’s even a Netfix documentary about it. But since then they have a second wave worse than the first, they’ve locked down again.
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more cases , very few deaths. Not sure what your point is.
Richard Wakefield
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Deaths there have started the second wave.
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8.29 am – 12,570 have died of communicable disease deaths today- you missed that out.
Al Shelton
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Richard: I think that you should change your name to Wokefield, not Wakefield..
Andy Rowlands
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Wokefield indeed haha 🙂 It’s interesting that Richard calls pseudoscience, then comes out with weird stuff that often makes no sense.
Richard Wakefield
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I guess peer reviewed science makes no sense to you.
Joseph Olson
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With “peers” like Imperial College clown, NIEL FERGUSON, no science is necessary
Richard Wakefield
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So all of science is bogus. Got it.
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there is a lot of fake science in all disciplines.
Neil Ferguson has been wrong on every claim he has made.
Richard Wakefield
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“there is a lot of fake science in all disciplines.”
So there is no virus, and it hasnt killed 780,000 people so far. Every country is lying, those who have lost loved ones are all lying. You’re pathetic, bud.
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how many were due to covid and how many were due to other causes-
for starters- “Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by Covid-19, but by the effects of the lockdown, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by up to 60% because many patients no longer dared to go to hospital”
“Even in so-called “Covid-19 deaths” it is often not clear whether they died from or with coronavirus (i.e. from underlying diseases) or if they were counted as “presumed cases” and not tested at all. However, official figures usually do not reflect this distinction”
“Countries without lockdowns, such as Japan, South Korea, Belarus and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than many other countries. Sweden was even praised by the WHO and now benefits from higher immunity compared to lockdown countries. 75% of Swedish deaths happened in nursing facilities that weren’t protected fast enough”
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Lock down killing more-
“The number of people suffering from unemployment, depression and domestic violence as a result of the measures has reached historic record levels. Several experts predict that the measures will claim far more lives than the virus itself. According to the UN 1.6 billion people around the world are at immediate risk of losing their livelihood”
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Peer reviewed doesn’t mean right. Why haven’t they purified a sample yet? Covid 29 is a lie.
Saeed Qureshi
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Very nice article!
Allow me to add two more myths to the list:
(1) Claimed testing or tests DETERMINE virus and/or its infection.
(2) A vaccine is around the corner and is coming
J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor
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Killing Old People-1_COVID: Behind the global nursing home disaster, and the case-number scam
Killing Old People-2_Soylent Green is people; COVID-19 is old people
Killing Old People-3_Death by killing old people, not COVID—the basic deception
Killing Old People-4a_Murder by lockdown: details from a dozen countries
(BEST ONE BELOW – With GRAPHS showing deaths and Lockdown Dates – J.R.)
Killing Old People-4b_Questions for lockdown apologists by John Pospichal
640 European Doctors Gather to Discuss the Overreaction to COVID and How It’s Damaging Society
ER Doctors Go Over COVID-19 Statistics – Why Are We in Lockdown? Also, a Lesson on Immunity
The Ultimate Divide and Conquer Is Upon Us: Russ Bangs Tyranny Can Only Begin When We Are Separated
UN Officials Cite Study That Finds Lockdowns, School Closures KILLING More Children Than COVID
There Is No Evidence Lockdowns Saved Lives. It Is Indisputable They Caused Great Harm
Lockdown ‘killed two people for every three who died of coronavirus’ at peak of outbreak
Critics say lockdowns will be more damaging than the virus. Experts say it’s a false choice
Death By Policy
Why most Covid-19 deaths won’t be from the virus
Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month
U.N. warns economic downturn could kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020
Coronavirus Lockdown May Spur Surge in Mental Illness, U.N. Warns
Where’s The Evidence For The Drastic Measures Against COVID-19?
30 Useful Facts on COVID-19 Debunking the Media Narrative
‘We Never Needed Lockdown – the Govt Lied to Put Us in Our Homes’ [VIDEO]
World-Leading Infectious Disease Expert Explains Why Government Lockdowns Should End: Dr. John Ioannidis
COVID-19 Strike Teams Shut Down Farms – Food Wars Go Hot [11:49]
Dr. Rashid Buttar: 5G, COVID19 and the Fake Media
More Proof that the Covid Is a Scare Tactic
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Hi all the all the regular and/or occasional commenters here, on PSI,
Seem most did enjoy this article; it also made me wonder how much difference there is between the UK and North America.
The first three points were somewhat “incomplete” without any reference to the folly of testing. Thanks Saeed! I may have an objection to the second point though — “An effective and safe vaccine…”
(I’m not sure if Richard and Richard Wokefield are somehow related, while they’re equally “productive,” of was it with “contra-?” with 27 posts each; the rest of one to two to a total of ~11.)
Cheers, JaKo
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Peer reviewed doesn’t mean right. Why haven’t they purified a sample yet? Until they do they haven’t proved that there is a virus causing covid 19. It’s the common cold. That’s why the tests are so bad, or are they intentionally wrong to keep the numbers up?