Texas: No lockdowns or masks for a month, cases down by half
Image: PngTree
On March 10th, four weeks ago tomorrow, the State of Texas in the United States ended all Coronavirus lockdown restrictions. By all, we mean just that: All. No masks. No restrictions on travel. No limits on opening businesses or gathering indoors. No laws against religious worship, or going to the beach. All restrictions in Texas have been done and dusted for just 24 hours short of a month.
How’s it going? Let’s have a look at the data:
On the far left of the graph is March 6th, four days before all restrictions were lifted. At that stage Texas (which has a population about seven times that of Ireland) was experiencing a 7 day average of about 6,000 cases per day.
Sunday, April 4th, is the last day for which we have data. Texas experienced, as you can see, just 1,012 new cases (a vastly lower number per head of population than Ireland) and the seven day average had dropped to less than 3,000 cases.
What explains this?
In Ireland, we are assured that lifting lockdown restrictions would result in a devastating third or fourth (depending on how you count these things) wave of the virus. But in Texas, where there’s no lockdown at all, case numbers are actually lower than they are here. What gives?
It is important at this stage to put in a number of caveats: The lifting of a mask mandate does not mean that masks are banned, and the lifting of bans on eating out and going to church and socialising does not mean that those things are compulsory. It’s fair to assume that even with no mandatory restrictions, a good number of Texans are still being voluntarily cautious about the virus, and that may be having some impact on the numbers.
But of course, you would expect the same thing to happen in Ireland if all restrictions were lifted in the morning.
There are also those who will argue that the weather in Texas is better than it is in Ireland, and that’s having some impact. But of course, that didn’t save the Texans (who have warm weather, pretty much, all year around) from the worst of the winter spike, or the initial infection.
We are left then with only two possible options: Either Texas’s infinitely superior vaccine effort is making the key difference in reducing cases, hospitalisations, and deaths, or lockdown just doesn’t make much difference.
The vaccine case is pretty strong: Texas has no official numbers for those vaccinated, but the surrounding states – Oklahoma, Louisiana, and New Mexico, have all vaccinated about two thirds of those in vulnerable categories, and about 40% of the population overall. You’d expect the Texan numbers to be similar. That may be having an impact.
But even at that, it wouldn’t tell the whole story. For example, we are repeatedly told in Ireland that there’s a danger of a massive outbreak amongst the young and the reckless if restrictions are lifted before enough people are vaccinated. That hasn’t happened in Texas.
You can draw your own conclusions, but it’s hard to look at these numbers and conclude that Texas would be better off with mandatory masks and covid lockdowns, isn’t it?
What’s very interesting of course is that the rest of the Irish media would never dream of reporting these numbers, or the context of them.
But it is important information. Ireland’s lockdown is costing us money, jobs, businesses, and mental health for every day that it endures. When other places are getting better results without any lockdown at all, isn’t it time to ask some questions?
See more here: gript.ie
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Mark Tapley
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Its is a great mystery to me that there are so many idiots that keep following the fake numbers like the writer of this article. No corona covid 19 pathogen has been purified, isolated nor identified using either the Koch’s or River’s postulate covering all REAL pathogens. Of the ap. 3 million people that die in the U.S. each year it is very easy for the hospitals to as CDC criminal Debra Birx said “tag everything possible as covid 19.” The hospitals get paid a lot more for doing so. Now as more cucked idiots are taking the GMO inflammatory injections given under the guise of a mere useless vaccine the CDC is just mandating the use of less cycles in the fake PCR test so naturally you get less positives.
Texas crypto Jew governor and proud winner of the Zionist Green Energy Award Abbot was in trouble after his abysmal performance in the recent energy crisis. The legislators finally got off their dead asses and told him to end the mandates. If not for that Israel first Abbot would not have changed anything but only continued to complain about his main issue which is anti-semitism.
What has happened in Texas is the consequence the state that produces more energy than any in the country takes out it’s coal powered generating plants that make cheap electricity in the cold and the heat and wether the sun is shining or not and put in the asinine windmills that not only never pay for them selves but froze up. The ones that did continue to work stopped as the cold air settled in and the wind died down. This is the future of this entire country unless we throw out the Zionist government officials such as Abbot, Coumo, Witmere and Gavin Pelosi. My daughter lives in Austin and was out of electricity for 136 hours and out of water for another day. None of this is of any consequence in Jewmerica just so long as our shabbas goy congress sacrifices any amount of blood and treasure for Greater Israel while peddling the fake virus scam.
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Your Anti-Semitism is showing. Time to post somewhere else.
Mark Tapley
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Why don’t you show me where I’m off target Lloyd. Abbot (as in several other states) had the legislature pass a law forbidding any state employee or contractor to criticize Israel or support the BDS mov. This is not the Soviet Union yet, the only other country that had anti-semitism laws under Stalin. The state supreme court over threw this blatant attack against free speech as has been done in Kansas and New Mexico. When many students in the colleges were finally confronting the Israeli government about it’s shooting of Palestinian children, bombing of Palestinian schools and hospitals and the annexation of more land for the Khazar criminals, the Zionist Jews had puppet actor Trump issue an executive order outlawing anti-semitism (free speech) on college campuses. Frequently our shabbas goy congress holds hearings conducted by Jews and where the ADL is always a prominent fixture where the subject of “white hate crimes” and “white nationalists” are the main issue. But when we look at the actual crime figures we see that whites rarely commit gun crimes. N.Y. City is a good example where ap. 90% of crime is committed by non-whites. Why do you think the focus is on whites?
The top donors in both the fake Rep. and fake Dem. parties are Zionist Jews. Both Trump and the senile self proclaimed Zionist Biden have always been controlled by the Zionists (not all are Jews) and Pelosi actually said that her father was a shabbas goy.
At the top of all this corruption is the Zionist controlled fiat banking cartel and its members the “to big to fail banks” led by Goldman Sachs. Covid and the staged riots make a good cover for another round of asset stripping by Black Rock and Blackstone (Rothschilds) as was done in the bailout for billionaire programs of 08-09. I am not really anti-semitic Lloyd, I just follow the evidence. By the way name one congressman or senator that will vote against aIPAC. If your so concerned about the poor Jews perhaps you should make a hefty contribution to the ADL or one of the other hundred Zionist Jew organizations. In closing it should be noted that the vast majority of Jews have nothing to do with any of this but are victims like everyone else. The Jew controlled MSM always make sure these Jews that are vehemently opposed to the Zionists are not ever seen.
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This is evidence that the masks are causing illness.