The COVID19 Scamdemic – A Blatant & Obvious Fraud

Doctor of virology and immunology and clinical lab scientist and his team tested 1,500 supposed COVID-19 PCR positive tests and found NONE were COVID-19 and were mostly influenza type A or B. The evidence of massive fraud keeps stacking up!

After conducting the test the lab sent all 1,500 samples to top universities such as Stanford and Cornell and they, too, found none of the samples had any COVID19 virus.

“If this virus is as widespread and rampant as they tell us then why has no lab anywhere been able to isolate and share COVID19 samples with the rest of the scientific community?”

Thereafter, these concerned independent experts contacted the CDC who duly replied that they could not supply any samples of COVID19 for verification because they did not have any!

The conclusion of these highly-qualified independent medical scientists was that “COVID19 is imaginary and fictitious.”

The deaths attributed to the fake virus are more readily identified as due to influenza and comorbidities.

“We have yet to find a SINGLE sample of COVID-19 anywhere to work with.”

Above video courtesy of TheCrowhouse

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Comments (18)

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    Who is the man in the video and where does he work? I’m increasingly inclined to believe this claim but there is always doubt, since there is nothing in this article or video to confirm the accuracy. My understanding of the vaccines is that not one of them has been developed using an isolated sample of the virus and I suspect the reason is that nobody has a sample.

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        Apparently his name is Dr. Derek Knauss. A search on his name returns numerous articles on the same statement above quoted in this Principia Scientific article.

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          EFFECTIVEMENT, IMPOSSIBLE de vérifier l’auteur de tels propos dont la gravité n’est pas anodine..

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          What do I have to achieve from being accused of a so called liar? Did you actually check for yourself? I gave the information for free; for readers to verify themselves. Nothing more.

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    Quite agree. I don’t know who this is but he is clearly reading something which could be a statement made by someone else, also not identified, who claims to be what the statement says he / she is. Would like more verification also. I haven’t been able to find out who the reader is.

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      Encore une belle escroquerie : un prétendu expert qui ne donne pas son nom… !

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    Mark Kleeman


    I HAVE BOOKS from 30 yrs ago by Dr Robert Wilner and Dr Peter Duesburg who both stated the virus theory was flawed ,,and the PCR used for AIDS is a FRAUD!!Gallo and Fauci were the subjects in these too,,,and they promoted the AIDS hoax and used a known DNA TERMINATOR,,,AZT ,,as a treatment even though they knew it was an old cancer drug that was shelved in the 60s for toxicity …They are involved in knowingly and willingly genociding gays in the 80s..This whole COVID HOAX IS ABOUT CONTROL…THEY ROLL OUT THE DIGITAL CURRENCY,CHANGE OUR DNA SO ITS PATENTABLE,,AND FINALLY INSTALL AN OPERATING SYTEM INTO OUR BODIES THAT HAS TO BE UPGRADED LIKE ANY OTHER COMPUTER HAS TOO!!THESE ARE MONSTERS FOLKS!!WAKE THE F UP!!!

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    Guido FORRIER


    the 2 Chinese vaccines are :
    Inactivated vaccine
    from who :

    “The first way to make a vaccine is to take the disease-carrying virus or bacterium, or one very similar to it, and inactivate or kill it using chemicals, heat or radiation. This approach uses technology that’s been proven to work in people – this is the way the flu and polio vaccines are made – and vaccines can be manufactured on a reasonable scale.

    However, it requires special laboratory facilities to grow the virus or bacterium safely, can have a relatively long production time, and will likely require two or three doses to be administered.”
    This contradicts that the virus does not exist . I suppose China has the special laboratory facilities .

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    They call him rob Oswald, the link above is banned in my country (uk)
    So I cannot view it, but saw it on another bitchube video – the crow house

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    Andrew Pilkington


    “potentially illegal within your Country”?
    Why? It’s as valid here as everywhere else and we need the same independent tests done over here? As if anyone behind this SCAMdemic ever gave a crap about obeying their own Laws?

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    I believe I clicked a link from a commenter on ‘zero edge’ mentioning it – so it may have come from a US website that’s ‘banned’ in the UK.
    I was just curious in who this guy was, and wanted to know what else he said, but could only get the small part of his speech from thecrowhouse.

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    very old white guy


    A simple question, where is the virus? All the bafflegab in the world does not show me the virus.

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    Il y a une terrible campagne de désinformation : certains articles émanent de scientifiques égarés (eh oui, ça existe ! ) et souvent d’anonymes se présentant comme des experts en virologie, épidémie , etc… C’est le cas ici. Ces gens devraient être sanctionnés car ils font un mal fou : j’ai moi-même failli abandonné ma seconde dose de Pfizer, ayant lu un peu trop vite l’aricle et la video… et puis, je me suis demandé qui était ce tête d’oeuf qui prétend nous dire la vérité sur le virus… IMPOSSIBLE de trouver le nom ou les références de cet escroc… Le site principia-scientifique debrait également rendre des comptes de sa publication d’une telle intox….

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    Il y a une terrible campagne de désinformation : certains articles émanent de scientifiques égarés (eh oui, ça existe ! ) et souvent d’anonymes se présentant comme des experts en virologie, épidémie , etc… C’est le cas ici. Ces gens devraient être sanctionnés car ils font un mal fou : j’ai moi-même failli abandonné ma seconde dose de Pfizer, ayant lu un peu trop vite l’aricle et la video… et puis, je me suis demandé qui était ce tête d’oeuf qui prétend nous dire la vérité sur le virus… IMPOSSIBLE de trouver le nom ou les références de cet escroc…

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    Bon, je viens d’essayer d’envoyer un peu de bon sens … Impossible d’envoyer : “message déjà envoyé”… Ah bon ?

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    “1500 ‘COVID’ tests prove COVID is fake!!!”
    Ooops – never mind.
    But please “…help to sponsor sound alarmist-free scientific work.” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

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