The Crisis in Physical Science and What Can Be Done About It
Contemporary astronomy and cosmology are so burdened with abstruse mathematics and bewildering ideas that it is not surprising that any interested person, student, professional, or layman alike, finds it well nigh impossible to navigate through the vast literature, let alone gain an understanding of it.
Reason has lost control, subsumed by what has become an enormous juggernaugt spawning ever more vagaries of the unbridled imagination, entirely decoupled from reality and defying logic. Jargon and authority prevail in place of ratiocination and scientific facts.
Conjecture heaped upon conjecture is a method that has taken such a hold that its conjures are now routinely reported observed and detected, due actually to nothing but wishful thinking.
Black holes, wormholes, time travel and time warps, gravitational waves, expanding universes (yes, more than one), curved spacetime, nine or twelve or more dimensions, strings, Higg’s bosons, and even attempts to contact aliens, masquerade as science, especially when dressed in mathematical symbols to amplify the appearance of profundity where there is actually ignorance and hysteria.
Pop scientists tour the world lecturing to large audiences, promoting their phantasmagoria and influencing educational authorities and institutes. Children as young as twelve are taught theories by teachers who themselves don’t understand the theories.
Outcomes are achieved by the methods of the marketing manager and the advertising executive instead of the scientific method. Belief has replaced comprehension and scholarship.
It is doubtful that correction will come from astronomy, itself being the cause of the problems. Consequently, other sources of instruction and scholarship must be brought to bear. Professor Pierre-Marie Robitaille (pictured), the inventor of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging, has contributed to this objective by presenting a wonderful series of lectures on central issues concerning physics, the Sun, astronomy, and cosmology, on a Youtube site named Sky Scholar [1].
Anyone who masters this series of lectures will know a lot about physics, astronomy, and cosmology, and understand precisely where and how these disciplines have gone awry. At Sky Scholar readers will easily learn why the Sun is condensed matter [2], not a hot ball of gaseous plasma; that astronomy and cosmology have unwittingly constructed perpetual motion machines by permitting a gas to compress itself to form stars and ‘black holes’; and that these disciplines advance theories that violate the fundamental laws of thermodynamics at every turn [3, 4].
In Sky Scholar everybody interested in astronomy and the physical universe now as a means to become part of the solution to a great problem.
[1] Sky Scholar,
[2] How are Stars Formed? The Standard Model: Gravitational Collapse, Black Holes, and The Big Bang!
[3] Intensive and Extensive Properties – A Note of Caution!
[4] Eugene Parker and the Solar Winds!
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jerry krause
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Hi Stephen,
Thank you!!!
It has been concluded, by good physical science based upon observations, that the last glaciers that covered some northern portions of the Northern Hemisphere’s continents melted about 10,000 years ago. If this is the case, a lot of millions, or even billions years, ago would seem to become Irreverent. For what we need to learn about first is what has occurred during these last 10,000 years.
Have a good day, Jerry
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Hasn’t the existence of black holes and the Higgs Boson already been proven (or at least corroborated) experimentally? Their inclusion in the initial paragraph seems odd.
Herb Rose
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Hi Megan,
Today’s physics is not about examining evidence to form beliefs but looking for anything that can be construed as evidence to support existing beliefs and ignoring anything that cast doubt on them.
The data used by Newton to develop his force of gravity (velocity of planets and their distance from the sun) had nothing to do with mass. The mass comes from Newton’s invented gravitational constant designed to give a source (matter) for his force.
Einstein’s assertions of the constant speed of light and that nothing can go faster than the speed of light are unsupported by any data. There are experiments and observations from the Hubble telescope showing thing moving faster than the speed of light but these conflict with existing beliefs and are ignored.
William Kay
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I believe that much of what passes for theoretical physics is religious quackery and numerology. Black holes do not exist and the Big Bang most certainly never happened. This is something PSI should explore more vigorously.
Al Shelton
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I agree with William. The BBT is as big a scam[or bigger] as AGW, IMO.
Likewise black holes-et-al