The CIA’s Pole Shift Theory of Climate Change
If anyone wants to learn what the government of the United States knew about the mutation of all life there is a book, The Adam and Eve Story, Celest Solum said when discussing The Barcode of Life project. The Adam and Eve Story, by Chan Thomas a CIA agent, was declassified in 2013.
A key aspect of this book is the pole shift theory which causes cataclysmic climate change. A climate change caused, not by man but, by a shifting of the earth’s magnetic poles.
The UN’s Agenda 2030 would have you believe climate change is entirely man-made and to prevent it mankind must be limited and controlled by a so-called “global elite” group, a few people “at the top of society.” But are the “elite”, once again, taking a good, scientific cause and warping it to suit their narrative? A narrative they designed to achieve their goals of shaping the world into their New World Order, a totalitarian state of a One World Government?
“There are many academics who are openly suggesting that Covid lockdowns are a necessary precursor for climate lockdowns.” – Professor Norman Fenton, Queen Mary London University. And climate lockdown ideology is wider spread than we may be aware.
The science on climate change is far from settled and the official narrative we are given is far from the truth, it is more religion than science. Good science is dependent on open debate. Without scientific debate the argument is no longer based on science. In the following sections we highlight three reasons for changes in climate that legacy media will not talk about: the Earth’s magnetic field, the Sun and geoengineering.
First: Who is Chan Thomas?
Chan Thomas’ book, The Adam and Eve Story, was published in 1963 and soon after seized by the Central Intelligence Agency with all evidence of its existence being scrubbed from history for the next fifty years. A partially declassified or sanitised version was released by the CIA in 2013 under the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of this sanitised version can be found in the CIA reading room HERE.
There were supposedly 284 pages of which 55 were declassified. However, a 1993 version of the book is available which comprises 127 pages and, apparently, contains all the information in a 1965 scanned copy of the original.
The 1993 version can be purchased or read for free on the Internet Archive, a non-profit online library, HERE. Speculative History provides a brief overview HERE.
David Montaigne, Thomas’ biographer, wrote: “Most people who know a little about Thomas still mistakenly believe that the CIA’s primary interest was the pole shift theory detailed in his book – when in reality, the book was included in the classified file only because it gave insights on the man. It was Thomas himself they were interested in when this was classified in the 1960s. And it is the details on the man which remain only ‘partially declassified and sanitised for public view’ … When it comes to Thomas, the CIA is hiding much more than evidence of the coming catastrophic pole shift.”
Thomas was also a psychic and he knew that everyone has the ability to develop their ESP. Thomas’ “public period,” when he officially existed, ended in 1974. For about twenty years, Thomas disappeared from all public records. During this period, he was tied to the CIA and as a result he did most of his life’s work undercover. Then in 1993, Thomas re-emerged and started publishing books again.
Pole Shift Theory
“Every time the cataclysmic concept has come to life, the “beast” has been stoned, burned at the stake, beaten to a pulp and buried with a vengeance; but the corpse simply won’t stay dead.” – The Adam and Eve Story (1993), Chan Thomas, p12
There are two competing pole shift theories: Chan Thomas and Charles Hapgood.
Hapgood’s theory, which was endorsed at the time by Albert Einstein, proposed that the geophysical poles periodically move by as much as up to 40 degrees through crustal displacements. Thomas proposed that the pole shift was much greater, as much as 90 degrees with the poles shifting into the equatorial zone in less than a day.
According to ExoPolitics: “Ice core samples from Antarctica clearly support Hapgood and not Thomas’ theory. Thomas’ theory that the Earth regularly experiences 90-degree pole shifts that flip the poles back and forth from equatorial regions is not supported by Antarctic ice core records. While it is comforting to know that the Earth is unlikely to experience anything like the cataclysmic 90-degree pole shift predicted by Thomas, it is sobering to know that even a 20-degree pole shift devastated the worldwide Atlantean civilization 11,600 years ago.”
“The evidence suggests that pole shifts are both magnetic and geophysical, with a periodic cycle of recurring and predictable cataclysms involving huge earthquakes and tsunamis, changes in latitude and altitude, mass extinctions, and the destruction of civilizations, reducing them to myth and legend. Evidence also suggests that the next pole shift is due in the 21st century.” – Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced, David Montaigne
The Grand Solar Minimum
According to reports NASA had, until 2011, a page on their website which said that the Sun is the major driver of Earth’s climate, that it controls all the major aspects, and we may be on the cusp of an ice age.
This page has been removed.
On NASA’s current webpage, ‘The Study of Earth as an Integrated System’, the image’s caption includes: “Solar radiation is a primary driver of climate.” It seems NASA has demoted the Sun from “the” primary driver to “a” primary driver.
Roughly every 11 years, the Sun’s magnetic field completely flips. Activity on the surface of the Sun, such as sunspots, are caused by the Sun’s magnetic fields. One way to track the solar cycle is by counting the number of sunspots. The beginning of a solar cycle is a solar minimum, when the sun has the least sunspots. The middle of the solar cycle is the solar maximum, or when the Sun has the most sunspots. As the cycle ends, it fades back to the solar minimum and then a new cycle begins.
A Grand Solar Minimum (“GSM”) occurs when several solar cycles exhibit lesser than average activity for decades or centuries. Solar cycles still occur during these GSM periods but are at a lower intensity than usual. GSM have shown some correlation with global and regional climate changes.
In 2020 NASA stated researchers have predicted that coming solar cycles may exhibit extended periods of minimal activity but the models used are not robust enough to be considered conclusive. If a GSM were to occur it “would only serve to offset a few years of warming caused by human activities.”
However, a new study was released in August 2021 which concluded the Sun, and not human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), may be the main cause of warmer temperatures in recent decades. The United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “appears to display deliberate and systemic bias in what views, studies, and data are included in its influential reports.”
Although there are countless forms of human activity affecting the climate, the global climate engineering programs are by far the single most destructive factor.
Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG) and Solar Radiation Management (SRM) are programs designed to saturate the stratosphere with reflective aerosols through the use of modified jet aircraft.
According to GeoEngineering Watch these programs are: cited in approximately 150 patents and documents; openly discussed in U.S. Congressional hearings on weather modification; and, are outlined by numerous scientific agencies including: The Royal Society; United Nations; and, Royal Meteorological Society.
Extremely high levels of elements such as barium, aluminium, strontium and manganese have been detected in precipitation (rain) across the globe.
One example is Shasta County, Northern California. In 2006, when tested in a laboratory, a single rain event measured aluminium at 7 parts per billion (“ppb”). Less than five years later, at the same location, a single rain event measured aluminium at 3450 ppb.
In 2014 citizens from Shasta County attended a meeting with their Supervisors Board to hear 10 experts present their data proving that there is severe heavy metal contamination and ultra violet (UV) radiation across the Shasta County region. Below is excerpts from that meeting and a fuller version can be found HERE.
A 1996 research paper, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, was presented to Air Force 2025 forecasting that by 2025 the Airforce could “own the weather.” And, according to GeoEngineering Watch, top US military leaders have repeatedly stated that climate change is the greatest national security threat of all.
Global weather engineering operations are not a theory, they are a reality. Who is carrying out these programs? What could be the consequences? The documentary below provides some answers.
See more here:
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David Montaigne
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Thanks for the link, the original article mentions me twice for my research on pole shifts and Chan Thomas so I was very happy to find it
Collision of ideas
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Well, the idea is certainly plausible. Anyone hear of crop dusting? Spraying of chemicals on crops to prevent pets or other infestations? Weren’t we all at one time afraid of the food we eat because of chemical absorption at the level of the plant and soil? Of course we were. This is like crop dusting only at an elevation and dispersion that I have never really seen before. I give these people props! I never paid that much attention to this phenomenon, but will from now on.
Collision of ideas
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The scientists featured in the final segment on geoengineering seem unconcerned about the fallout of their sponsored actions with these “chemtrails” to stave off global warming. That is frightening in itself. To think that this has been going on for decades under our very noses is also unnerving. I am now convinced that what we know, or what we think we know about our governments actions and activities is truly frightening. Warming, or change in global climate is a natural part of living on this planet. It is apparent that most of us believe what we are told. Very few of us are completely awake about what is going on around us. To the governments, scientists, and the elite, this is just a grand experiment with our lives. Why not? There are millions of us and just a few of them. The power is their control of the resources and that is the way they want it. If, collectively, we are unable to do anything about it, by protest or political pressure, then we’ve lost. The next thing to do would be to storm the gates of this power and overthrow it. I think that is something they fear only a little because they have the power of government and the military on their side.