The Elites’ Next Depopulation Pandemic Ready for Launch
Observing the genocidal stakes rising each and every week, as the mass psycho-killers in power deploy more of their enormous WMD arsenal at us all at once, the more their endless crimes against children and humanity get exposed.
This co-occurring high correlation is worth noting and examining further. As the elites increasingly find their backs up against the wall, understandably they grow more afraid of losing their earthly power and control.
Because their COVID “scamdemic” overreach forced them to temporarily pause and retreat a step or two back, astute observers always knew that these death cult practitioners would return with even bigger guns to inflict yet more of their manmade Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Just because COVID petered out on them, more deadlier pandemics are no doubt on the horizon, with more mandated bio-terror kill shots they will again falsely claim to be “safe and effective vaccines” and more crippling lockdowns intended to destroy even more lives.
With a piss poor 2020-21 track record issuing nonstop haphazard, inconsistent “pandemic” flip-flopping recommendations, mask or no mask, safe distancing of six feet or not, lockdown or no lockdown, by cunning design, all their prescribed interventions were inherently intended to be totally inadequate and ineffective in combatting this elusive, never isolated nor proven to even exist Covid-19 virus that always had a near 100 percent survival rate.
Throughout their debacle, the elites’ intent was to premeditatedly drive global panic in the masses to easily convince them to line up for warp speed vaccines with early assured carrot stick promises of health and life back returning back to normal as propagandized false incentives.
But really the plot all along was to premeditatedly murder off 90 to 95 percent of humanity. Since they grossly failed, despite millions of “died suddenly” fatalities worldwide continuing to pile up as time goes on, the tricked global masses are finally just now beginning to catch on, that we are all targeted in the crosshairs of their ungodly genocidal depopulation agenda.
There really is nothing new here other than the elites’ ambitious, unprecedented grand scale of mass murder. Ever since two and a quarter centuries ago, since Malthus’ long debunked overpopulation theory gone awry, Satanists want the vast majority of us currently living and breathing dead.
And just because COVID failed them, they are back again delivering their same age old murderous methodology through yet more bioweapon terrorism in efforts to kill us. After all, powerful aficionados of their depopulation eugenics have been around for a very long time.
After their so-called bat origin hoax for COVID petered out, failing miserably to fulfill their expectation of killing more of us, the Luciferians’ next trick up their demonic sleeve is to usher in their next gain-of-function weaponized pathogen, via their avian bird flu epidemic or the dreaded spread of their Marburg Virus Disease as their latest likely candidates to pick up where COVID left off.
Despite the so-called natural avian influenza H5N1 never posing a threat to mankind throughout all of human history, based on the planetary controllers’ recent historical facts, we have every reason and suspicion to believe their next “virus” will also be unnaturally manmade, with their already concocted vaccine waiting [to fly] in the [avian] wings, just like their COVID “Warp Speed” debacle.
According to Dr. Mercola, the avian bird flu vaccine will also be deliberately made to be ineffective like its COVID precursor, but far more likely it will be effectively deadlier than their last Coronavirus outing.
Once again, these Satanic desperadoes fast running out of time are attempting to play us for fools yet again, hopelessly dumbed down and adversely injured from round one, suffering from such acute memory loss as to once again fall for their latest media hyped panic again, amidst their never-ending 24/7 barrage of alarmist lies.
It’s also important to add that because the manmade gain of function element has likely tweaked the latest H5N1 pathogen afflicting mammals in the wild of Europe and North America, we may be dealing with a far more virulent and deadly highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAIv) virus at this point, so all the hype of its danger may in fact be real. That’s the paradox.
Dr. Joseph Mercola, medical crusading health giant or New York Times’ “most influential spreader of Coronavirus misinformation,” depending on whether you are a truth seeker or gullible lie swallower, apparently Dr. Mercola has had his website once again taken down by the truth-killing vultures, so on April 3rd this year the doctor tweeted:
Be prepared for more delusive pandemics!…
Already, the U.S. and other countries are stockpiling H5N1 vaccine ‘just in case.’
While some traditional vaccines are in the lineup, mRNA shots tweaked to target H5N1 are also being planned, and they probably won’t need to undergo additional testing over and beyond what was done for the COVID jabs.
Because Dr. Mercola’s life work has persistently been targeted for unrelenting censorship because no fascist totalitarian regime can ever tolerate the truth, the good doctor announced that he has sought refuge for his enormous library’s permanent keeping at the respected
Fortunately, Dr. Mercola’s articles do get faithfully scooped up right away by numerous other worthy websites, among them the reputable that just reposted his prophetic, highly relevant, still topical article originally released in May last year that can also be found on my old go-to news site, the venerable Michel Chossudovsky’s dated May 18th, 2022, entitled “Will a Weaponized Bird Flu Become the Next Pandemic?”
Dr. Joseph Mercola maintains that the crime cabal’s 2022 bird flu pathogen emerging as a prominent dangerous threat on today’s pandemic landscape, or more apt minefield, is yet another gain-of-function research product as the H5N1 avian bird influenza.
Dr. Mercola asserts that H5N1 could have easily come from one of dozens of US Defense Department funded bioweapon labs in Ukraine, though US bioweapon laboratories reportedly number in the hundreds worldwide.
Epidemiologists maintain that this latest avian virulent strain jumped from infecting wild birds to infecting wild mammals – foxes, skunks, bears, badgers, seals, minks, pigs and dolphins from Europe to North America within this last year and a half.
If this latest “scary” virus is mutating, or more likely being mutated, as the outed former Pfizer executive inadvertently boasted to Project Veritas, then their rollout claiming it has suddenly jumped to humans cannot be far off as their “next big plandemic.”
Though a CDC March 17th, 2023 H5N1 report strongly downplays any imminent threat to humans, having devastated both wild bird and poultry populations during this last year as the world’s worst outbreak ever, particularly in Europe and North America, and its increasing spillover to wild mammals, and the near certainty that this latest virulent strain originated in another gain-of-function bioweapon lab, it’s a feasible possibility that lends credence to former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield’s recent warning.
As the latest highly probable manmade mutated pathogen arriving in the elites’ depopulation pipeline schedule, it will be sure to keep Klaus Schwab’s pledge ringing true:
Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never.
His new normal bringing never-ending pandemics and recurring lockdowns are essential for his Great Reset. And the promise of the bird flu influenza assures his depop schedule continues. The prospect of more death by bioweapon bird flu pathogen is gaining traction with “new legs,” albeit fibrously blood-clotted like the last COVID round.
Rest assured that the cabal’s latest H5N1 non-vaccines are already waiting to roll off the bioweapon assembly line, as Dr. Mercola alluded to, also skipping the onetime required rigorous legal testing protocol per the last COVID round’s “Emergency Authorization Use.”
According to cabal pecking order, the FDA whores, once paid off, approve everything Big Pharma sends them. The killing elites’ desperation and hubris wouldn’t have it any other way. But public confidence in the global healthcare system after the COVID jab has been forever shattered.
The genocidal elites have now made it painfully clear that they intend to continue using manmade biosecurity threats as a main ticket to reduce the global population in order to establish their one world government tyranny and control.
For decades, Covid-19 architect and eugenics perpetrator Bill Gates has been warning, or more aptly promising, more lethally dangerous pandemics to come that “will get attention this time.”
On March 30th, 2023, former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield, in an interview boldly predicted:
I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man.
It’s going to have significant mortality in the 10-50 percent range. It’s gonna be trouble.
Both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Dr. Anthony Fauci consistently funded H5N1 gain-of-function research.
Among their favorite recipients $11 million later from 2008 to 2012 was University of Wisconsin Madison and University of Japan’s Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka and independently Dr. Ron Fouchier in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Separately, both of these researchers modified the deadly H5N1 virus to spread to the mammal species of ferrets, immediately drawing heat from the somewhat still sane scientific community fearing that it could eventually spillover to humans, prompting a temporary hold against further gain-of-function research.
Yet in 2013 under new US oversight rules, the mad scientists were granted greenlight again to resume their killer virus research. But after more papers were published and a series of “accidents” at federal biocontainment labs, in October 2014 a ban on gain-of-function research went into effect, but it ended in December 2017.
A number of paper trails from Washington and nearby Fort Detrick, Maryland lead to not only China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, Dr. Ralph Beric’s gain-of-function laboratory at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of Wisconsin as well as labs in the Netherlands and Ukraine, after the moratorium on gain-of-function research was established in 2014. Again, from Dr. Mercola’s H5N1 bird flu article:
The bird flu has been manipulated and tinkered with in a variety of different ways, making it both airborne (which it was not initially) and capable of cross-species infection.
More evidence that the current H5N1 outbreak spreading throughout North America and beyond, having devastated the US and European poultry and egg industry appears to also be manmade, according to University of Massachusetts Boston virologist Nichola Hill, telling ABC News less than two months ago:
The size, range and number of species affected by this outbreak is unprecedented … That’s not really how bird flu should behave.
The highly pathogenic avian influenza (the now notated HPAIv) as the latest virulent H5N1 viral strain has been in North America since its detection in wild birds of northeastern Canada in November 2021, but ever since according to a new US Geological Society (USGS) study, it has been rapidly spreading across the Americas.
This new strain of avian bird flu is apparently causing “zombie-like” conditions in infected animals’ behaviors, frequently possessing neurological issues that allegedly remove their fear of humans, and now it’s crossed over from wild birds to wild mammals, eerily sounding like it’s a plot straight out of a science fiction B-movie plot from the 1950s.
The first outbreak was observed in Europe in October 2021 allegedly belonging to a Eurasian lineage. It has allegedly afflicted and engulfed the poultry industry bigtime, both the backyard flocks as well as the industrialized large poultry warehouses.
As of early December 2022, now four months ago, 52.7 million poultry birds were culled in the US while in 2022 Canada hit the 7 million mark. In Europe the culled numbers are off the charts as of October last year 47.7 million birds were put down in the preceding 12 months.
So the totals in just North America and Europe alone are well over 100 million. Meanwhile in North America, H5N1 has jumped and currently spreading to the red fox from Eurasian river otters, lynxes, polecats and stone martens to countries throughout Europe and beyond.
Journalist Lance D. Johnson penned a Natural News article dated March 28th:
In May 2022, US and Canadian epidemiologists isolated the highly pathogenic avian influenza HfN1 in wild mammals. Were gain-of-function virology experiments involved in the sudden mammalian transmissibility of the bird flu?
According to immunohistochemical analysis, the HPAIv virus invades neuron cell bodies to replicate in infected animals’ brains, suffering from seizures, ataxia, blindness, vocalization, nystagmus, grimace, and tremors.
They end up with zombified behavior displaying no instinctive fear of humans. The neurological symptoms result from the virus passing through the blood brain barrier casing severe inflammation of the cortex and other regions of the brain. The study’s authors state:
Given the broad scope and ongoing nature of the outbreak, these cases likely represent only a small percentage of the total number and species of mammals infected with the currently circulating strain of HPAIv in the United States.
It’s been virtually confirmed that’s how the coronavirus pandemic started, from a test tube in one of the hundreds of Lloyd Austin DoD funded bioweapon labs around the globe, employing compartmentalized, largely amoral mad scientists to come up with the next “killer threat,” repeatedly promised by genocidal pandemic architect extraordinaires Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, by Lucifer’s design, this latest potential killer appears no different, following the same follow-the-money, manmade pathogen pathway.
From April 1st to July 21st, 2022, H5N1 was isolated in 67 different animals spanning 10 states from Alaska to New York. The USGS study found 50 red foxes, six striped skunks, four raccoons, two bobcats, two Virginia opossums, one coyote, one fisher, and one grey fox, and a partridge in a pear tree all carrying HPAIv as their latest devilish test tube concoction.
The study’s scientists conclude that the mammals caught the virus from preying on infected wild birds, although they cannot rule out horizontal transmission within the mammal species as cats and ferrets have been known for this.
Also, transmission from mother to offspring is also possible. All this could be the prelude to the real-life manmade zombie apocalypse straight out of science fiction turned nightmarish nonfiction, thanks to the usual eugenic suspects.
On March 8th, 2023 before the House Oversight Committee, former CDC Director from 2018 to 2021, Dr. Robert Redfield voiced his opinion that a moratorium should be permanently placed on all gain-of-function research, also claiming he was kept out of all discussions on the origins of Covid-19 because he always suspected a lab leak.
Then, on Monday March 20th, 2023 on The Hill’s Rising program, Dr. Robert Redfield warned that through gain-of-function research, “a great pandemic is coming.” Here are Redfield’s alleged doomsday prophecy spoken on March 20th, 2023:
I do believe the next pandemic, and we’re going to have another pandemic and I think it’s going to be the great pandemic, I consider COVID a minor pandemic, the great pandemic’s going to come.
And normally, it would come from spillover…bird flu that learns how to transmit to humans and then go to human-to-human. But I think the species barriers are very real.
But it’s much more probable that it will happen because of gain-of-function research in a laboratory and then escape and then we’re going to have a pandemic…which will be much more brutal to the world than COVID was…
I told you that the great pandemic is coming. I think it’s going to come, not from spillover, it’s going to come from gain-of-function research or intentional bioterrorism.
It’s going to be a bird flu virus that is manipulated to be able to transmit human-to-human, very similar to what we saw with COVID.
No doubt gatekeeping useful idiots are hired to regularly spread panic and fear. Perhaps Dr. Redfield’s conscience may be a motivator revealing his unsettling recent disclosures. Or he could also be trying to save his own butt, spilling the beans on the diabolical cabal he served and perhaps is still serving as a fearmonger.
Call it Satanic predictive programming or Redfield trying to partially shave time off his future in the klink, or a genuine insider’s warning of what is grimly coming our way.
Bottom line, the mammal-to-mammal spreading of this reportedly highly transmissible strain has never occurred before. It’s definitely gain-of-function rearing its ugly head yet again.
With the proven track record of manmade pathogens being developed and tweaked in a bioweapon lab specifically to harm humans fully documented now, pretending that this latest alleged growing threat is just nature organically mutating on its own is virtually impossible.
This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here
Header image: New Scientist
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Yumpin Yimminy~!
And Great Caesars Ghost!
Such fear Mongering Horse Scheisse!!!
There are No Viruses, except what Mongers of Fear porn and well meaning fish mongers pass along…like this crap fest!
Viruses of the Mind ARE their specialty.
The Birds are Masss murdered via a Plethora of means.
All TPTB need is your Terror, in order to comply with their Solutions. Go ahead…take their Poison Potions into your Holy Sanctity of the Physical Body. The Fortress of your Holy Soul.
YOU! And Only YOU will be held responsible.