Sweden to Allow Mass Gatherings As COVID Fear Collapses
Another step back to normality for the country that brazenly refused to lock down. Reuters has the story (hat tip Alistair Haimes):
Swedish concert goers and soccer fans can be allowed back in venues from October after the country’s Health Agency accepted a government proposal to raise the limit for some events to 500 from the current 50.
With the number of new infections and COVID-19 deaths falling in Sweden, the government said last week it planned to introduce exceptions to the 50-person maximum for events from Oct. 1. In March, Sweden limited public gatherings to 50 people to halt the spread of the virus, effectively preventing theatres, soccer clubs and concerts from being able to bring in revenues from the public. “The proposal relates to events where there are numbered seats,” the Agency’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell told reporters, adding that people should be seated at least one metre apart. He said the effects of the changes would be evaluated “and if it works well, the limit can be raised”.
The ban on gatherings over 50 was one of the few social distancing measures Sweden made compulsory – though at least Swedes could still gather in groups of up to 50 throughout the epidemic, unlike here where we were placed under effective house arrest for over two months. In England, gatherings over 30 are still prohibited, with exceptions for schools and workplaces, and while the government is aiming to bring back sports events from October 1 uncertainty hangs over this, with Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty even warning that we may have to shut pubs to open schools. Sweden yet again showing that the path back to normality lies in accepting that you cannot hide from this virus forever.
Scientists and Doctors Back Herd Immunity

The once-maligned herd immunity is getting better press every day as more and more people accept it’s the only real way out of this debacle. Dr John Lee has one of his typically incisive analyses in the Spectator this week, adding his voice to those pointing out that immunity comes in many forms, and that antibody tests may be as misleading as PCR antigen tests in giving us a true picture of this virus:
A lot of emphasis is being placed on the presence of antibodies: if you test negative then you’re at risk. This would be alarming if true, especially as the latest official figures show just 6 per cent of Brits have tested positive for antibodies. But the real picture is, as so often, more complicated. The main way we fight viruses is through T-cell responses, which kill virally infected cells. Interestingly, some studies have shown that up to 60 per cent of people apparently never exposed to Covid-19 still had T-cells that reacted to the virus – suggesting that you might not need to have had this virus to have protection from it. It’s a hugely important theory. But T-cell responses are harder to measure than antibodies, so they are not being widely tested for.
Now that the Brazilian city of Manaus has confirmed that a coronavirus epidemic can go into spontaneous decline when around 20% of the population has developed antibodies regardless of lockdown or social distancing, the prospect of herd immunity is looking more achievable to many. News that reinfection is possible has been countered by scientists pointing out that they never thought otherwise, but that doesn’t mean there’s no hope of herd immunity. Helen Branswell at STAT has the details:
There’s been enormous amounts of debate – and concern – about how long-lasting or “durable” immune responses to this virus will be, based on a few scientific papers that suggest some people don’t develop many antibodies to the virus and others that report that those antibodies appear to decline quickly. The experts who spoke with STAT all felt that the immune responses to this virus are exactly what you would expect to see. And the case of the Hong Kong man who appears to have been reinfected underscore that, several said. “The fact that somebody may get reinfected is not surprising. But the reinfection didn’t cause disease,” said Peiris, who knows about the case but was not one of the authors reporting it. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University in New York who studies human responses to viral infections, said it is hard to be definitive, given the limited human experience with this new coronavirus, but she said she could see no reason to believe the immune system would behave differently to this respiratory virus than to others. “So far, anyway, the evidence supports functional immunity, but the only way to see how long that will last is to follow people over time and see if those responses diminish,” she said. “The idea there is that, yes, your antibodies might wane, but your memory responses aren’t absent,” said Menachery, noting that when a primed immune system re-encounters the virus, production of antibodies would kick into gear.
Worth reading in full.
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Richard Wakefield
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Meanwhile, Sweden still has a linear increase in cases.
Meanwhile, Spain has a second wave worse than the first.
Same with Germany and France as they are seeing the beginnings of a second wave.
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Meanwhile, they still haven’t purified a sample which means that they still haven’t shown that this is based on a single virus or are they just testing for a sub family of coronaviruses. The extreme failure of the tests accuracy suggests that that is the case.
Meanwhile, 99.9% of people recover, most on their own, you know like most people do every year from a cold.
Meanwhile, they still wait until people need to be hospitalized before starting them on an antivirus. This is probably caused by the sick person as they might not know if their condition has changed to pneumonia. Antibiotics are used to treat bacteria, not viruses.
Meanwhile, there is no second wave because there was not a first wave, it’s a cold. Very common. Which symptom shows that it is covid19? None. There isn’t a definitive symptom, therefore clinical diagnosis is impossible.
This list goes on and on. Covid19 is a lie. Wakefield, are you paid to spread propaganda or are you a true believer in the bs?
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Oops, i didn’t mean to write antivirus, that was supposed to be antibiotic.
Richard Wakefield
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“Meanwhile, they still haven’t purified a sample which means that they still haven’t shown that this is based on a single virus or are they just testing for a sub family of coronaviruses”
Completely false. It’s been isolated, the RNA sequence is in GenBank and has been officially named:
John O'Sullivan
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Richard, Your link is to the paper that addressed only the taxonomy i.e. the NAMING of the alleged virus but it doesn’t show laboratory forensic isolation of the virus to ascertain a ‘gold standard.’ Simply allocating a name to something not yet proven to exist doesnt, in itself, bring that thing into existence. Example, the Loch Ness Monster, by your reasoning is proven to exist because it has been named! Reading and comprehension clearly isn’t your strong point.
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Nice reply.
Richard Wakefield
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I guess you didnt bother to read the paper. The name and taxonomic position on a cladogram was determined by sequencing the virus’s RNA.
Look at Figure 2. States clearly where the virus is in the coronoavirus taxonomic clad.
And you claimed “Reading and comprehension clearly isn’t your strong point.”
Take your own advice, bud and read the paper!!!
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Hey Wakefield, you can sequence a contaminated sample. The result id wrong. In this paper will they claim to have purified the sample? Did they state the procedure so that others could also do it? If so, why isn’t there an accurate test? Sounds like dishonesty to me.
Richard Wakefield
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“In this paper will they claim to have purified the sample? Did they state the procedure so that others could also do it? ”
Chris, do you honestly think Nature Magazine would publish something that wasnt verified science?
Do you know what molecular phylogenetics is? i do. It was one of my university subjects when I majored in evolutionary biology. It’s a technique that has been around for 40 years.
That Is what they used in that paper, that is what thousands of labs around the world use EVERY DAY. My son is a genetics PhD candidate, he and his lab use molecular phylogenetics EVERY DAY to see the relatedness of gene sequences..
It is fact they have sequenced the RNA of this virus. It is fact they have isolated this virus. IT EXISTS!!!
John V
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Sweden Deaths
Spain Deaths
Germany Italy Deaths
Just go away with your cherry picking.
Richard Wakefield
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How is showing the CASES cherry picking??? Deaths lag cases by two months or more.
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Define case.
Richard Wakefield
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You dont know what that means? Geeze, grow up.
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Ah geez it’s a simple question, right? So what’s the answer?
Richard Wakefield
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I guess it has to be spelled out to you. A confirmed case is someone who has been reported to have the virus. Something you deny exists. Maybe you should go tell Johns Hopkins University their numbers are all bogus. You get them to admit they are wrong and I’ll believe you. Until then you are just another flat earther.
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You said: “Deaths lag cases by two months or more.”
Take the data from UK please; overlay the Daily New Cases with Daily Death and try to correlate your statement above with the graphics…
Thank you,
Richard Wakefield
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Not sure why you couldnt do a google search yourself.
Finn McCool
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It’s not often you’re right Richard and you’re wrong again.
The real government figures for Sweden.
Or maybe you think ourworldindata is a better resource than the Swedish government.
Richard Wakefield
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Ourworlddata get’s its number FROM THE SWEDISH GOVERNMENT HEALTH AGENCY!!! You think they just make it up?
Nice try you know I cant read Swedish, how about post an English version.
Richard Wakefield
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This is the actual data from the Swedish health agency. You will see it is EXACTLY the same as from ourworldindata.
John O'Sullivan
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Richard, wake up! Cases are meaningless when the disease has a mortality rate of less than 99.9 percent while the tests are also showing vast numbers of false positives. The pandemic is the second biggest medical scam in history. The biggest being vaccine/germ theory.
Richard Wakefield
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Fatality rate is between 4% and 15%.
Cases are important because people get sick and flood hospitals. Cased predicate deaths bot 2 or more months. We will see 1.5 million dead before end of year.
John O'Sullivan
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Richard, don’t be ridiculous. Your numbers are wrong. Hospitals are not being overwhelmed. Current excess mortality for all causes is lower than the five year average. Do proper research.
Finn McCool
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Hi John,
A little snippet from Sweden on faulty PCR tests.
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks, Finn
Richard Wakefield
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The article says NOTHING about these being PCR tests. It was the KIT that was faulty.
“due to a fault in a COVID-19 testing kit from China”
Do you not read your own link?
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Hey wakefield, pcr is the only test that they have. So part of the kit is a pcr test. If the article doesn’t say what the defective item is then the common assumption is the test part. Simply because it supplies the result.i think that they are pre determining the outcome of so many in order to confuse people into thinking that there is a pandemic to continue to sell more kits.
Richard Wakefield
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” If the article doesn’t say what the defective item is then the common assumption is the test part.”
And you would be wrong in that assumption, reading into it what YOU want to read into it. India was using the same kit.
“The rapid testing kits cannot test for coronavirus itself and several scientists have raised concerns over their use for diagnosis.”
Richard Wakefield
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“Your numbers are wrong. ”
Bullshit they are.
“Hospitals are not being overwhelmed. ”
” Current excess mortality for all causes is lower than the five year average”
Completely false:
John O'Sullivan
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Richard, you are so brainwashed you are beyond help.
Richard Wakefield
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Insulting someone is a sign you cannot accept the facts I presented. So why bother responding at all? Because it is the only thing you can do when shown wrong.