‘Superweapons’ for Inducing Earthquakes, Landslides, and Volcanoes?

Military and intelligence services use different types of energy weapons.

Application of these energy weapons falls in a wide range including, synthetic telepathy, modifying military personnel mode and behavior in their or enemy troops.

The behavior changes could be inducing fear and anxiety in enemy troops by weapons mounted in helicopters, aircraft, installed on the ground or on satellites orbiting Earth.

Inducing modes such has increasing brevity or self-confidence for their own troops during wars can be their goals too. All of them are done by sending ULF signals to the skull and body to manipulate neural systems according to their objective.

The brain enclosed in the skull, which contains calcite minerals especially with crystals by high resonance potential in the ears. They can use voice to skull technology from a far distance to communicate between military personnel by synthetic telepathy.

The brain itself can produce lots of electrical signals which can be seen in EEG tests. By resonating skull, ear bones and agitating body neural systems and changing brain natural electrical frequency they can even induce synthetic dreams or nightmares in targeted personnel for mind control purpose by programming the individual for the upcoming day.

Apart from these energy weapons they developed other types which I call Super weapons, which can be used for triggering earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, triggering landslides, sinkholes or snow avalanches.

Also they can resonate structures mainly built with concrete which contains resonant sand and gravel crystals inside the concrete and finally collapse concrete building by fracturing it.

Most important task here is obtaining building collapse resonance frequency considering applied steel bars in them to collapse individual building.

Main focus of this paper is about application of super weapons for Earth disasters induced by superweapons.

To see the full paper, which was originally publiushed in 2018, click here semanticscholar.org

Header image: The Directed Energy Directorate

Editor’s note: The reader should be aware it appears English is not the author’s first language, so some of the text may be difficult to follow.

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