Study Shows Vaccines Cause Multiple Adverse Reactions Including Death

Analysis suggests the vaccines are likely cause of reported deaths, spontaneous abortions, anaphylactic reactions, cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological adverse events.

This is a summary of a study by Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc. BSC, recently completed, submitted for publication, and accepted, entitled: A report on the U.S. Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 Messenger RNA (mRNA) biologicals.

The goal is make the public aware of the soaring Adverse Event reports in the context of the COVID-19 biologicals being administered en-masse prior to scientifically respectable safety and efficacy studies being completed.

The study concludes: “This work summarizes VAERS data to date and serves as information for the public and a reminder of the relevance of any adverse events, including deaths, that likely occurred as a direct result of vaccine administration.

Based on analysis of the VAERS numbers, it may appear that AEs are not currently imposing a significant burden on the fully vaccinated population; however, the weekly releases of VAERS data do not include all of there reports made to date — they are all the reports the CDC has processed to date — and the backlog is likely to be staggering.

Thus, due to both the problems of under-reporting and the lag in report processing, this analysis reveals a strong signal from the VAERS data that the risk of suffering an SAE following injection is significant and that the overall risk signal is high.

Analysis suggests that the vaccines are likely the cause of reported deaths, spontaneous abortions, and anaphylactic reactions in addition to cardiovascular, neurological and immunological AEs.

Based on the precautionary principle, since there is currently no precedent for predictability with regards to long-term effects from mRNA injections, extreme care should be taken when making a decision to participate in this experiment. mRNA platforms are new to humans with regard to mass injection programs in the context of viruses.

There is currently no way to predict potential detrimental outcomes with regards to SAE occurrences in the long-term. Also, with regards to short-term analysis, this data is limited based on reporting that likely significantly underestimates actual events.

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Comments (9)

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    there’s only one way to deal with this:


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    Heretic Jones


    I’m so glad a study was done. I would have been lost – unable to form a reasonable assessment of the situation without it.


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    And now for something completely different:

    I downloaded the available “VAERS” data for this year (2021-01-01 to 05-14) and some rough numbers of distributed “vaccine” doses from “Our World in Data” and have drawn my own statistics:

    Data for that period:
    ~270M distributed doses ~218k AR (Adverse Reactions) and ~4,161 Deaths (~1.9% of AR)

    So, there are 807 ARpM of doses and about 15.4 DpM (deaths per million) of doses.

    Even if the recorded (reported+input into the database) were grossly underestimated, say — by factor of ten, then that supposed 154 deaths per million doses should seem a bit “better” (~140x) than the 21,510 DpM of “resolved cases” of WuFlu…

    What is my concern though — do these figures have any bearing on the situation we are happen to be in?

    Even the concept of a “true virus vaccine” is very questionable. I would liken the virus vaccines to sniffing exhaust fumes from a vehicle to prevent being run-over-by-one…

    Long live Antoine Béchamp!

    Cheers, JaKo


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    I believe the death of my closest friend was caused by the vaccine. She was perfectly healthy then developed severe breathing difficulties within a few days of the first vaccine. After the second she suffered massive water retention. Within a few days she was diagnosed with advanced mesothelioma (lung cancer) and died four weeks later. Mesothelioma typically takes around a year to kill you from diagnosis. There has to be a connection as she had no symptoms whatsoever prior to having the vaccine.


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    Honest Bob


    It’s odd that in Australia with over 4 million doses of Comirnaty (Pfizer mRNA vaccine) given, there isn’t a single case of death caused by the vaccine within 2 days or 10 days or ever. Maybe the people who died in the US went for the vaccine when they were already suffering some symptoms of COVID or something else. If they had COVID, maybe this plus the vaccine overproduced the spike protein which is toxic. So people should be told not to get the vaccine if they have any symptoms. The vaccine is safe at other times. Note that, in Australia, there is a wait of several weeks or months from booking a Pfizer vaccine to the actual jab (due to low stocks and rationing) so people can’t have it when they start showing symptoms, especially with screening immediately before the injection to exclude people with symptoms.


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    Herb Rose


    It is extremely odd or more aptly unbelievably odd. There is a delay in these mRNA vaccines due to the need for the body to produce enough of the spike protein to initiate a response (need two injections) but one would expect immediate reactions and deaths from the PEG carrier that don’t seem to be occurring. In the U.S. there have been 1500 young people who have died of heart infections after the injections. This is not a lot of deaths but it is a great increase over the norm. Why isn’t this occurring in Australia? How was the SARS-2 virus able to eradicate the other strains of flu viruses so there were no deaths from the flu for the first time in recorded history?
    In all these instances some one has to decide what is the cause of death and when there is such a large deviation from the expected (all vaccines cause some deaths) reason would dictate that the cause is in the decision producing the data and the data is not accurate.


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