The Big ‘Fizz’ or How to Get Something from Nothing
One of the main contentions with the accepted theory of the Big Bang is that you cannot get something from nothing. Below is a sample chapter from a new book which shows just how you do get something from nothing, even though it is prohibited by natural law and common sense.
The following chapter is taken from Binary Universe Theory (B.U.T.) written by Ken Hughes.
There are concepts which some may not understand without reading the full book. Readers interested in purchasing the book can do so at
Below is Chapter 12 for your consideration:
12 The Big “Fizz”
I am not a professional physicist, an expert in mathematics, or a particle physicist and so I am unable to construct a theory of the beginning, working backwards in time towards the Big Bang, as is currently being attempted in mainstream science.
I can only present my offerings from a higher level. I am forced to start at the beginning and deduce my way forward, in time, from some initial condition. I must start with nothing and work my way forward. However, unlike current mainstream physicists, I have an understanding of our binary universe to guide me along the way and this will certainly direct my thinking, differently.
It may allow me to progress understanding, where others are stuck with philosophical issues. This constructive approach has certain advantages, given that neither approach can ever be proven in full. Perhaps both approaches will always be necessary, for us to get the whole picture but, I admit, the following text in this chapter is very speculative in nature.
On the other hand, it can do no harm to speculate, so here goes.
In the beginning, or rather, “just before” the beginning, there was nothing. There must have been nothing at this point, since if there were something, then the beginning would already have happened in order to have produced that something.
So, our first step is to try and understand the very concept of absolute nothingness and to see where this initial condition leads us.
We live in a world devoid of nothingness. Everywhere we look there is something. Even the vacuum of outer space is not absolutely empty and it has a tiny energy value, the vacuum energy. Our brains are simply not wired to envision nothingness and this places a limitation on our imaginations. Nevertheless, we must try and look beyond our present environment and from outside our personal perspectives, if we are ever to understand the beginning of everything.
When we say there was “nothing” we must also accept there was no time. I have identified the phenomenon of time to be energy, a physical field of energy and so this also cannot exist until or after the beginning. In fact, I have also proposed that all matter particles are simply localised “arrangements” of the energy of the field, with their corresponding extra, curled up “dimensions” and this explains the equivalence of matter and energy at the fundamental level.
So, from this understanding, we see that first, we must create the field, before any particles can evolve from it. This field of energy, of time, must come first, so we deduce that the beginning must have been the beginning of time, the beginning of the wave like field of energy. Every particle, every entity, somehow evolved from this field, at some later stage. Initially, in the absence of matter, this singularity would have had zero mass and not the infinite density predicted by the mainstream’s reverse extrapolations.
We have also seen that, without time, there are no dimensions, no space, so this situation defines the initial condition of our singularity, an empty universe without time and without size, in other words, absolute nothingness.
The universe, (let us call it that), before the beginning must have been a singularity with no time, no volume, no matter, no energy, no mass, no gravity, no temperature and so on. Such a “singularity” then is not infinitely dense, since there is no energy or matter present and no gravity either, since gravity is the curvature of time caused by the presence of matter.
So how do we get our field of energy from absolutely nothing? Well, we must consider that, although there is nothing physical in existence, there was, nevertheless, one rule at this stage – that any (and all) virtual events (possibilities) must follow – this is the rule against creation. You cannot create something from nothing. Yet, there is just one process which allows a particular form of “creation”. You can create an equal positive and negative energy at the same time (and in the same place), thereby maintaining a net zero energy of “creation”. Only in this way, is it possible to get something from nothing, but it always has to be this “binary” something, with a fundamental duality in everything. Everything must have its duplicate of opposite energy.
There are indications of this today from the emergence of virtual matter and antimatter particle pairs, flitting in and out of existence in the vacuum.
There is one more rule in this situation – that there are no rules. The rules of nature have not yet formed, since nature, itself, is yet to be defined. In this situation, the result is that anything can happen. Anything is allowed, so there are infinite possibilities. The fact that anything is allowed and all such random events are possible (however unlikely), is another way of saying that “Anything that is not forbidden is inevitable”, in other words, “Murphy’s Law”. You may find this somewhat comical but there is a scientific understanding about Murphy’s Law. In quantum physics all possibilities (quantum states) exist, until the wave function is said to collapse, leaving only the one reality from all these quantum states, or possible realities.
So, if we apply this idea to our, randomly occurring, virtual positive/negative quantum energy pairs, our virtual binary quanta, flitting in and out of existence “within” our singularity, then all possible arrangements of these quantum fluctuations are possible and so they do all happen, even the very unlikely ones. But, there is no pattern to them. They are completely random and unstable and they never repeat. They never continue, so are doomed to remain only virtual by nature, just mere possibilities. There is one exception, the very rare, highly unlikely, pattern of a binary energy wave.
Now, since all possibilities, all arrangements of these quantum fluctuations will happen, then so will our binary energy wave happen. It does not matter how unlikely this event is, or “how long” we have to wait for it to occur, since time is not yet passing and probability is an aspect of time.
When time does not pass, then you might say, everything will happen all at once or, as is often said, “Time is the process which prevents everything from happening, all at once”. So, in the absence of time, everything (all possibilities), happens all at once. The only virtual events that are important though, “after” all possibilities have happened, are those possibilities that endure.
The most important possibility is the one that is compelled to repeat the production of its virtual pairs of quanta in its own, unique pattern. Within our singularity, all possible events are compressed into, what to us, is one single moment in time, just like dimensions are also compressed into one single physical point in space, from our present-day perspective. So, our binary energy wave must occur within the singularity. It is inevitable!
There is something very different about our binary energy wave, compared to all the other possibilities. This binary energy wave is continuous by its very nature. In itself, it provides the environment for change, the phenomenon of time, and it is this effect of time that gives the field its continuity. The field provides its own continuum! All other possibilities are unstable and die a natural death, instantly collapsing back into nothingness, just like the virtual particle pairs in today’s vacuum.
Our binary energy wave though, is self-perpetuating. Each wave is driven by the other and each relies on the other to produce the next linked quantum in the series. Any one quantum defines the next quantum and so on. These series of events cannot deviate from this relationship. They are compelled to continue, to repeat in a wavelike manner. We see that, by its very nature, our binary energy wave forms a continuum, our continuum! Today, we understand and experience this energy wave, as time. Everything has evolved from it, lives within it and is driven into the “future” by it, changed into the next quantum state, by each quantum pair or couple.
Every fundamental, physical particle can only be some local “arrangement” of these energy quanta, so the wavelike field must give up some of its quanta for them to do different things within a particle, rather than contribute to the wave, locally. Each of these “arrangements” is a stable, localised series of events, in which one quanta follows the previous quanta, within the locality of the particle. Then, at larger, slower scales within the field, all entities are carried along with the wave, stepping forward one quantum pair, at a time, into the future, into the next, sequential state of existence. This is how matter must have evolved from our initial field of energy. It is the only possible way.
This is why the number of extra “dimensions” in string theory is the same number of fundamental stable particles in the standard model. They are the different possible ways that the energy of time (and therefore dimensions) can be wrapped up, locally, to form these perpetual, fundamental particles. We can also “see” that any such arrangement must take its energy from the energy field, so the field of time must diminish, where there are particles, it must red shift, where there is mass. This is the fundamental causality for mass induced, or gravitational, time dilation and therefore, for gravity itself. It is the energy reduction, in the field of time, feeding the particles in any mass that causes gravitational time dilation and its associated phenomenon, Newtonian gravity.
There is a simultaneous effect from the commencing of this wave. We have already established what happens when the clock starts to run. Space emerges from time. This relationship between time and space is evident from both Special and General Relativity. In SR, as we approach light speed, lengths in the direction of travel start to contract until, in the theoretical limit, at “c”, lengths in the forward direction become effectively zero. The stopping of time in the moving frame causes lengths to become meaningless. Then, as we slow down from light speed, time starts to pass again. Dimensions in the forward direction regain their meaning, so lengths, or distances, emerge again. Space re-emerges, as time re-emerges.
In GR, the same effect is evident. As we approach the event horizon of a black hole, time slows down, until, at this horizon, time stands still. Space has shrunk in volume, increasingly, on our approach to the horizon. Here again, lengths become effectively zero, but this time in all directions and space becomes a spherical hologram around the surface of the horizon.
Again, working backwards, we see that as we move back out, away from the event horizon, time starts to pass again and space “expands” from zero volume, as a result. Space emerges as a result of the commencing and increasing time rate. General relativity shows that space compresses further in and relatively expands again, further out. We can say that the passage of time creates lengths, distances, volume and space. Time “creates” space or, better, that space “emerges” from the phenomenon of time. You cannot have space without time, but time is fundamental whilst space is emergent. Time is the cause and space is the effect.
So, when our binary energy wave of time commences in our singularity, space must emerge, instantaneously producing the physical expansion of space, dependent on the increasing frequency of the wave. We have, in effect, the rapid, dimensional expansion of our singularity that today we label “inflation”. The commencing and increasing rate of time created inflation and, with it, the whole volume of the universe, in an instant. Scientists talk about the time it took for this to happen in terms of micro seconds, but the very idea of duration in this period is quite inappropriate.
Time throughout inflation ranges from a zero rate in the very beginning to almost today’s rate of 1.855 x 1043 Planck times per second, (today’s second). So, you can see that any assessment of the time it took for the inflationary process to complete is meaningless from our perspective, in our present day, steady, fast time wave.
I have also proposed that the slight, continuing “expansion” of the universe, defined by the cosmological constant, Lambda is, in reality, the residual quickening of time from this inflationary period immediately after the Big Bang. Everything does take time though (once time passes), so there was some overall duration associated with this inflationary period. It is just that we will never “grasp” it from our current perspective, within our wave, with its current rate of temporal progress.
Once this field of energy evolves and forms the continuum, then all the other possibilities that “existed” before the passage of time, now become very unlikely indeed. Since time is now passing, an unlikely occurrence will now take a very long time for it to occur, due to its low probability. Probability is also an aspect of time. With no time, everything is possible and instantaneous, but with the passing of time, only the most likely events happen quickly, the very unlikely ones will take an “eternity”. It is this effect that demonstrates how the passage of time “freezes” our universe into being the way it is, from all the possible ways it might have been.
We can see, from the way things developed, that there can be no other universes. This possibility is an illusion in our minds, gained only from the way the universe is, today. We envision space beyond our space, where other universes may have come into being, but space beyond ours does not exist, even if our universe is finite and still expanding.
Beyond our universe there is nothing, the singularity of zero volume and zero time, the nothing that “was” before our singularity erupted with time. This is not a place or a time. It is nothingness. We can also see that a new universe erupting in the middle of ours is also not possible.
Our field of time is the creator from which all else emerges and if anything else did have the temerity to try and emerge within this field, it would also be a binary energy field and so it would immediately be assimilated into our field, into our own universe. But the probability of a binary time wave emerging within our time wave is so low as to be equal to zero. Only with zero time will that be inevitable, with a probability of one.
Our wave form of time gives us the classical laws of nature, at the macro scale, above the scale of the wave, i.e. for events slower than the wave. The quantum scale, the scale below the wave form of time, is a realm which more closely resembles the initial singularity, where time did not pass. This is because time does not quite pass here, in accordance with the wave, since events are now shorter than one wavelength, quicker than the wave.
So time does not quite pass in the same way it does for us larger, slower beings. No wonder, then, that we have difficulty understanding events in the quantum world. The scale of the wave is the dividing line, the “curtain” between the classical and the quantum realms. The classical realm, with its direct, causal nature is emergent from the quantum world with its probabilistic nature. The background to our universe, to our field of time, must still be there as a type of singularity with no time and no space, existing at the quantum level, below the scale of the wave.
This must be the reason why certain actions can occur “outside of time” and which seem to us to be instantaneous and independent of distance. (I refer to the reactions between entangled particles).
During the formation of our energy field, during inflation, a number of possibilities will have “condensed”, regarding the different arrangements of these energy quanta and how they can form stable series’ of “events” (particles) in space, within and from our wavelike field of energy. With the evolution of the field, this number of possible arrangements is now finite, since the wave will allow only a limited number of ways to curl up, taking energy from the field.
Now, the number and types of fundamental particles are limited by the operating energy field within the void. Every event is controlled by the energy wave, which has slowed everything down to a manageable rate and reduced the once infinite number of chaotic possibilities, down to just a few fundamental ones.
The indications are that our wavelike field, the field of time, is the Higgs field. This field permeates everywhere, throughout everything and there is no place to hide from the Higgs. The Higgs field is also reputed to slow the universe down to a sensible pace and so prevents utter chaos. It also gives mass (or inertia) to matter.
These phenomena are all aspects that apply to our wavelike time field and this strongly suggests these two fields are one and the same. It would be interesting to work out the value of the Higgs at the event horizon, or at the speed of light. If this idea is correct, then I predict these values would both be zero, since time does not pass under these circumstances, so there is effectively no field locally.
These different ways that energy quanta can arrange themselves, may each correspond to the different “curled up” dimensions in string theory. This number of extra dimensions also matches the number of particles in the standard model. This is no coincidence. Clearly, these extra dimensions are the limited number of possible ways that time and therefore space, can take effect at the very small scale to produce all the standard particles.
Remember, everything is made of energy, and if we are right in our speculations, the only place where we can get energy from to make particles, is our wavelike field. There is nowhere else for it to come from.
We deduce that the quarks, photons and other fundamental particles which form the protons, neutrons and electrons (making up all the matter in the early universe), must have “condensed” from our field of energy, during the inflationary period. We also deduce that gravity did not come into effect, until these particles came into existence and that the early part of inflation was uncontrolled, unrestricted by any gravitational attraction.
When all these particles had evolved, then universal gravitation had indeed taken effect and the inflation was abruptly halted (almost). I imagine that, as our wavelike field created space and the field itself expanded physically with this inflating space, the wave stretched and broke or otherwise gave up energy, just like breaking waves near the shoreline of a sea. When water waves break, it is because the energy of their previous circular rotation, over deep water, becomes more elliptical as they approach shallow water.
Eventually, the structure of the waves can no longer hold together as a whole, and the waves break. Our wave of time will have undergone a similar, if only an analogous, distortion as space rapidly inflated with the wave, so some of the quanta no longer held together. These quanta broke away from the wave form to form particles, the “spray” from the inflating and breaking wave of time. We should remember, however, that the net energy throughout this evolutionary process was always zero, due to the binary nature of the field and its emerging contents. The net energy of the field is zero and the net energy of every particle is also zero, due to their binary nature, for as long as the field lasts.
Only during the initial inflation, was the emergence of matter particles possible. Today, we see the simmering remnants, from this energetic process, as virtual particle pairs, emerging, then quickly disappearing, in the vacuum. These virtual particles cannot endure within a static energy field, where such possibilities are restricted by their low probability. They could only emerge from the inflating field, before the wavelike field enforced its limiting probability onto all possible events. The final, inflated field had done its job and the process of “creation” was now at an end. All events from this point on and all the rules of nature were now cast, irrevocably, by our binary, wavelike field of energy, by the field of time, I suspect, the Higgs field.
With these fundamental particles, continuously drawing their internal energy from the field, we have a reduced local field energy in both binary parts, each particle having its binary nature, with its plus and minus energies, exactly equal to the reduction of the field energies in the positive and negative waves. The sum total, zero energy of the universe has, therefore, not been altered by the evolution of matter from the field of time. No net creation has occurred, since this law against creation is the overriding law of nature. It is what has controlled the creation of our universe and ultimately defined the very laws of nature.
It is at this point that these ideas join those of the mathematicians and particle physicists, who have worked their way backwards, to this same situation, in a less speculative, more scientific way, from analysing the experimental results from collisions in particle accelerators. I understand, from them, that these particles next merged to form the hydrogen atoms and some helium atoms (filling the primordial void with all the photons that had formed independently).
I have proposed that the internal momentum/energy of particles must be fed from the field of time, so it reduces the field’s energy, locally to each particle. This reduction in the energy field we know as time dilation, or more precisely, as gravitational time dilation. These hydrogen and helium atoms were the seeds of gravity, made from the energy removed from the field, of the time dilation associated with all matter, and the rest, was inevitable.
The distribution of matter particles, in the early universe, was not completely uniform and why should it have been? Nothing is ever perfect, because everything is fundamentally probabilistic.
All that was necessary, to create the galaxies and star systems we see today, was this slightly uneven spread of matter throughout the volume of space, and gravity did the rest.
Apparently, all the rules needed to create a whole universe are:
- There are no rules. (Anything and everything does happen),
- You cannot create (You can only create an equal positive with its corresponding mirrored negative),
- Nothing created is ever quite perfect. (This stems from the fact that events during the initial stages were based on probabilities, so there are always some natural variations from the ideal mathematical probability distributions).
These ideas and deductions do rely on the universe being a binary universe. If I am right, about the very beginning, then physicists will need to understand and accept the B.U.T. and all its implications, before they can ever achieve a complete understanding, or at least a visualisation, of the very beginning.
Whether these ideas are testable, I am not sure, so we may always be forced to rely on the best speculations, in addition to mathematical proofs and experimental results.
The Big Bang, as I see it, was not some cosmic explosion but more a “Big Fizz”. As time commenced, inflation resulted and particles formed from the field, like bubbles on opening a champagne bottle. This is just a simple, layman’s, way of trying to understand the process. Certainly, it was a very high energy situation, relative to today, an outward inflation/expansion similar to an explosion. But, this inflation was not driven by any explosive force, or even by some negative gravitational effect, as some have proposed.
Inflation was driven by the rapidly increasing rate of time, the increasing of the frequency of the energy wave, from an initial, flat-lined, red shifted, non-wave, to the high frequency “pilot wave” of today. It seems to me, to be better described as a sort of “temporal eruption” and associated physical inflation, whilst the basic building blocks of matter “fizzed” into existence, during the early stages of the process.
But What Is All This “Energy” Stuff, Anyway?
I have proposed that the field of time is a field of energy, the source of all energy, so it would be remiss of me if I did not attempt to define exactly what this “energy” is. This is a deeply philosophical question which is not easy to answer. In fact, no one has ever answered it, with a fundamental definition of energy. Ask any Physicist or Engineer (or anyone who has studied the physical laws of nature) to define energy and they will tell you that
“Energy is the capacity to do work”.
But they are only repeating what they have been told. This statement is not a description of the physical nature of energy, certainly not at the fundamental level. It is a statement of what energy can do, its potential, and that is a different thing altogether (maybe).
We talk of potential energy, the energy a body has, when it is elevated in a gravitational field. We say that it has potential energy because, when we let it fall, it gains kinetic energy as it falls and as it loses its potential energy. But the object at height does not possess energy, in the real sense. The potential energy we are talking about is the energy of the gravitational field, which is what does the accelerating, not any positional property of the object, although the two are, of course, related.
In any case, the “potential energy” an object might possess is purely relative in nature. If we compare its potential energy from a lower elevation, 100 metres down, against its energy from 200 metres down, we find it has twice the potential energy, in the second case, than it has in the first. We can see, then that potential energy is purely relative, dependent upon the frame of reference from which it is measured.
Kinetic energy is also, purely, relative. A satellite in orbit could easily be captured by the space shuttle (now withdrawn from service), because they both travelled at the same speed and their relative kinetic energies were both zero. Only an object in front of the satellite, moving much slower would be destroyed by the relative kinetic energy of the satellite. So, we can see, again, that kinetic energy is also purely relative.
Heat energy is just another form of kinetic energy, since the temperature of a substance is a direct measure of the vibration energy of its molecules, their energies of motion, their kinetic energies. If we exclude potential energy from our deliberations, because it is never in operation, until it transforms into kinetic energy, then we must conclude that there is only the one type of energy and that is, kinetic energy.
Everything else is just another form of kinetic energy. Pressure energy is just the physical result of vibrating molecules impacting the walls of the container and is a measure of their velocity of impact. This is closely linked with temperature under Boyles Law and Charles Law. So, to analyse the nature of energy, we need only to analyse the nature of kinetic energy.
I have shown that the energy used in moving through time is the same energy as is used for moving through space and that as you increase your kinetic energy, then your time energy, your rate of temporal progress, reduces in accordance with the Lorentz transformation. At the speed of light, all the energy of time is being used for speed at the same rate as it is provided by the field and time has stopped for the moving entity.
So, the field is capable of doing work and this “work” consists of a combination of temporal progression, a change in state, and progression through space, a change in position, again a change in state. In both cases, whether movement is through time or space, the energy of the field executes work to produce a change in state.
Since the field is continuous, the total energy of the field has to be used for something all the time, otherwise energy would build up somehow and we know that does not happen in the vacuum (except for the vacuum energy, the one Planck time “out of phase” per cycle of the wave). So, if energy from the wave is not being used for physical “change”, then it will default into its being used for the progression of time because its energy has to change the state of something, somehow.
Irrespective of the degree to which the energy of the wave is being used between these two options, the sum total of both its uses will always add up to the energy of the initial, unreduced value of the wave, the energy of the wave of “universal time”.
But even this understanding does not give us a fundamental definition of energy and so we have to go deeper into the rabbit hole to find it. When we look at each individual time quantum, we must ask, “What is it made of?” We cannot imagine what it is and so we have to try and eliminate what it is not. It is not a matter particle since matter was formed from the field after the field emerged.
It is not a quantum of electricity since electrons also evolved from the field. It cannot be a physical “thing” despite my original assertion that everything in nature has to be a physical entity or process. I now have to concede that the physicality of things is only evident above the scale of the wave since all physical things have evolved from the wave. This is new territory for me, even as I write.
At the beginning of this chapter I made two statements. The first was that “quantum fluctuations” will occur in the vacuum and the second, that they only ever occur in pairs of opposite “sense” in order to avoid a net creation. From this and from the above eliminations, we can deduce that a quantum fluctuation is a “virtual” fluctuation of something, anything, which must always go hand in hand with its equal and opposite, virtual “fluctuation”.
Quantum fluctuations come in pairs which are purely relative in nature. But, a fluctuation of what? It is not a physical entity, we have already established that. The only thing I can think of which is not physical but yet is somehow real, is a “possibility” or a probability. But probability is just the quantification of possibility. It tells us how possible a possibility is and so the fundamental is “possibility”. It seems that at the deepest quantum level, our reality is composed of mere possibilities which may not have even happened. They are possibilities or potential to either move a system through time by up to one Planck time, or to move it through space by up to one Planck length (at the speed of light).
The Planck time is fundamentally probabilistic.
Time quanta are merely “potential” units of energy which would be capable of doing work if they existed. This does sound completely daft to me as an Engineer being normally averse to “bull shit”, yet I am driven to this conclusion by deductive logic.
It simply has to be this way since there is no other possible explanation. Mind you, this idea does exactly fit the definition of energy as the “potential” (or capability) to do work and so, in fact, this is precisely what energy is. At the most fundamental level, it is pure potential, nothing more. It seems the universe exists simply because it potentially can exist. Well, I never thought I would be saying these things, but I suppose the idea is no more daft than saying “everything can happen and so everything does”, that the universe exists because of a version of Murphy’s Law [62].
The transition from what is possible to what actually is, comes about from the field, above the scale of the field. Below this scale, for events faster than the wave, reality is a little confused from our perspective. Above the scale of the field the classical rules of nature are well defined and our reality emerges from the field of time. Below the scale of the field, each quantum fluctuation is always “trying” to be matched by its opposite fluctuation, but they are never the same at any instant.
As each quantum cycles from zero to one Planck time, its opposite is cycling between one Planck time and zero with both averaging one half Planck time at the large, slow scale. It appears the universe, in its attempts to equalise the positive quanta with the negative quanta is “chasing its own tail” and that this perpetual, yet futile attempt, is the driver of time and of change. It is the reason the wave perpetuates, the reason for our continuum. Certainly, at the large, slow scale the waves are indeed equal and opposite, but at the quantum scale, they never are. The quanta are locked in an eternal struggle for equalisation and it seems that the Planck time is the maximum inequality allowed.
One might ask what sets this maximum allowed duration, the “size” of the Planck time, but this question is nonsensical. Such an enquiry has things the wrong way around. We must understand that the Planck time sets the scale for everything. It is the starting point for all events and so it would not matter how “big” the unit is, but only its relative “size” against everything else in our universe. It sets the size of the universe and everything in it.
Remember that initially, when the quantum fluctuations were occurring in the void, before our temporal eruption took place, there were no rules and that included any “size” of the fluctuations themselves. “Size” is also purely relative and there was nothing to compare the “size” of these quantum fluctuations with.
So the energy quanta that make up the wave of energy, our wave of time, are merely virtual energy quanta or virtual quantum fluctuations and each positive quantum is entangled with its opposite, negative quantum for as long as the wave lasts. The quanta that make up the wave are virtual but in their totality, the wave itself is the driver of time and of events, of change and evolution, of reality. The wave of time allows these events or changes, it feeds them, but at the expense of its own energy content, of its own, vast, yet finite potential.
So the standard definition of energy is actually correct and the wavelike field of time really is the “capacity to do work”, but I suggest we have now put a deeper meaning to the concept of energy at the most fundamental level.
Comments for the author, Ken Hughes, are welcome below. The book THE BINARY UNIVERSE: A Theory of Time is available now to buy online at Amazon.
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I couldn’t finish this, I was laughing so much.