The EV is red

EVs continue to be a hit with everyone except the public, and since government knows best they remain committed to banning the alternatives.

The one glimmer of hope for consumers was the availability of cheap Chinese imports, until Canada and the US slapped a 100% tariff on them to protect the auto sector from being bankrupted by all the exciting opportunities in the new green economy.

The United States put off its tariffs until September or later, while ours kick in on October 1. China is making threatening noises, and normally the right thing to do on protectionism is ignore threats and bribes alike and pursue unilateral free trade.

But here the geopolitics is complex and murky. At the risk of sowing the seeds of harmony, we want to mention that National Post columnist Kelly McParland recently argued that gas-electric hybrids are a far better choice from virtually every point of view from affordability to reliability.

But if Net Zero means Net Zero, the Canadian government is still over an oil barrel.

Some people don’t believe in practical difficulties. Prior to the latest decision the oh-so-green Pembina Institute in Canada put out a statement that “The Pembina Institute calls for a potential policy response from Canada” to unfair Chinese EV trade practices that would:

“* Balance the interests of Canadian consumers and workers with the need for robust EV supply chains, taking into account affordability, environmental impact, competitiveness, and innovation.

* Maintain and enhance funding of incentive programs as an important part of the policy response. * Increase transparency of data and information while protecting privacy and security related to connected vehicles and interconnection of vehicles with Canada’s electricity infrastructure.”

Also known as invent a scheme whereby EV buyers pay less while auto makers earn more, by expanding the already unaffordable subsidies. How original. Likewise a Calgary Herald item declares:

“Canada needs strategy to ensure its EV battery bets pay off/ Canada has committed tens of billions of dollars to revitalizing its battery sector. History suggests it needs a strategy to make sure that bet pays off”.

A strategy? Gosh. Think so? Not just a high-sounding intention? Especially since we’re not “revitalizing” a battery sector, we’re conjuring up something that didn’t exist with lavish market-distorting subsidies, and history shows the bet will never pay off regardless of how much wealth we destroy in the process.

Nor does it help that, as the Wall Street Journal recently headlined a story:

“Huge Fire Sparked by a Mercedes-Benz EV Adds to Safety Concerns Dogging Industry/ Blaze in South Korea prompts debate over whether electric vehicles should be allowed in the country’s ubiquitous underground parking lots”.

Yeah, it just might cause concern.

Not that we think China should get a free pass on its trade practices. Normally the proper view to take of subsidized imports is that if foreign governments want to rob their own people to give ours a good deal, we should take the money and smile, not retaliate by robbing our own people.

But when a regime is deliberately targeting essential industries to hollow out our economy, including its capacity to manufacture military equipment.

And using the revenue to finance an attempted takeover of the world, most people think there’s a downside to selling out our security for a cheap shirt, Bluetooth speaker, cat brush or car. All real examples; even our plant pots are made in China.

Naturally the Chinese government parrots the Communist Party line that there are no subsidies or unfair trade practices, they’re just better at it than us, as indeed at everything.

As the Financial Post observed, “Lin Jian, a spokesman for China’s foreign minister, says Canada’s decision ‘ignores facts’ and is against world trade rules” while China’s industry is flourishing due to “full market competition.”

But as the Chinese authorities are in a dominant global position when it comes to ignoring facts and breaking rules, and are Communists who hate markets, we deride them and focus on the fundamentals.

Not everyone sees an issue with letting in as many subsidized Chinese EVs as they’re willing to gift us. A “fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs specializing in research on the interactions between climate change and geopolitics” recently wrote in the Globe & Mail that putting tariffs on Chinese EVs would turn us into East Germany, foolishly proud of our 21st-century version of the Trabant.

According to him, China:

“has utilized a mixture of government support and brutal domestic competition to produce a world-beating EV industry. Canada has been under pressure to do the same.

Ottawa has launched consultations on the matter, and a decision could come any day now. It would be a mistake if Canada follows the United States in imposing punitive tariffs. To gain real traction for the adoption of EVs in Canada, we need more competition and lower prices, something the Chinese manufacturers can provide.”

Yeah. Or no rule that we have to buy EVs at all, if you actually believe in markets. And if this weird specialization in “the interactions between climate change and geopolitics” means we let climate change panic cause us to acquiesce in China’s “Hundred-Year Marathon” plan to become the world’s leading power within 100 years of the Communist takeover in 1949.

So as to assert authority thereafter over Western nations debilitated by the economic collapse caused by Net Zero, we respectfully suggest that it would be hard to think of a worse plan and maybe we need more common sense and fewer mortarboards.

See more here Climate Discussion 

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Comments (5)

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    Cal Aylmer


    If the government ( or anyone to be frank ) came to my house and offered me 666 million dollars and an EV.
    i would call the police and get them arrested for trespassing on my land.
    Take the ev and stuff it down elon BAPHOMET DEEP STATER musks throat till he chokes.


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      It sounds like you are confusing baphomet with satan.


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    All EVs, Unsafe at any Speed!🔥🔥🔥


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    When I see an EV on the road in my neighborhood I try to get a look at the driver to see what stupidity looks like. I don’t want to knowingly be in their social circle.
    I choose my friends according to shared values.


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    Tell the “governments” we will not comply. What will they do, send in an army to shut down a plant with thousands of workers making their living building i c e vehicles? Will they send the army to shut down oil refineries where thousands of people work and depend on oil to live? Will they send the army to shut down gas lines and highways?
    Do you think that all governments all now want civil war? That is they will get it if they continue on the course we are seeing.


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