The Climate Grouches Need To Get Some Historical Perspective
Greta Thunberg rejects all ideas of the enlightenment. Despite what she wails, she is now living in the best times ever to be a child on planet Earth. She can actually go to FLOP26, something that few of us would want to do.
Would she prefer to live in the worst of times when there was panic, suffering, environmental damage, death, and no hope which she claims exists today?
We now eat better, are less affected by natural disasters, and are able to cope with extremes of weather and climate.
During the last four of at least 20,000 generations of humans, child mortality has decreased and global human longevity increased from 25 to 79 years. The climate moaners need to get some perspective from history.
- The worst years to live were 535-550 AD because of massive volcanic eruptions, perhaps Kamchatka or Alaska in 535-536 AD and Ilopango in El Salvador from 539-540 AD.
- The Northern Hemisphere atmosphere with filled with dust and acid sulfate clouds. These volcanic eruptions were coincidental with extraterrestrial impacts in March 536 AD in the Gulf of Carpentaria and elsewhere in August 536 AD. To make matters worse, these were at the time of a Solar Minimum.
- The Sun was dimmed for 18 months, a white sulphuric acid aerosol cloud enveloped Europe, the global temperature dropped by 1.5 to 2.5°C, producing worldwide crop failures and death by starvation.
- There was migration (e.g. Slavic speaking people), political turmoil, and the collapse of empires (e.g. Sasanian Empire in Persia). Tree rings show almost no growth for a few years.
- Icelandic eruptions around 540-541 AD also lowered summer temperatures by 1.4 to 2.7°C in Europe.
- The weakened population was hit by the Justinian bubonic plague 541-543 AD killing 35-55 percent of the people through the Mediterranean and speeding the collapse of the Roman Empire.
These times were called the Dark Ages, for good reason.
- Surges in atmospheric lead recorded as particles in Swiss glacial ice at 640 and 660Â ADÂ indicate an economic revival with lead mining and smelting in France to obtain silver co-product for coinage.
At that time, coins changed from gold to silver. Bits of wood stuck onto pumice discovered in the GISP2 Greenland ice core came from numerous volcanic eruptions at Rabaul (Papua New Guinea) around 667 to 699 AD, which led to another few bleak years.
How will the climate moaners survive the next Grand Solar Minimum (2020 to 2053) if there are coincidental natural events such as large volcanic eruptions and small extraterrestrial impacts? Will some events of the 6th century repeat themselves?
- The year 1349 AD was pretty grim when the Black Death wiped out half of the European population.
- The Spanish Flu from 1918 to 1920 wiped out more than 50 million people from a population of 1.8 billion and these were mostly young fit adults.
To date, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 5 million of the 7.7 billion global population and is a mere sniffle compared to the Spanish flu.
The Swedish pixie wants us to back to the good old days. They weren’t. The world has many remarkable children. Greta will never be one of them.
For example, Alma Deutscher was born in February 2005 in Basingstoke (England). She composed her first piano sonata at five, a short opera The Sweeper of Dreams at seven, a concerto for violin and orchestra at nine, and at ten, a full-length opera Cinderella.
At twelve, she premiered her first piano concerto at Carnegie Hall. She has written many piano, orchestral, vocal, and chamber music pieces.
Composer, violinist, and pianist Alma Deutscher will be remembered for generations. Greta Thunberg will not. Deutscher’s world is positive and constructive. That of Thunberg is negative and destructive for her and can only end badly.
I feel so sorry for the abused and manipulated Greta whose world is devoid of history, knowledge, and perspective.
She is a window into the morality of green activists who use even their own children as money-making pawns in their evil green activist political games.
See more here:
Header image: Times of India
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Brian James
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November 6, 2021 In Defense of CO2: Astro-Climatology, Climategate and Common Sense Revisited
Taking the entire composition of greenhouse gases together, water vapour makes up 95% of the bulk, carbon dioxide makes up 3.6%, nitrous oxide (0.9%), methane (0.3%), and aerosols about 0.07%.
Of the sum total of the 3.6% carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, approximately 0.9% is caused by human activity. To restate this statistic: Human CO2 makes up less than 1% of the 3.6% of the total greenhouse gases influencing our climate.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Brian and PSI Readers,
Brian, when you wrote–“To restate this statistic: Human CO2 makes up less than 1% of the 3.6% of the total greenhouse gases influencing our climate.”–you are admitting that carbon dioxide and water molecules ect. are influencing our climate. Do your really believe this even if this influence is not as great as 33C (58F)??? What, according to the observed atmospheric temperature being conventionally measured, do you propose this temperature influence is???
I propose there is absolutely no influence upon the measured minimum natural minimum temperature that ever has been measured is zero degrees whatever. For the measured atmospheric temperature has never be measured to be lowered than the atmosphere’s DEW POINT TEMPERATURE measured at the same time and place. And the vapor pressure of any liquid or solid has nothing to do with the gaseous molecules absorption of radiation. It has to do with the molecules’ attraction for each other. Which, according to our kinetic theory of gases are assumed to be zero at the temperature and pressures of the earth’s atmosphere.
Have a good day, Jerry
Herb Rose
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Hi Brian,
Water is not a greenhouse gas. While greenhouse gases (no such thing) are suppose to block heat from escaping from the Earth into space, water absorbs heat at the Earth’s surface when it evaporates, transports that heat into the atmosphere and release in when it condenses. It is actively carrying heat away from the Earth’s surface. Water in the atmosphere is not a gas but nano droplets of a liquid crystal. Water vapor (steam) cannot exist below the boiling point of water.(See a phase chart)
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Hi Herb.
Green house gases are the gases inside a greenhouse.
Herb Rose
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Hi WhoKoo,
You mean nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and CO2 are all greenhouse gases? Do we need to get rid of all of them?
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Hi Herb.
There can also be high humidity in a hothouse and sometimes the hothouse gardener will eat baked beans and onions.
Those who want to eliminate the atmosphere can easily tape a plastic bag over their hat.
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Head, not hat. Dang.
Gary Ashe
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Steam is not boiling h20 herb, Steam is condensing h20 gas.
H20 gas is invisible to the naked eye, and comes at/from the phase change from liquid to gas at 100c.
You can see 3 of the 4 phases of h20 in a pan on an oven ring.
When the pan boils the clear bubbles rising from the bottom are h20 gas bubbles you can see right through them.
And when the bubbles rise to and break the top surface the gas instantly hits cooler air and phase changes condensing to water droplets steam/vapour which is below 100c or it would still be gas and there would be no phase change.
In The pan you see liquid vapour and gaseous h20, if you start with ice you have seen all 4 phases of h20 better known as water.
Herb Rose
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Hi Gary,
In order for a steam locomotive to work properly the water must heated so there is no liquid (dry steam). A tea kettle shows the invisible gas coming-out thenconverning into water droplets. Have you read Dr. Gerald Pollack’s book “The FourthPhase of Water”?Very interesting.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
I have long been trying to reason with you that “Water in the atmosphere is not a gas but nano droplets of a liquid crystal” is an absolutely wrong (incorrect) SCIENCE idea. I now only ask you a question: How many water molecules are there in your “nano droplets of a liquid crystal???
Have a good idea, Jerry
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I wonder,
Is Greta “spiked” with these protective injections? If she is, as most good Swedes are, we don’t have to worry much about her role in this business. Sad, even cruel comment, I know, but don’t we all have it coming?
Cheers, JaKo
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I am coming to the view that it is the failure of history teaching in schools that results in Greta and her follows thinking the life is worse now. History should not be about kings and battles. It should be about the life of the majority – ordinary people struggling for a living.
The elderly today remember what life was like only 60-70 years ago in the UK. It was not very good for many compared to today, but still better than earlier years.
If Greta gets her way we will be living in poverty very soon.
Allan Shelton
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Greta’s parents [and promoters] should be charged with child abuse. IMO.