The Explosive Truth About Viruses

bailey vid clip

In a new video, medical doctor Sam Bailey explains what a virus is and what it isn’t. She is the bestselling coauthor of Virus Mania, showing how virus fearmongering is unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores basic scientific facts.

That was the impetus of this video, where she takes up the challenge to create a one-stop video that exposes the truth about viruses.

Dr. Bailey gets right to the point by noting that no matter how many videos, articles, and books refute the existence of “viruses”, she still gets questioned with, “but, what about [insert virus name here]”?

Dr. Bailey fills in the holes for those still hanging on to the virus theory. From the Tobacco Mosaic Disease to the present COVID misinformation, Dr. Bailey explains the reasons most people are confused.

This concise video digs into the tricks that modern medical professionals and drug companies have used in labs to make claims that haven’t been shown. In fact, the existence, the pathogenicity, and the deadly effects of viruses have never been proven.

The alleged viruses can also be seen as particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, malnutrition, and stress.

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Comments (34)

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    Herb Rose


    But what about rabies?


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      And what about hydrophobia?

      I sometimes wonder that Dr. Bailey is not frothing at the mouth.

      Terrain theory? Mass formation!


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        Otto Didact


        “But what about rabies?”— Herb Rose, commenter

        “And what about hydrophobia?”— Moffin, commenter

        Indeed. After stumbling onto the HIV fraud, back ’round late 2009, I was led by links to read about

        polio— environmental toxins – especially pesticides — not any virus(es)

        smallpox— which rose and fell throughout the 1800s in England, unabated by the vaccine, until it began to decline, around 1900, along with all the

        “childhood diseases”— which all subsided to a tiny fraction of their former rates of incidence BEFORE vaccines were introduced, and

        the 1918 Ft. Riley Flu (in Kansas, not Spain) which even Fauci knows wasn’t the flu, but pnuemonia, insofar as he co-authored a paper to that effect, an epidemic of many potential causes or contributory factors, BUT—

        I procrastinated, and it wasn’t until several years later that I finally got around to readin’ on rabies, which I’d always planned to do, ’cuz ever’body KNOWS that you better gitcha that shot or you. are. TOAST!!!

        Well, with all o’the above readin’ — and much more, besides, about viruses and Pasteur, etc – as a background, it wasn’t at all long before I realized whassup wi’dat rabies biz. And these are my conclusions. Now, I ain’t no expert, but I’d bet my bottom dollar, an’ if I were a youngster in college in this field, I’d pursue this as a fine hypothesis.

        Your first clue is that you can – indeed, MUST – get that series of rabies shots IMMEDIATELY AFTER the bite— because your natural immune response to the injection by needle is faster than your natural immune response to the injection by tooth. Betcha didn’t know that you had two different rates of natural immune response, didja! And this, DESPITE the fact that you’ve just upped the insult to your immune system, adding injury to injury with the vaccine.

        How does any of this make any damn sense!

        But setting that aside— How’dja git bit? Well, that dog was mad. MAD, I tell ye, MAD! So mad that it was frothing at the mouth!— Or, mebbe ye jus’ pissed it off, or surprised it, or it was just on the defensive ’cuz ye smell like a catbox. And, as it was about to use it’s mouth, even if only in self-defense, it was salivating a bit more’n usual—

        And then, one notes that “frothing at the mouth” is hardly a universally observed phenomenon in the offending animal of whatever species. That observation is in the literature. It’s an erroneous stereotype. Folkloric, eh?

        Likewise with hydrophobia: NOT a universally observed phenomenon. So rare, in fact, that it may have happened only once. Also in the literature. Another bit o’folklore. (I wish I’d taken notes, but I didn’t know that this covid baloney was gonna hit…)

        Moreover, there’s at least one case on record of a young man, having been bitten by a dog believed to have been rabid, who was certain that he was going to die, and indeed, he’d begun to exhibit certain “classic” symptoms — including incipient “hydrophobia” – and the poor chap was, understandably, totally freaked out.

        Well, a cooler head saw fit to call in a hypnotist, and this hypnotist suggested to his hypnotized subject that, at 5:00 pm, or whatever, he’d be fine.

        And he was. And that was that. (Something about “mass formation” comes to mind, given that any “mass” of individuals consists of— individuals.)

        As for whatever you probably comin’ down with, if you been bit?— well?— My dog, back in the day, used to reg’larly roll in the manure at the nearby nursery and then lick his— feet. As well as his own— slimy nose? (One chilly Sunday morn, he showed up at the back door with somebody else’s breakfast: a steamin’ hot, whole coffee cake still in the tin he must a-filched off a window sill where it’d been set fer coolin’. Coffeecake injected DIRECTLY into the bloodstream probably ’bout as bad as anything else! (Crisco prob’ly as bad as squalene.)

        I think I’ve made my point, which is, you git bit, you gonna git SUMTHIN’. Probably. An’ God only knows what! Might even kill ye. Might not. But given the fraud that was Pasteur – who killed some 20-25 of his first experimental patients with his attempts to create a vaccine, if I recall correctly – NOBODY KNOWS.

        In all probability, rabies isn’t any one infection, and probably several, all at once. Duh!

        It’s like the “fossil fuel” theory of petroleum. I read somewhere that somebody tracked the idea to a late-1700s proto-“biologist”, back in the day before the word had even been coined, back when dinosaurs was a brand new and decidedly unbiblical thing to think about. But this “rock oil” had been observed to seep out of the ground in many places around the world. So, “Where’s this oil come from”— was the question. “Duh, I dunno. Dead dinosaurs?”— was the edgy, nouveau reply.

        And nobody thought to question the idea until the early to mid-twentieth century. Never mind that petroleum is not uniformly distributed, that it has been drawn from far, far below the lowest fossil ever found, and from the far side of some mighty mighty bedrock. Never mind that “played out” wells occasionally start playin’ again. Never mind that the fatty acid hydrocarbons found in living things (almost universally edible) are chemically distinct from petroleum hydrocarbons.

        Folklore. Seems nobody thought to question the rabies fixities-of-thinking, either.


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          Herb Rose


          Hello Otto,
          I recommend you look up how they test for rabies. The treatment (21 shots in the abdomen) is not using live viruses but is designed to enhance your immune response.
          I recall a case when I was working a veterinary hospital while in the army where all reported dog bites are tracked. A woman was at a farm where there were cute little feral cats. She tried to pet one and got bitten. In order to test for rabies the animal must be euthanized and their brains tested and she couldn’t identify which cat had bitten her or want to hurt the cats so she decided to get the shots as treatment. After her first shot she had her husband go catch every white cat at the farm in order to have them tested.


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            Mark Tapley


            Hello Herb:
            As I reiterated to Saeed. If you have a fake disease, you have to have a fake test in order to have a fake diagnosis. None of the viruses have ever been isolated, purified or verified, much less can they be extracted form any animal or human. Pathogenic Transmission has not been proven in well over a hundred years of diligent efforts. It should be noted that if there were a real infectious disease, then all those with specific symptoms (as opposed to those who do not exhibit those symptoms) should be able to have blood samples (or spinal taps in the case of the non existent rabies) and absolutely confirmed as to the presence of the pathogen. They cannot even accomplish this simple procedure. This should be required of anyone who is suspected of any of the many fake virus such as AIDS, Bird flu, swine flu, Zika, Ebola, Anthrax, HIV, Polio, Covid 19, etc. All of these non existent viruses are part of the long history of premeditated medical fraud promulgated by the multi billion dollar germ theory big Pharma syndicate of medical fraud. First the alleged pathogen must be purified and really isolated from all other factors. Then transmission of the pathogen must be proven.

            It should be noted that just recently a lab in Britain now claims to have infected volunteers with Covid 19. This is just the same old contaminated unverified tissue sample nonsense as has always been done. I post the link below of Dr. Cowan detailing this new addition to medical fraud:

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Mark,
            I would tell you to look up more information about rabies (It made the news when the first recorded case of a man surviving the disease) but your training as a political propagandist has conditioned you to ignore any contrary evidence.

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb and Mark,

            Herb, You just reported an experience you have had which Mark refuses to accept as fact. Herb, you know I like quotes. One of which is “the only source of knowledge is experience.” Of course Mark probably rejects the TRUTH (WISDOM) of this quote because it to is attributed Einstein. And, of course, Einstein did not imagine a simple thought experiment which ended up with the probably that E = M x C^2 where M is mass and C the measured speed of light.

            And, of course, because of Mark’s prejudice, he likely rejects another bit of Einstein’s wisdom: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”

            Thank you Herb, for sharing your experience, which now contributes to my knowledge, for I believe your story.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Herb:
      I mentioned rabies in our discussion on adaptation but so others may think about the issue as well, I will go over what many believe is the real cause. We all got our “education” on rabies from the alleged “cure” developed by the fore most medical shyster of all time (Fauci is close second) Pasteur. We now know from his belatedly published medical diary that never in his 40 years of professional fraud did he ever transmit any pathogen to any animal but only spiked his tissue samples with toxins, almost always using arsenic or mercury.

      How many PSI readers know of someone who has contracted rabies. None. That is because it is another fake disease. What happens is that when a dog (or other critter) eats some putrid meat or organs that contain bacteria that are now producing toxins, if then someone or another animal is bitten, they may be infected with the toxins just as all of the simps who took the blood toxin fake virus injection did. Its that simple.


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        Saeed Qureshi


        Wow, just Wow, Mark Tapley:

        Where did you get the idea that “If you are so sure of the existence of the “virus” as you claim, …”?

        Mark, your post must be directed to someone else – it cannot be me. You have been excused!

        Even in my comment above, I provided a link that states, “As noted above, as the virus has never been isolated, its reference standard cannot be available.” (COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed!

        From the beginning (if not the first one) of the pandemic, I am the one who said that there was no virus. Many articles have been written to this effect on my blog and PSI. Are you new to PSI or the world?

        Please, tell me how you got the idea that I support the virus’s existence?


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      Mark Tapley


      Hi Herb:
      Those rabies victims just like covid cases will always be part of the “contagion” myth of the germ theory medical fear campaign. Peculiar how they can never come up with a real viral sample. Only tales from the MSM, Jew Hollywood and the big Pharma CDC with their Insilco genome fragments and patented nonsense.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    Nice video. Thanks for sharing.

    Further, the public does not realize that PCR testing, in general, has mostly been discontinued, at least for pandemic monitoring in the population. Instead, it has been replaced with the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) and is considered inferior to the PCR test.

    Unlike the PCR test, which supposedly monitors the chemical compound known as RNA, the RAT monitors another chemical known as protein (or Spike protein). The spike protein PRESUMABLY belongs to the virus. However, no one has shown its link to the virus. Hence, the RAT is as fake (in fact, more so) as the PCR test.

    Scientifically speaking, the positive outcome from the RAT means nothing – none!


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      Tom Hinton


      I’d be interested to hear the opinions of much respected Dr Qureshi on the doubts expressed by Dr Harold Hillman. Many thanks in anticipation.
      Dr Hillman expressed major concerns with the methods used in virology. Here’s a video


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Saeed:
      If you have a fake virus, you need a fake test to tell all the cucked idiots they have a “virus” and need now need a fake “vaccine.” You continue to attest to the validity of the fake virus when there is no purified, isolate nor verified sample of it, much less a sample extracted from any animal or human. All that is provided is a bogus Insilco (imaginary) genome fragment that is as worthless as are all of the phony patents. Several individuals have contacted over 150 health agencies all over the world and not one of them can provide a written sample of covid 19 or any other virus.

      Saeed, you cannot provide one real scientific study showing the mechanism of the spike protein, because there are none. The only evidence provided other than the meaningless patents is the microscopy photo provided by the criminal CDC on social media which is exactly the same as the fake virology of Enders in 1954. If you are so sure of the existence of the “virus” as you claim, then it should be a walk in the park for you to challenge Microbiologist Stephan Lanka in the German court system and pick up the 1.5 million euro reward still offered fo anyone who can prove the existence of any virus.


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        Saeed Qureshi


        Wow, just Wow, Mark Tapley:

        Where did you get the idea that “If you are so sure of the existence of the “virus” as you claim, …”?

        Mark, your post must be directed to someone else – it cannot be me. You have been excused!

        Even in my comment above, I provided a link that states, “As noted above, as the virus has never been isolated, its reference standard cannot be available.” (COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed!

        From the beginning (if not the first one) of the pandemic, I am the one who said that there was no virus. Many articles have been written to this effect on my blog and PSI. Are you new to PSI or the world?

        Please, tell me how you got the idea that I support the virus’s existence?

        PS: My apologies for the duplication, Please, moderator, delete the above one. I posted that in error. Thanks.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Saeed,
          Do you believe that there are contagions that cause diseases like rabies? In my opinion these contagions exist even though they very well may not be what we identify as viruses.
          There are those who maintain there is no such thing as a contagion that causes people to get sick by being exposed to others carrying the contagion. This is certainly contrary to my experiences.


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            Saeed Qureshi


            Hello Herb:
            Your question has two parts; (1) something being contagion and (2) virus being contagion. Some things might be contagious. I do not know an example -someone may help me here.

            But on the other hand, it is not possible to know that a virus can be contagious. It has never been studied in this respect. A virus must be available in an isolated form to evaluate its ability to spread. I have not seen any example of isolation of a virus, certainly not the SARS-COV-2. Therefore, claims of the virus being a contagion are theoretical or imaginary.

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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Saeed:
      “The spike protein PRESUMABLY belongs to the virus. However, no one has shown its link to the virus.” Looks like virus confirmation to me.


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        Saeed Qureshi


        Thank you for the clarification.

        I do not know what to say about your reading “virus confirmation” in my post, except please start reading and learning with attention. Do not be a child!


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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Saeed:
          I quoted your remarks verbatim. If you meant something else you should have written something else. Don’t make ambiguous statements and then come back and say that I should have looked at this statement or this post. Always be concise unless you are unsure and then just say so up front. Nothing childish about any of this.


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            Saeed Qureshi


            Thanks. No further comments!

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    Geraint Hughes


    Have you ever got someone with “flu” and then performed an experiment of attempting to pass that flu onto 100 others? If you did try that and it failed that would be great results to back up your theory.


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      They tried that many times during the 1918 Spanish Flu and failed every time to make people sick.


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    They test for the flu since they’ve never isolated Covid-19. Which makes me wonder how they can tell there is a delta/omicron variant. They never isolated the virus but they use a test to show the damage of a solution does on monkey kidney cells then show the cellular debris as proof of the virus. So, they can use this method to claim an UNENDING! amount of variants. A lot of cancers and “viruses” are probably just different forms of parasites. Since the tests can’t differentiate between cold and flu and covid then doesn’t that mean ivermectin cures both the cold and the flu? Welcome to “they’ve been lying to us our entire lives about everything”. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!


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    The Explosive Hypothesis About Viruses
    The Explosive Theory About Viruses
    The headline ‘The Explosive Truth About Viruses’ is an unscientific statement that defiles the word truth, even if the hypothesis is correct.


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    Rabies as a disease exists, whether it is a true virus or not. Rabies inoculation keeps animals from contracting it. Ranting about conspiracies that do not exist is not science. Pasteur was not a fake, Tapley. Does your hostility involve your anti-Jewish ideas?


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      Saeed Qureshi


      @ ”Rabies as a disease exists, …” Indeed it is possible.

      However, the confusion is if it is a viral one. This is where the issue is.

      Considering it viral is incorrect. If a disease is due to a virus, then virus presence, and its association to the disease, must be shown – which is absent. Therefore, all such claims must be considered misdiagnoses – so does COVID-19, as I described in one of my presentations.

      Do not forget to note that current vaccines have been developed without being tested against the virus (e.g., SARS-COV-2), confirming that no one has it or has seen it (


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    The terrain theory makes much more sense to me than anything the modern stone age medical mafia, big pharma, CDC, FDA, AMA, NIH and all the other medical “experts” have said over the last 40 years. They constantly support germ theory but cannot provide any proof of exact viruses existing that aren’t concocted using computer algorithms where they fill in the missing parts (DNA/RNA).

    They have failed to prove how transmission occurs and have failed to show that drugs and vaccines protect you from anything. Germ theory is not about science…it’s about medical slavery and profits. Trillions of dollars…is the medical establishment going to tell the truth and give up that gravy train? NO WAY!

    It’s not germs that are killing you, it’s the toxins in the environment…poisoned water, air, food, absorption, drugs, microwave saturation, radiation, chemical of all sorts, you get sick and diseased while trying to expel them which is what your body was designed to do. Most of the time, you keep on living. But sometimes the body dies from so much toxicity.


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      Tom Hinton


      I have to agree with you terrain theory seems more likely the cause of many illnesses. Given that many have exposed a number of flaws in the “isolation” of viruses, I’d appreciate comments on some of the methods as discussed by Dr Harold Hillman. Here’s a video (stick with it) where he outlines various problems. Thanks


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        Saeed Qureshi


        Hello Tom Hinton:
        Thanks for sharing the link to Dr. Hillman’s video.

        It was a great learning experience for me to learn about the techniques used for establishing cell structures and compositions with a critical analysis of the scientific understanding—a truly scientific approach.

        I am not a biologist; however, I will provide you with my two cents worth of understanding as you asked.

        Your query seems to be about the weakness of biology in establishing cell structures and their compositions. I have also read other places where people doubt or reject the biological assumptions of cell descriptions entirely. This appears to form the basis of debunking the virus theory as well.

        I am not in that camp. I do agree with the critique provided in the video of the deviation (contradictions) one observes in cell morphologies and physiologies with staining and other physical barriers. This is a healthy criticism for improvement and defining and refining the cell structure. However, based on the literature, I believe biology provides a practical and working model that produces relevant and valid results and data. We mostly work with working models with valid physical and chemical evidence in science. It is doubtful that we work with true models (Truth), which is probably beyond our reach.

        Further, your query seems to relate to extending this doubtfulness of biology to the virus theory/existence. In this regard, I would differ. What is presented in the video is valid and scientific criticism which potentially would lead to improved models toward truth or better working cell models. However, the virus theory is entirely bogus. It is not based on any physical or chemical principle but on fictional assumptions and rituals. The main flaw of the virus theory is that it has nothing to show for the viruses. Somehow some random molecules or parts (e.g., RNA/DNA) are used to build imaginary objects. The theory of viruses does not appear developed by scientists, hence lacking experimental and physical evidence. It is based on dreams and ritualistic practices.

        I hope this helps.


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          Tom Hinton


          Good morning Saeed, firstly my apologies for not responding sooner, a couple of days away for the Easter break got in the way but I’m grateful to you for responding. To clarify, I wasn’t questioning so much the biology, more the potentially misleading conclusions that can be drawn – particularly with reference to viruses. Dr Hillman examines two major concerns (in my opinion) the “staining” issue which dramatically alters the shape of particles – also the geometry (angle of electron microscope images)
          It raises the question of how a “virus” can be identified from a two dimensional image which appears to be identical in shape and size to others (exosome).
          I have no scientific qualification, just an inquiring mind
          Many thanks.


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            Saeed Qureshi


            Thanks for your response, Tom Hinton.

            I accept that my response may not have been clear or direct in addressing your concerns. However, I responded to your concerns about staining and geometric interpretation by saying, “I agree with the critique provided in the video of the deviation (contradictions) one observes in cell morphologies and physiologies with staining and other physical barriers.” So the concerns may remain.

            On the other hand, about your query, “It raises the question of how a “virus” can be identified from a two-dimensional image which appears to be identical in shape and size to others (exosome).” Please be clear that we are not at a stage to extrapolate to a three-dimensional structure from a two-dimensional structure for the virus. In fact, one cannot draw any structure of the virus. Will you accept the shape and structure of a unicorn horn from the pictures?

            Viruses are mental or imaginative objects at this stage, lacking valid physical and scientific evidence. Presumably, they look like froth in a fermentation vessel. Science requires physically isolated specimens for appropriate characterization and comparing to others, such as you mentioned exosomes. At this time, any claim about virus structure is imaginary and false with or without staining and other treatments.

            I hope this will help in clarifying the situation.

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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Saeed:
          Yes “dreams and ritualistic practices” by the Rockefeller big Pharma CDC mafia in order to rake in trillions from the germ theory of external pathogenic threats, to be interdicted by drugs and fake vaccines all while controlling the herd through a medically induced campaign of fear.


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            Tom Hinton


            Hello Saeed, yes it does clarify things for me, and thank you for responding. I appreciate you contributions.

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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Saeed:
      Its even a lot worse for the germ theory than you stated. There no evidence for any virus. The microscopy photos are really just a construct of stuff that has been drastically chemically and physically altered just to be placed under the electron microscope. In no way does this procedure allow for a realistic view of the original structure.

      Even worse for the fake science of virology, they cannot after 150 years, from the time of the medical shyster Pasteur, even show pathogenic transmission of either bacteria or the imaginary viruses. So if they cannot find an isolated, purified, verified virus and the virologists cannot show viral transmission (since viruses don’t exist) what are they left with. Nothing but fake viruses, fake tests and fake vaccines. Thats all thats propping up this allopathic house of cards. Along with the fake health agencies and media, working for the Zionist insiders running the governments.


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