Stranded in Space

Starliner astronauts stranded in space

The official truth, blasted from every media, is that they are not stranded — NASA and Boeing just want time to run some more tests.

The astronauts were supposed to do to space walks, but the space suits did not work either. Which is a problem because the space station needs some external maintenance which can only be done by people going outside in space suits.

So everyone on the space station is currently trapped in a container with life support that depends on stuff outside the container, which stuff is unreachable.

The reason they want to run more tests is that most of the engines are not behaving as they are supposed to, and one of the engines has failed completely and they do not understand why. It is probably not a good idea to attempt re-entry with humans on board if you have misbehaving engines and you do not understand why they are misbehaving.

These engines have been misbehaving for years, to which Boeing has responded with denial, rather than any real attempt to understand.

Musk says that the reason is non technical management — that Boeing has managers that understand spreadsheets, but do not understand rockets.

This is undoubtedly true, but evades a bigger unspeakable truth — that that these non tech managers have been firing white males and replacing them with Shaniqua, replacing real engineers with experts in race and sex grievance mongering.

With people who have affirmative action degrees in engineering from elite universities, but were not trained in engineering, which they would not have been capable of understanding, but in race, sex, and sexual preference.

Boeing’s reaction to these failures has been similar to the reaction that led to the Challenger disaster, a fact that someone at NASA is aware of and is kicking up trouble about.

Whoever it is that is kicking up drama will probably get fired for whiteness, maleness, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hatred, not because of any race or sex thought crimes, but because noticing problems with woke science and technology is thought crime adjacent.

In the lead up to the Challenger space shuttle disaster, people became aware that an O ring was failing, allowing burning hot gases to flow where they were not supposed to.

But no one was allowed to notice or think that the special super duper high tech O ring materials was a piece of $#!&, because it was an enormously expensive special material that had been subjected to an enormously expensive qualification process.

Which was a piece magic high tech decoration, a cargo cult ritual applying the magic symbols of technology in place of actual technology. They should have used silicone rubber like everyone else, but saying that, or even thinking that, was like doubting that the jab is safe and effective.

They were unable to diagnose the problem, because thought crime, and because thought crime, were unable to accept that the problem was a problem, because noting that it was a serious and gravely threatening problem was adjacent to the thought crime of noticing that their magic super duper high tech O ring material was just flim flam, the symbols of high tech without any real substance, that it was grossly and dangerously inferior to what everyone else uses — silicone rubber.

Boeing was obviously taking a wildly dangerous risk by sending up a manned mission without first having a single successful unmanned flight. But neither Boeing nor NASA could notice this, because thought crime adjacent. Noticing that this was wildly reckless behaviour is adjacent to noticing the reasons for this wildly dangerous behaviour, which reasons are thought crimes. After the the Starliner went up, someone at NASA has noticed.

Boeing wants to fly the astronauts down on the Starliner. Their rationalisation that this is safe is the same as the rationalisation that sent them up without first doing half dozen successful unmanned missions, and the same as the rationalisation that burning hot gases flowing where they were not supposed to was not a problem for the Challenger space shuttle.

Even if Starliner returns to earth safely (and the Challenger space shuttle performed many missions with a dud O-ring before the dud O-ring finally caused it to blow up) it will leave behind people on board a space station on which they can no longer perform needed maintenance for lack of a working space suit.

Which brings me to Göbekli Tepe. The people running our society do not believe that reality is real, that existence exists. They think the narrative is reality. When God’s reality intrudes on their narrative, they react to it as a status challenge by a low ranked ape.

They react to reality’s failure to comply not as the will of God who cannot change and cannot lie manifest in his creation, but as a social challenge from a rival ape of lower status who is challenging their superior priestly status.

Starliner’s connections between helium pipes have been failing in the same way at about the same rate for years. Switching to a different connector is submission to a rival ape. Worse, the rival ape in question is the man who fixes their hot water system — the man who has thirty years experience in connecting pipes so that the connection does not fail.

How is this about Göbekli Tepe, I hear you ask?

Well for some time it has been completely obvious that there were people in Egypt, the megalithic builders, who lived many thousands of years before the literate dynastic Egyptians, who had big machines that could cut and place gigantic stones, move gigantic stones long distances, cut very hard stones with extraordinary precision, and also move the debris from excavation long distances if they found it inconvenient or unsightly.

One of the items of evidence for this is differential erosion of stones — you will see megalithic stones eroded almost beyond recognition as human made, while a very short distance away there are stones of ordinary size that look almost brand new, cut from the same stone from the same quarry by dynastic Egyptians. It is completely obvious that many of the megalithic structures are enormously older than dynastic Egypt.

The people who built the megaliths found it cheaper to cut and move a small number of gigantic stones, than a large number of smaller stones. So they had machinery. But they did not have metals or writing.

Among their many enormous excavations, we don’t see mining of metal ores, and on their many great works, we do not see ancient inscriptions, though inside the gigantic tunnels and vast underground rooms that they built, inscriptions would have been preserved against erosion. And pottery scraps seem to be later than megalithic buildings, though we lack reliable dating.

Certainly the people who built Göbekli Tepe could not make pottery, and the creation of wonderful stone objects performing jobs better done by pottery suggests that the Egyptian megalithic builders, who had way better and higher precision machines, and bigger machines than the people who built Göbekli Tepe, could not make pottery either. No pottery found inside the vast tunnels and underground chambers cut by the megalith builders.

If they could build big machines and move big stones, they could build big ships, so it makes sense that we see megalithic buildings that obviously used much the same technology in both Eurasia and South America.

Göbekli Tepe is the only work of the megalithic builders whose date is reliably known. It is not nearly as impressive as other works, which clearly required enormous high precision machinery, but obviously work of the same people, either in their early days before they developed machinery with greater capabilities, or in their later days as their civilisation was collapsing. My wild assed guess from the erosion on some of the Egyptian megaliths is later days as the civilisation was collapsing, a settlement by refugees from the wild climate changes of the Younger Dryas event. Its date is reliably known because it was deliberately buried.

Of course official science has reacted to this with ridicule and censorship, and the usual army of shills trying to poison the well. But also they reacted by trying to lower the status of the physical and material Göbekli Tepe.

This is noticeable with the deliberate burial issue. Official science proposes that it was buried by a landslip. But a landslip requires a slope steeper than the angle of repose, and leaves behind a slope near the angle of repose. If it was buried in a landslip, a mighty big hill would still be there.

There is no hill. They don’t like the deliberate burial, because it implies the people considered the city high status and worthy of preservation, and official science wants it to be low status, not because of any rational reason, but because they perceive it as a rival ape.

Denying the deliberate burial of Göbekli Tepe resembled Xerxes having the Hellespont whipped and fetters thrown into it. Which is the reaction of NASA and Boeing to Starliner and space suit problems.

They don’t want to believe in early agriculture around Göbekli Tepe because that contradicts the narrative about the development of agriculture, but they don’t want to believe in deliberate burial, because they see the city as a rival ape and are trying to deny it status.

Ninety percent of the charcoal at Göbekli Tepe is from food bearing trees, and the people there left lot of grain processing debris, making it obvious that the region was under intense agriculture. How else could you support a twenty acre city?

Wild grain is an absolutely insignificant part of the diet of hunter gatherers and survivalists trying to live off the land, because there is not much of it, and what there is contains very little calories.

And obviously all trees in the region were orchard trees — they cut down all the wild trees and replaced them. But official science proposes that they lived by hunting and gathering. And built a twenty acre city?

The reason hunter gatherers are nomadic is because in two or three weeks, they have exhausted all food resources within walking distance of the camp site.

They also argue Göbekli Tepe is misdated due to the old wood effect. People use old wood in buildings because they recycling older buildings and material from older buildings.

They don’t use old grass to reinforce plaster, and they don’t build new buildings out of old wood taken from the forest, because it is much easier to work with recently cut live wood.

So, to summarise: Starliner and the space suit crisis is partly a result of management by finance guys rather than tech guys, partly a result of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and in substantial part, solipsism substituting for science and technology.

Which solipsism you can also see in America’s foreign policy. They don’t believe that war is real, that Russia is real, that nukes are real, that reality is real, that existence exists.

When God’s reality intrudes on their reality, they react to it as a status challenge by a rival ape, and attempt to lower the status of that ape by denigration and gaslighting.

See more here The Burning Platform

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Comments (2)

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    “It is probably not a good idea to attempt re-entry with humans on board if you have misbehaving engines and you do not understand why they are misbehaving.”
    So they can fix 46 year old voyager using a bit of typing to re-route the function from a massive distance, but can’t understand the modern system when it fails? I guess somebody didn’t get the redundancy memo, or system feedback requirements.

    And people wonder why skeptics exist.


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    They could try using oars.

    It worked for the Greeks, at least until gods finest arrived.

    That would solve the issue of the ‘on board’ skeptics anyway.

    WW4 and several more forced Plandemics will take care of those who fail at double think & double speak…doing the ‘double time’, following the nasty ass in the immediate front…off the cliff.

    Critic$…who needs em anyway???


    Kill the Messenger…a lesson aplenty from history.


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