Swedish electric buses charged By Diesel generators
We are constantly being told that we should switch to electric vehicles to reduce climate emissions
In Sweden there is a company called X-trafik that operates buses in the cities of Gävle and Sandviken.
They have bought in 52 electric buses from the Chinese company BYD in order to become “environmentally friendly”.
However, this ‘green’ shift has caused massive chaos with freezing buses in the ice cold Swedish winter and hundreds of cancellations.
Of course, all paid for by the Swedish tax payer.
Turns out that the electric buses didn’t have enough range and they couldn’t charge the busses fast enough, which led to up to 100 buses being cancelled every day, leaving people stranded in the cold Swedish winter.
In fact, there simply isn’t enough energy and infrastructure to go around in order to charge all these new electric buses.
The solution?
They have now brought in massive diesel generators to be able to charge the electric buses – this of course at an extra cost.
Yes, you read that correctly. They cannot charge the new electric buses because there isn’t enough charging capacity to go around.
This reminds me of how they had to use diesel generators to keep wind turbines in Scotland warm during the winter.
It sounds very funny, until you think about the fact that YOU are paying for this madness.
So they had to bring in DIESEL generators in order to charge these new “environmentally friendly” buses.
You literally cannot make this up.
People are being told that it is good for the environment, but in reality they are getting scammed.
See more here substack.com
Header image: Urban Transport Magazine
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Corona Hotspot
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As long as the busses explode everything is alright.
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EVs, Unsafe at any Speed!???
Jerry Krause
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Hi Corona and Dave,
Your comments draw attention away from the central point of Peter’s title ” Swedish Electric Buses Charged By Diesel Generators”.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
Because Peter’e title says it all, I did what I often do; which is to look whom the aarticle’s author is. This is what I found. (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Peter_Sweden)
His bio begins by suggesting a person with whom I would not be a friend However, reading further I find he had changed his youthful opinions just as Galileo described how he had changed his youthful opinion about Copernicus’s ideas as his opinion changed 180 degrees.
And I conclude that anything he could write after the title would draw attention away from the central point of his title However I doubt if a PSI editor would post only the title as an article.
Have a good day
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Well of course: all electric devices are charged by oil, gas, coal, hydro or nuclear power, since wind and sun are neither enough nor continous. We all know that, so must think that greenery is sabotage, if it’s led to demoition of working systems before any substantial alternative comes around. Wasn’t there a Chinese soldier who said never abandon the fort before the new garrison arrives, some
3000 years ago? Ignorance is bliss only if we don’t have to pay the bills.