The Dangers of Education With Dr. Mark McDonald

Mark McDonald

Mikki Willis sits down with Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatrist and author of “United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis.” Together they discuss schools, CRT, gender, and where we’re headed next.

The pandemic of fear was worse than the COVID-19 pandemic itself, McDonald argues. The ones harmed the most are children.

They were bombarded for two years by incessant messaging—from parents, teachers, peers, television, and beyond. Going to school became dangerous.

Dr. McDonald cautions that society’s ills begin in school and he sees the effects every day in his practice. His best advice to parents is:

“Take your children out of school. The government school system is not only a failure, it is irredeemable. The school system is utterly controlled by teachers’ unions and advocates. … We would be better off if all children were pulled out and homeschooled or built a completely new school system,” McDonald explains.

Watch the entire interview here:

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Comments (4)

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    Geraint Hughes


    Agree entirely. Education needs to be pulled out of the hands of lying lefty lunatics with their climate crisis scam agenda.


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    Stupid people will believe anything and even worse. And yes one must be very stupid to believe any of the “covid” crap. They will mostly die as they have taken the poison, how long is anyone’s guess, 2 to 5 years??? Education, hahahahaha.


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      It is worse than that. When mass psychosis takes over the highly intelligent fall for it as well as the stupid, but the group formation has a low average intelligence because the intelligent in the group have no influence.


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    I agree with his view of education but most parents could not home school. They may not have the knowledge to do it and it means they cannot work if they are home schooling. They might be able to collect together to start an independent school but that takes money.


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