The CICP is not even computerized

Another reason why the CICP is not the solution to handle all the COVID-19 vaccine injury petitions

In the spring of 2022 I submitted a FOIA to Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) seek budgets for staffing and compensation in FY 2020 thru FY 2024.

To my surprise, I received a response back from the FOIA office at HRSA with budget figures for staffing and also compensation.

For those who might not be aware of how budgets for compensation and staffing are funded in the CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), it is a direct appropriation from Congress.

In the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) a dedicated tax or levy on each vaccine that funds the Vaccine Injury Trust Fund that is used to payout compensation.

For FY2023, the CICP has a total budget level of $15 million which includes $5 million for compensation and $10 million for staff and contractors.

The next shoe to drop happened this past week regarding the budget for FY2023. During an interview with Congressman Mike Collins of Georgia and an Atlanta based TV station. The congressman was asked about why the process of only paying out just a few awards and why the process was so slow.

Congressman Collins responded “CICP program director told him part of the problem is technology. They did not even have a computer system in place, a software system to handle people making requests or even inquiring about what their status was, which was what you were talking about in your reporting.”

Imagine that. The CICP director admitting now that the budget request is to install a computer system to help with the processing of petitions.

What the HELL have they been doing since 2010???

Has the CICP been processing the 11,000+ petitions via Big Chief Tablets and #2 pencils??

Does anyone remember the monstrous $1.7 trillion dollar omnibus budget bill passed at the end of 2022???

Buried in that spending bill was a line item that caught the attention of a couple of reporters and Congressman Dan Bishop. There was an ask for $15 million dollars for administrative expenses for the NVICP.

Curious as to why an additional $15 million was needed for the NVICP, I inquired about the line item. No specific answer could be found.

Now we know. But it was not for the NVICP. It was for the CICP and the replacement of paper pushing for a computerize system.

And that is not the extent of this folly.

HRSA has no idea of the number of people that work for them. That’s correct!

That very same program director stated that “a third of the federal employees have been working from home.” Congressman Collins continues, “They do not know how many people they employ, the federal government, these departments, they do not know.”

If you are pissed off, you should be. Not just at HRSA. But also HHS, the White House and save some ass chewing for Congress. They have not had any appetite for oversight.

More to come soon.

Keep learning, keep challenging yourself and always, always question authority.

See more here

Bold emphasis added

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    The same reason that the IRS still uses obsolete 50 year old Cobol computer language. Big pharma does not want any record of their murdering ways.


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