Study: billions of vaxxed at risk of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement
For over a year, intensive research conducted by health experts has brought to light increasing concerns about “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE), a phenomenon where vaccines make the disease far worse by priming the immune system for a potentially deadly overreaction.
ADE is well known to occur with coronavirus vaccines that have been tested in animal experiments. The big question has been whether it will emerge in the billions of people who have now been vaccinated around the world.
According to, 31.7 percent of the world population has been vaccinated with one or more covid vaccines as of the 21st August 2021. That’s around 2.4 billion people, and every single one of them has taken an unproven, experimental, potentially deadly medical treatment in possibly the largest experiment ever conducted on humanity.
But how many of these people will die from vaccine adverse events, including ADE?
Well, a new science paper published in the Journal of Infection appears to provide solid evidence that the Covid-19 injections being administered around the world will, without question, cause ADE effects in people when they are exposed to the Delta variant or potentially other coronavirus strains.
The study is entitled, Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination and explains that while the current injections may provide some level of immunity against the alleged original covid virus, they present an unfortunate side effect – The acceleration of “infection-enhancing antibodies” which overreact to Delta variant infections.
What the paper is describing is classic antibody-dependent enhancement, meaning a hyperinflammatory reaction can kill the person as their “primed” immune system overreacts to new infections.

The study concludes, “ADE of delta variants is a potential risk for current vaccines,” and it goes on to explain the mechanism by which this ADE is emerging –
Using molecular modeling approaches, we show that enhancing antibodies have a higher affinity for Delta variants than for Wuhan/D614G NTDs. We show that enhancing antibodies reinforce the binding of the spike trimer to the host cell membrane by clamping the NTD to lipid raft microdomains… facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors).
The paper goes on to suggest that the original vaccines should be scrapped, and replaced with new, “second generation” vaccines that are engineered to attack the antigen targets of the Delta variant, but this would still be foolish because if the Covid-19 virus really exists then the virus will always mutate to a new form and evade the current injections on offer, no matter how many injections are administered to the world’s population.
Only natural immunity could ever put an end to this alleged pandemic because the current injections on offer do not prevent infection and do not prevent transmission.
With billions of people already injected, the findings of this scientific study suggest that it is perfectly plausible that billions of people could die due to antibody-dependent enhancement or other devastating effects caused by the Covid-19 vaccines such as spike protein vascular damage, and evidence from Public Health England shows that it is already beginning to happen in the United Kingdom.
According to the report since the 1st February 2021 and the 15th August 2021 there have been 390 deaths among the unvaccinated population, an increase of 137 on the last count made in the previous report where the confirmed figure was 253 up to the 2nd August 2021. This equates to 0.2 percent of all confirmed infections among the unvaccinated population, in line with the average death rate seen since the alleged Covid-19 pandemic began.
However, up to the 15th August 2021 the fully vaccinated population has suffered a total of 679 deaths. This in an increase of 277 on the previous report where the confirmed figure was 402. It also equates to 0.9 percent of all confirmed infections among the fully vaccinated population.
This suggests that rather than reducing the risk of death by 95 percent, Covid-19 vaccines actually increase the risk of death by at least 338 percent.
This is what we’re seeing in the middle of summer, but winter is only around the corner and the evidence to suggest it’s going to be a rough one is overwhelming.
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We have reports of deaths due to Covid when we know that most probably died with co-morbidities. Now we are expected to believe a PHE report that suggest there are more deaths amonst vaccinated people. However, there is no detail to support that claim. We don’t know anything about the age of these people. They might have health problems that made them have the vaccine and the unvaccinated might be the healthier population.
There might be some truth in this claim, but this seems to be poor evidence.
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unfortunately overwhelming evidence will be coming this fall
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true – in fact follow these graphs
already there are many deaths after the injection…
Tom Roberts
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Can anyone cite any studies ( I know there are a few) reports, analysis post-mortem to get a 30,000 view of pathology?
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Acute Pancreatitis: A Possible Side Effect of COVID-19 Vaccine
Every organ will fail because of spike proteins caused by the injection. It’s just a matter of time, and which organ is most vulnerable. So, if you’re diabetic, it may affect the pancreas first. But eventually, spike proteins will attack every organ—including the brain.
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As I’ve said, antibodies are intermediary products only induced by toxicity. Never a good sign, they are measures of toxicity. So if you add more toxicity (aside from say, toxic vaccines), well obviously, your body is more broken.
It’s fucking hilarious seeing people too late at everything.
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Give It a rest will you!
What about the “morons” as you call them, that suffer and die because of this. Is that “fucking hilarious”?
You demonstrate knowledge Osiris, only to make people shun you because of a repulsive attitude. Why are you not on the front lines making It count, If you know so much?
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Hi Frank. Super observation. Every day I am late for the crematorium I am laughing.
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Is madazalan classed as as a co-morbidity?
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I wonder, was those diagnosed with ADE, people which regularly took their flu shot, or people that did not take the seasonal flu vaccine before getting the experimental jab?
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As of August 23, 2021……
32.5% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 24.5% is fully vaccinated.
4.97 billion doses have been administered globally, and 34.91 million are now administered each day.
Only 1.4% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose.
32.5% of estimated current world population of 7.8 Billion = 2.535 Billion
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If you have time, go to and listen to many videos featuring Dr. David Martin, an expert patent attorney, who blows apart the entire fake covid pandemic. This is a massive effort to destroy mankind…to kill off populations and the sell drugs and injections and make a handful of arrogant slobs filthy rich.
Covid was created in labs with over 5,000 various patents going back to 1999. Complicit in this mass murder of the world are fauci, the CDC, FDA, bloomberg, trudeau, gates, and of course big pharma, among thousands of other.
CoV-2 was created to bring about a panic based in the fear of death from a manufactured virus and that the only thing that will save humanity is a mRNA nano-particle injection for 7.7 billion people. In fact, the injection is designed to wreck your immune system and as you get more and more injections, you will have sealed your fate. They want this done ASAP before the number of daily deaths becomes uncountable.
Tom Roberts
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Martin sure presents the motivation (financial) along the timeline and connects the dots to those individuals that benefit. He’s tracked 4000 patents If I recall.
Does anyone get the feeling that this getting out of control? At what point where citizens that have capabilities to include leadership capabilities form together to clean this cancer out before were dead? It feels like its getting there.
Andrew Pilkington
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I have to reserve judgement on the legitimacy of their Study as it would seem that the researchers are biased towards the “unproven” existence of “SARS-CoV-2”, it’s alleged disease “COVID-19” and subsequent “Variants”, as recent video testimonies and interviews bring into question, the high risk of ADE’s from interactions with other Vaccines i.e. the Flu Shot? How about ADE’s from interactions with other Prescribed Medication too?
Let’s not forget, the “Delta” variant was originally called the “Indian” variant, until the Indian Government announced they would take legal action against the West, over their claims that people were dying by the thousands over in India, which was a blatant Fraud. Can’t have the Livestock hearing about that, could they?
Mentioning “PHE” was the icing on the Cake though. We couldn’t even trust those Criminals to spare us a bloody Paracetamol, let alone, the Truth.
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The difference is that this is an mRNA vaccine to produce SPIKED PROTEINS. It differs significantly from any other past vaccine to produce the ADE outcome discussed in the article. Influenza vaccines are true vaccines containing 2-A flu and 2-B influenza strains now. The mRNA technology is an entirely new vaccine delivery scheme. Obviously the eventual outcomes will be different from any administered before.
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Right, where possible (quantity dependent, coz 2 doses, boosters) it essentially, through damage and toxicity causes, through transfer RNA process (I don’t fully understand it), hijacking of protein function (so essentially it simply induces dysfunction through trojan toxicity).
It’s a vaccine, as any vaccine, fundamentally. But the method is “novel”.
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The supposed virus, being the “target”…right? The vaccine attacks that “virus”, that “virus” is derived from you.
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And so…you get variants.
Any given vaccine ever increases other viral prevalence/presence. Coz it’s fucking obvious why. It’s toxic shit that damages your genetic material. Covid vaccines are to get your bodies to produce bastard proteins to attack your bodies, resulting spike proteins, and then you have antibodies trying to attack that, which is also bad. And then the results also happen to cause neutrophil cloaking, along with PEG and shit, of graphene oxide, and then it gets into your brain…which is when you start believing that shit, coz you’re retarded now.
Essentially, massive bodily functional misdirection, waste.
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The PEG is to PROTECT the graphene oxide, for permeability reasons. The neutrophils resulting (a sign of damage, toxicity, just like everything else they say is good…like being shot in the face), to try and get that sort of shit dispersed in the body. The graphene oxide collapsing and clustering red blood cells. Those collapsed blood cells around the graphene oxide being like EMF absorbing amplifiers…causing worse oxidative, nitrosative stress.
THAT’S how desperate they are to kill you.
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” Influenza vaccines are true vaccines ”
Hilarious. The covid vaccines are just a bit more equal than some, though.
very old white guy
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Stevens Johnson Syndrome comes to mind.