Stupendous Electric Currents Connect Galaxy Clusters

A new scientific discovery provides stunning confirmation of a foundational tenet of the Electric Universe and plasma cosmology.

A team of scientists has discovered a vast radio-emitting filament of plasma which stretches across 10 million light-years, connecting two clusters of galaxies, called Abell 0399 and 0401.

The filament also marks the first time scientists have found a magnetic field connecting two galactic clusters. The radio emission the filament emits is synchrotron radiation, which the Electric Universe theory proposes is produced by spiraling electrons along an intergalactic Birkeland current.

In this episode, we discuss why this discovery affirms what must be true in an Electric Universe โ€“ there are no islands in space.

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Previous Space News: Cosmic Magnetic Fields: The Ultimate Challenge to Gravity-Centric Cosmology:โ€ฆ

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