‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide

When free speech is abolished and replaced by propaganda, genocide will show up as certainly as the sun coming up in the morning

The trouble with writing about Genocide before it actually happens is that you sound tin foil hat crazy, so I went looking for other people who understand and can see patterns.

I found English writer Karen Harradine, and US writer Naomi Wolf, and no doubt there are others, not yet found.

I am reminded of the US press agents in Berlin, warning their Jewish friends to get out because of the Nazis in the 1920s, a warning few of them acted on.

I came to know about this, because my childhood next-door neighbours were German Jews, their father had listened to the warning and got his family out to Australia early enough. In talking to Karen Harradine, I know it is a great frustration that so many people are so clueless, zombie-like they live their lives.

Naomi Wolf sums it up well in a recent article:

“The problem with history is that it has not happened before in just that way. Meaning, just before people were put into boxcars and murdered, you would have sounded crazy if you had said, I am afraid people will be put into boxcars and murdered.

Before the English set up inadequate “soup kitchens” with “vile soup” that made the dysentery of a targeted population worse, and hastened their departure from the land or hastened their death, you would have sounded crazy if you had said, I am afraid the British government will subvert the “feeding programs” they are deploying in Ireland, in order to get troublesome tenants off of the land.”

Another thing I have noticed is just how many stock market analysis and traders are starting to connect the Genocide dots, perhaps because it is an important skill of operating successfully in markets, looking at probabilities, trends, and market or situational structure.

So once more in history a few of us are screaming of pending Genocide, to a world that is mostly deaf, actually worse than deaf.

Dismissive with the ignorant reframe, people have actually been taught by the media and the Globalist Fascists, “It’s a conspiracy theory” usually accompanied by a slight chuckle which is meant on one hand to put the person giving the warning down, but also holds just a slight nervous twinge that the person providing the warning may be correct.

These people do not even understand that they have been taught the, “conspiracy theory”, reply, They are robots, it was a reframe and cover up invented by the US CIA in the 1960s.

The Globalists and their Malthusian, Flying Monkey Greens are anti-human, anti-God, they want to reduce the Global population down from seven billion people to around one billion people.

Through a range of methods much of which they have already put in train. To see the future all you need do now is follow the trend to an obvious conclusion.

Nazi pattern recognition

In order to understand the threat,  it helps to be familiar with the pattern of the early Nazis, especially as so many of the Globalist Fascists have Nazi backgrounds, See The New Nazis are on the march and because both the Nazis and Globalist Fascists at a glance appear to be acting “For the Greater Good.”

The early Nazis did not come out and say, “Our plan is to gas to death 10 million people in the next decade, and start a war where 60 million people will die.”

If they had done that, Hitler would not have achieved 97 percent support of the German people in the 1920s.

Instead they came off as the saviour of Germany, then they emphasised that they were the Master Race, then they created division, the Master Race and the threat of the Jews, then dehumanisation.

The Nazis commonly stated, “Jews spread disease.” According to the Nazis it was pure blood Nazis against disease spreading Jews. This justified in the evil Nazi mind the reason for herding the Jews into Ghettos and then into concentration camps and then murder in the millions.

They didn’t call it murder or genocide. They called it, “The Final Solution to the Jewish problem.” Everyone in the Nazi Club knew what the “Final Solution,” actually meant.

Like the word, “Sustainability,” today actually means getting the world population down to a level the Fascists think is sustainable. Or to be blunt, killing billions of people who they consider are not worthy of living.

The Globalist Fascists. like the Nazis have their, them and us, calling themselves the “Elite”, apparently the “Master Race” has already been taken. Their reason to justify inflicting evil, “Saving the world from climate change”, which of course justifies any action, just like the Nazis, “For the Greater good.”

And like so many stupid Germans in the 1920s, people today are falling hook, line and sinker for the obvious climate con job.

The Nazis softened the German people up to Genocide, via programs like Aktion T4. Started in 1939, Aktion T4 was a campaign of mass murder by involuntary euthanasia. The Program cantered around murdering people with disabilities and mental conditions, people the Nazis thought would be a drain on the Master Race.

The program was primarily carried out by 23 doctors, according to the Nuremberg Trials. Almost half of all German doctors in the 1930s joined the Nazi Party, which was a higher rate than any other profession.

If history is anything to go by, do not expect doctors to have any clue what is actually going on, and expect that many will be contributing to the Genocide.

Canada, run by WEF Fascist, Justin Trudeau is already running a euthanasia program very like T4.

The Fascists are behind the push for 15 minute cities, See Unley’s Communist style Surveillance and 15 Minute Cities Are Nazi Ghettos that can control people within a certain defined area, of course justified by climate change and, “The greater good”.

Sound familiar? Can you see a pattern even at this stage? It should be recognisable to most Jewish people, at least the ones who survived the Holocaust.

The Globalist Fascists know that modern communication is too good today, that if they start to set up gas chambers again, they will be found out.

So they are going to try and kill billions of people in more clandestine ways.

See more here technocracy.news

Header image: mythdetector.ge

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Comments (5)

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    You mean the sustainable murder of humans.


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    Image of the three stooges. More appropriate than you might think…


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    Kevin Doyle


    I have friends of different political persuasions. My observations:
    1) 100% of my leftists/socialists friends believe the Earth is overpopulated.
    2) 50% of my conservative friends believe the Earth is overpopulated.

    Leftists believe we should reduce the overall population, yet they never volunteer to be first and kill themselves. Quite puzzling.
    My conservative friends believe if you have too many people, then come up with creative ways to grow more food, make more clothing, and help more human beings.


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      Andy Rowlands


      Those who advocate for a population reduction always exclude themselves.


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    Tom Anderson


    The ruling class – there is such a thing, despite efforts to deny it – has proved indestructible throughout history. As long as its members survive they will follow their commitment to rise through any political arrangement, then divide and rule. After two middle-class revolutions, American and French, in the 18th Century, aimed at elevating individual rights and personal liberty, the RC survived the French Reign of Terror and the American attempt at a leveling Republic, to reassert their dominance, which they seem to feel is a right. What is happening now has deep roots and has happened before. It will probably continue relentlessly, if with minor party and name changes – like a science-fiction organism that adapts to remain indestructible. Karl Popper’s view was that it was among the major costs and the ultimate toxin of political tolerance.


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