The Architecture of WHO’s World Takeover

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. They are putting everything in the world into the health basket, including your children’s education, your food and your money

And never forget ‘climate change’. They still think they can control us using the spectre (“something that haunts or perturbs the mind”) of lost health, threatening us with disease and pandemics.

Now where have I heard tht word SPECTRE before? Spectre was a fictional global criminal and terrorist organisation featured in the James Bond novels by Ian Fleming.

And that is exactly what we are up against now, except by now this organization has captured most of our governments.

We don’t know exactly who is at the top, so why not just refer to them as SPECTRE? Everyone knows what that is.

We are, after all, up against a global criminal and terrorist organization that stops at nothing. Hidden within the bowels of the UN and WHO, the Biden crime family, etc.


Remember Dolly Parton saying that it takes a lot of money to look this trashy? Well, the same is true for One Health.

It took many billions of dollars spreead around the world, corrupting public health education, training and research, to come up with and insert into governments worldwide as vacuous an idea and infrastructure as One Health.

BUT if one world government and control is your goal, think of the trillions you will obtain once the entire world is your oyster.

Especially when other peoples’ taxes paid the bulk of those billions.

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Comments (14)

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    I don’t abide a terrorist organization like WHO.


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    “We don’t know exactly who is at the top”

    BS, they put it out in their own words at places like the Pale-Horse (UN consuming the west), Club of Rome, WEF, etc…
    It’s the nobility and the people that control them. Vatican, Eastern Orthodox, Jesuits, Bilderberg, royalty, etc…
    Don’t need their own words though, when the British royal family owns 11 covid patents (Pirbright), it’s plainly obvious they’re part of it. Other patents, pushed propaganda, phony research studies, and more will all tell you who is behind it.

    It’s public information who’s behind it.


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    The entities on the top of WHO and some of the countries’ governments are not to be treated as persons and definitely not as human beings!
    Enough said…
    Cheers, JaKo


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    Remember when President Trump withdrew from WHO?
    I do. He was onto them.


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      I also remember this Lorraine, do you?


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        If statutory execution for corrupt regulatory agency personnel was introduced there would be a significant redistribution of wealth, health, and progress towards a civil society.


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          I don’t think ‘corrupt regulatory agency personnel’ made the call, lets try to place blame where it belongs.
          Plausible deniability runs rampant because people make excuses for our ‘leaders’


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            There is a way a clear whistleblower process can be developed that would challenge corrupt overlords with their ‘plausible deniability’.

            There would have to be clear accountability processes and templates to protect the honourable and diligent from the misdeeds of others.

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            Each person needs to take responsibility for their own actions. Those naive enough to take a vax developed and released under EUA status in ten months were guinea pigs, lab rats or whatever you want to call them. A job is not worth risking your life, nor was any other threat or coercion to take the toxic jab.

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        Yes, vividly. I watched every one of those presentations by Fauci and Birx. I know that Judas Pence was assigned to head the task force.
        He was part of the deep state all along, unbeknownst to the public. He was the president’s trusted advisor at the time.
        I also know President Trump left policy up to each state as was appropriate to state’s rights. We here in SC never locked down, nor had a mask mandate. Masking was left to individuals and private businesses.
        I never wore one.


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          There is that plausible deniability again
          ‘Each person needs to take responsibility for their own actions. ‘
          guess trump is excused from such things a responsibility for his actions.
          seriously, how can you justify trumps actions, lies and deceptions when if the other ‘side’ does the same, they are vilified.
          People need to get over the idea that these sovereign citizens/authorities have authority over anything or anyone just because they say they do


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    Saeed Qureshi


    Health Organizations, including WHO, must predict accurately any pandemic and stop its harmful effects before the actual pandemic. That is why they are there. Any idiot can make claims after the effect..

    Not being able to do that clearly indicates their incompetency and ignorance of the subject. They have proven themselves useless.


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    Ah, but that WHO is a useful tool for someone or thing.

    A Frankenstein creation, with a Similar Solution.


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