Teaching the Radiative Greenhouse Effect is Unethical
We all like to live our lives according to structured sets of rules, sometimes these are rules are hard and fast like laws, such as speed limits and in others they are subjective and more aligned with faith based values which have a strong tendency to stem from religious beliefs.
Without these, helping link and bind us together, society falls apart and everything quickly descends into a hellish free for all, where selfishness and dog eat dog rules reigns and only the strong survive.
One word which sums up the meaning of the positive methods in which we achieve a civilised society is ethics.
Ethics is about the principles we use to judge the right and wrong of our actions. The careful, methodical study of principles which guide our actions, both as a group and as an individual.
Ethics can be thought of as way of reminding yourself that you should treat people fairly and it is here that Marxism and its intertwined counterpart “Climate Crisis” fail. The “false teaching” of the radiation greenhouse effect, whereby GHE scholars, schooled in lies, preach pseudo-scientific filth upon their students.
The students don’t know any better and so are defenceless against the preaching being drilled into them. This isn’t fair to students, their parents or society as a whole, as teenagers get “TOLD” to think that having children is bad as the climate can’t cope, eating meat in dangerous and driving cars disastrous.
Just what is a child to think having heard this? In a world where MOMO videos supposedly encourage children to put knifes to their necks, why on Earth are teachers, teaching such crap? Just what kind of sick perverts are they?
These false preachers should all be sacked, TODAY!
They teach that the planet “can’t cope” as we have supposedly exceeded by several times the “carrying capacity” of the Earth. A concept which is best described as phoney baloney. They get force fed that we only have “12 years” left or we will all die in some doomsday cataclysm of our own making.
And believe me, these victims of fraud fall of it as they aren’t armed with the ammunition to defend themselves and if they even try, they are bullied and vilified into submission and silence. And that is what the students, children & society is today. “VICTIMS OF FRAUD!”
This fraud must stop and this perverted sickness must stop and it must stop now. If this means purging all schools of these fools, sending in riot squads to evict these idiot professors and teachers then so be it.
It is not ethical, to frighten the lives out of children at school, college and university, teaching kids to hate their parents (because they ignored the climate crisis), to hate corporations (because they are evil capitalists).
They go there to learn to become functional members of society, not to be turned into deranged morons afraid of their own farts and breathe, frightened of burger kings whoopers and this crazy belief that animal farmers are scum. These pupils then have no grounding in science at all, only a feigned knowledge of how things aren’t, rather than a detailed knowledge of how things are.
Lawrence Kohlberg, performed research on studies conducted at Harvard’s Center for Moral Education and he devised the theory of moral development, which occurs as people grow up and he defined this moral growth in six stages.
Stage One – Obedience and punishment.
This is where the person asks themselves “Will I be punished if I do this?”
Sick alarmists have made it that speaking the truth is wrong and that questioning the false authority of fools lying to them is not allowed. This must stop.
Instead, any and all teachers whom preach “CO2” as the cause of climate change and the falsehoods of the radiation GHE should be given warnings and if they ignore these warnings they should be sacked and fined.
Victims of the climate lies should also be compensated, by the schools, colleges and teachers of these lies.
Anyone with a Climate Science degree, should be awarded a full refund, plus an amount to cover the years of wasted study, where they could have been learning real science. And another amount should be awarded for emotional damage for the psychological trauma that has been inflicted upon them, with the threat of all impending and immediate destruction of the world & for the unnecessary stress the teachers caused to their students.
We must all remember that actions have consequence’s and if professors choose the fast and easy path of fraud over truth, then they must pay the price of their own actions, as must the institutions that allowed their intellectual rigour diminish and dwindle when deciding climate curriculum.
Stage Two – Favours
They think of what is in it for themselves, asking “You do a favour for me and I’ll do a favour for you.”
This is in a nutshell is Climate Science Peer Review, green subsidy, fake science grant money, carbon pricing trading mechanism, corrupted politicians in league with slimey corporate types whom in turn are in league with gullible protesters.
They are all in together, each promoting their own brand of stupidity and demanding everyone else pays for it without those that pay for it ever getting anything in exchange for their money. They all promote each other in the process. It is not just an industry it is a sick, twisted and perverted snake oil industry which needs to be brought to a screeching halt.
All Carbon pricing and trading must halt, all carbon taxes abolished, all CO2 emissions controls and laws repealed, all “green” subsidies cut and all grants to fake climate scientists stopped. This entire fake industry must be made to implode. If a business can’t survive without government taxes then that business deserves to fail and fail it must.
Stage Three – Social Relationships and Approval.
Here people want to be seen to be a good person, so they seek approval from others.
This explains all the sad virtue signalling, protest marching, banner waving, twitter tweeting idiots. They all want to be approval of their kin and so they act in a manner which they think will win them approval from their peers. Germans in Hitlers Nazi Germany, behaved in an identical manner and we all now know how that ended up.
Exactly the same sickness is true of the climate alarmist movement. They are all so keen to seek approval from their peers, they have succumbed to the comfort blanket of “Group Think” and have totally lost all independent critical thinking faculties.
They are “blind to the gaping hole called reality”, it has simply just, passed them by.
They are in effect, a bunch of brainless green zombies, marching on the mall, attempting to seek out “BRAINS!” Well, seeing as they all lack them in such abundance, we can see why they would seek out such fleshy organs.
Stage Four – A functioning Society, the law
If one person violates a law, perhaps everyone would, so there is an obligation to uphold the law.
If one professor commits climate fraud and one business claims green subsidies and another department gets a climate grant, then why shouldn’t they all? They are all trying it on. At the end of the day, someone needs to pay for all this, and those “special fake green elites” have decided that it is the people whom will pay. YOU! The public will pay and pay big, they sure as hell won’t.
They are the collectors and wannabe God Controllers. And controlling the weather is well beyond their control.
Examples need to be made of the lying professors. Solid experimental examples need to be shown to the public in easy to follow and straight forward to understand manner so that everyone, everywhere can see straight through the lies of the twisted professors and the politicians that back them.
The reality which has passed them by, which they have turned their cheek to, for quick applause and a pay rise, will haunt them for the rest of their pathetic history. Future generations will look back at this period of time, and laugh at how a world full of “Experts” were all just completely wrong.
The Green witchcraftery is like the wizards of old, telling us we can cure a cold with frogs tails and newt eyes & being taken seriously by the peasantry. That is all these Climate Crisis Con-artists, actually are, a bunch of mad witchdoctors.
Stage Five – Rights and Liberties
Laws are seen as social contract and such contracts are open to criticism, people are not just interested in the rules but what makes a good society.
Having your children told behind your back that children are bad and you are evil “for not solving the climate crisis” can-not possibly be good.
Marching up and down the streets, skipping school, breaking windows and laws alike, because you have some lunatic idea stuck in your head that we can control the weather with stupid taxes, solar panels and wind turbines, that does not make for a good society that makes for an insane one. The protests will never stop, because bad weather is beyond the control of everyone.
To have one small section of society lord lies over the rest of it and make it feel guilty of its own existence and to enslave it and punish it for having the down-right insolence to breathe, eat meat & live in nice snug warm cosy homes, that is not a good society to live in.
A good society is one which recognise that cheap and affordable homes in a necessity for people to raise families and that it is better that people learn useful skills & are bright useful people is one which performs best and produces the best outcomes for all.
Those that waste their times, energy and resources into solving a problem which doesn’t exist is an idiotic one. Rather than spending £30,000 on a pointless research grant to some stuck up posh kid, doing a “climate degree” who wants it for their “study on icebergs melting” a policeman should instead be hired and trained to shoot knife wielding maniacs.
Real problems are being ignored and given low priority, which then spiral out of control and false ones are being worshipped as gospel and given the highest priority of all. A society with carbon pricing and carbon taxes is only a couple of steps away from being the next failed Communist Russian project or screwed up Venezuelan collapsed economy from hell.
You don’t take resources away from people whom earned those resources and know exactly what they are doing and fritter it away by handing it over to people whom didn’t deserve it and only plan on wasting it on themselves.
This is the primary reason why Communists economies fail, they simply run out of everyone else’s money and have no idea how to generate wealth, improve living standards or even how to farm the flipping fields they stole.
Stage Six – Moral Reasoning
This involves imaging what they would do in another’s shoes, if they believed what that other person imagined to be true or right, whether or not it complies with the law. At this stage an individual acts because it is right, not because it avoids punishment or because it is in their best interests.
Kohlberg, found it difficult to identify individuals who consistently operated at this highest level because it implies great sacrifice and high risk.
People are afraid for their job prospects and of damaging their reputations and scientific careers if they dare to question the “Religion of Climate Change” and so they just go along with it. The risk is too high for them, the sacrifice too great.
Politicians are scared to say anything that goes against the Communist Group think, or else they get a billion angry tweets and headlined “DENIER!” Is it right that people should go about their lives in fear of harassment and intimidation if they so much as dare to speak the truth?
Orwellian 1984 just 35 years later?
Operating at this highest level of integrity should be encouraged, not punished. Backing should be given to those investigating, exposing and destroying the fraud not vilification. Not allowing society to function at its highest level can only lead to more failures (no money for oil & gas power plants, no wind no tv), more wastage (10,000s of useless plonkers with climate degrees and no jobs on the dole and no electricians but plenty of wiring required), bigger land dumps (How dare you plan to build an incinerator here!!!!!!) more missed opportunities (poured billions into useless Iceberg research and much less into medicines), more homelessness and overcrowding (can’t build here mate it’s against climate rules this town reached its Carbon Allocation), more crime (less coppers more snotty nosed know nothing protestors) and so on and so forth, the amount of examples is endless.
Integrity, Objectivity and with Professional Competence and Due Care
Further to this when it comes to Ethics in Science it is widely regarded that people should act with Integrity, Objectivity and with Professional Competence and Due Care.
Big bold writing there, because it’s probably the most important thing which scientists should have next to Scepticism, this is how we arrive at what the truth actually is. Integrity usually means to be “Straightforward and honest.”
Climate charlatans are not honest and the spurious “it’s just a metaphor” greenhouse effect they teach is not at all straightforward. GHE science is all twisted and turned out of any recognition to reality. Integrity, seems to just not exist, its presence is notable by its absence.
Now, here is one such example where Integrity has just been completely foregone. The following is a pictorial method often used by Fake Green Professors. Ignoring reality ignoring truth & forcing lies, deceit and propaganda down the throats of their students.
Preachers of the Doomsday cult which produce graphics such as these are doing nothing other than attempting to scare you into submission with the use of pictorial propaganda tools.
Real Scientists have no need for “Scare Tactics” or propaganda tools, yet the fake professors use them all the time. By cherry picking periods, manipulating variables to serve their agenda and quite often manipulating the very data sets they rely on to give the outputs that they desire. That isn’t science, that’s just plain old fashioned media hype.
Such pictures above are nothing but fantasy, they are not science and they should be ignored.
For more evidence on how data sets are manipulated you can read this link, it’s very telling isn’t it. You can see how fake officialdom just brushed away the cold winter of 2013-2014 & 2018 was one of the coldest years you wouldn’t think that looking at the bars would you?
https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/the-stunning-statistical-fraud-behind-the-global-warming-scare/ Manipulation of data-sets to give a pre-determined outcome, in the sector of climate science, should be made a crime. It is outright fraud, plain & simple.
If different time periods were used, different results would occur. If we chose to alter the sensitivity of the bars between temperatures we would end up with entirely blue bands or entirely red ones. If we used accurate data instead of falsified data we would have a very different outcome altogether with reds and blues all over. And such manipulation isn’t new, its being going on for decades. Anyone remember the Climategate scandal https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/jul/04/climatechange-hacked-emails-muir-russell , well, they are still at it.
Objectivity usually means to “not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional judgements.”
Doesn’t sound like any fake “green” professor, their supporters, green corporation or high tax espousing politician I ever met or heard of. I’ll let you be the judge of how Carbon Taxes and Green Grants can affect objectivity. It’s obvious isn’t it?
Professional Competence
Professional Competence usually means “Maintain professional knowledge and skill at a level required to ensure competence in service can be delivered.”
If someone tells you that a Greenhouse works because of back radiation and then you find out that it works because of convection and that actually radiation from the glass played no part in the temperature of the surface, would that tell you that the person that told you wrongly is competent or incompetent? https://principia-scientific.com/to-climate-alarmists-how-a-greenhouse-actually-works/
If someone tells you CO2 causes back radiance to cause things it surrounds to get warmer and then you find out it doesn’t, what does that tell you about their competency? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgjT_665T6U&t=3s
If someone tells you that CO2 doesn’t absorb shortwave IR frequencies emitted by an electrical tungsten filament, when actually it does, what does that tell you about their competence? https://theblackdragonsite.wordpress.com/2018/10/30/co2-does-not-cause-global-warming-demonstration-proof-no-1/
If someone tells you that Venus is hot because of CO2 and the greenhouse effect and then you find out that Venus is littered with active Volcanoes, has 90 Bar air pressure and a thin crust with trillions of tons of melting hot magma bubbling underneath, what does that tell you about their competency? https://principia-scientific.com/whats-really-going-on-with-venus-two-gas-planets-comparison/
Have you even walked into a shop and ordered a dozen “Ten Bulbs Bulb’s” because, you just love having the brightest living room ever, https://principia-scientific.com/the-ten-bulbs-bulb/ only to find never in the history of man has such a product ever been in stock?
You can see what the problem is can’t you? Are these professors really at the height of their game, with the occasional bumbling and all the examples I provided are just me being a pedantic nit-picker? Are the green professors just stupid?
Are they really, really, really stupid and their bosses just haven’t found them out yet?
Or as is more likely are they just outright lying fraudsters and their bosses are in it because they love the research funds?
All their pretty pictures, all their fancy graphs, all their mis-leading texts books, it’s all just “ONE GREAT BIG LIE!” And they are all in on it. They lie to you, then rob you.
And what is more worrying, the fact that they are committing such fraud or the fact they are committing such fraud and not only getting away with it, but taking big chunks of your future & your wealth and the well-being of society along with it?
Not just getting off Scott Free, but being handed great big cheques and fancy awards too……..all at your expense of course. (And you do know they are laughing at you behind your backs.)
Time to end the Fraud, time to call out all of these false professors, where ever you may find them. Time to cut all Carbon Taxes, all green subsidies, all CO2 emissions controls and time to start holding the fraudsters to account.
Have you had a climate degree? Were you taught about any of the basics I outlined above? Or did you have to find out those things yourself or from reading articles like this. If so, isn’t your climate degree a waste of paper?
One day, those students whom forked out tens of thousands for worthless degrees, when they instead could have become a mechanic or a plumber, will want compensation for their losses from the Universities that mis-taught them and whom would blame them?
Are corporations due a refund from the governments for being forced to pay false “climate change levies” & other carbon taxes? I think they are.
I foresee a great storm gathering ahead & it is going to be one where all the fake green professors finally get struck by the thunder and lightning that they all deserve.
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