The Climate Movement’s War On Basic Human Rights

climate alarmist Greta Thunberg

The speech at the United Nations by Greta Thunberg was not written by Thunberg, and that was not a mistake.

It was the opening shot in the next phase of the basis and intent of the climate change movement…the tyrannical control of citizens by a Leftist government.

That speech had to be cleared with the dark money controllers of the fake climate movement. And it was a sort of declaration of war.

Instead of Greta patting world leaders on the head for their 20 years of climate activism, she slapped them across the face. They aren’t doing enough.

She repeated this slap across the face with Justin Trudeau in her conversation with him. And he didn’t like it.

greta trudeau

Thunberg is the new face of the climate fraud movement. And that face has changed from a serious but somehow charming school girl to a tyrannical overlord.

Here are some examples in addition to the UN speech:

In one of the freest societies on earth, some Israelis have heeded the call and have resorted to Greta Shaming in offices, teacher’s coffee rooms, and cafeterias throughout the country.

Apparently, plastic spoons are now a grave danger to the planet. And Greta, or rather the dark forces behind her, are telling us what we can use to drink coffee and what we can’t…

As if this isn’t enough, in San Francisco, a gigantic spray-painted mural of Greta scowling, overlooks the city. Reminding us of global warming sins.

The absurdity of all this is demonstrated, for example, by the “artist” having used about 1,200 spray paint cans to make this monstrosity of a wall siding.

Polluting the air with the spray paint (the artist had to wear breathing protection) and the planet with the metal cans (which are not recyclable).

In the typical way of climate warriors never having to say they are sorry, the project’s sponsors brushed off the empty spray can problem by letting us know the cans will be used to make a “climate sculpture.”

From the beginning, the so-called “global warming” and “climate change” movement was never about climate. It’s about control.

Dr. Joel Glass is an engineer working in the field of water infrastructure for ultra-cold climate environments. He is the author of the groundbreaking new book, ICE AGE¦ 2025: HOW TO PREPARE AMERICA AND YOUR FAMILY.


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Comments (6)

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    Any chance you have a fact link to the statement “That speech had to be cleared with the dark money controllers of the fake climate movement” ?


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      Do you really believe that Greta wrote that herself ? Wow ! She is run by Soros’ and Bono’s ‘charity’ organisations, those who are trying to destroy our current existence. You really thin, Great is an organic happening. Wow !


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    Andy Rowlands


    This is absolutely spot on, nice one Dr Glass.


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    D. Langtry


    You are correct!! It never was about climate it is about CONTROL!! All this nonsense has really shown how much trouble our human race is in if so many people can be fooled by this charade which was created to fill the Corrupt UN Globalists coffers. Are people really that stupid that they cant see that there has NOT been any new technologies created to replace the oil and gas?? Why aren’t they asking where has all the billions gone??


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    Chris Marcil


    The story about the climate gurus telling us that inhalers are causing climate change was a test of the state of insanity of the climate change followers. If people had supported it then they would have known that they can start killing off people. Asthmatics would have been some of the first apparently. The eugenists would want these people gone in order to clean out the gene pool. This would only be the tip of the ice burg. They know that they will not be able to convince people for too much longer about this junk science so if they are to have any hope of prevailing they are stepping up the game plan. Like the nazis before them did, convince those you can then start killing the others.


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      Andy Rowlands


      It’s not that far removed from what the Nazis were trying to do with their Final Solution; kill off any they thought inferior. The only difference is this is on a much bigger scale and may well succeed.


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