Estimate of UK deaths of 65+ year olds caused by govt’s Covid response

Coronavirus-COVID-19 GDELT Project

Using a simple model derived from Sweden as a control, we can estimate whether the things done in England that were not done in Sweden were any benefit or not.

Following this analysis of excess deaths in England of 65 to 79 year olds, I have now done the 80+ as well. N.B. I can’t do the under 65s until the ONS update the dataset1 since there are thousands of 2022 deaths missing due to coroner enquiry.

Inevitably it’s the same insight.

Sweden is an excellent proxy for England deaths in the years prior to COVID and therefore acts as an excellent control in this model:

As we can see, the “Sweden model” estimates England deaths with very similar timing and accurate magnitude.

When we use the model to estimate England deaths during the COVID era, once again we see stark excesses in England resulting from the more aggressive measures and the more aggressive mRNA experiment.

These excess deaths hit immediately and continue to the current day. Quantifying them using my cumulative excess function yields a total of 39,000 more excess deaths in England due to its COVID policies, relative to Sweden.

When we add these 80+ year old excess deaths to the 65 to 79 year olds of 19,000, we get 58,000 more deaths of over 65 year olds in total that I assert are due to England’s badly considered policies of doing everything that was recommended against when science was not politically controlled (so obviously) prior to COVID and subjecting its gullible citizens to they type of medical experiment that would make Joseph “Angel of Death” Mengele green with envy.

You get what you vote for!

1 N.B. since this dataset was updated on 1st November, it is now corrupt. All the deaths since the start of 2021 are messed up so it is no longer usable. I am using the original publication from August, which although incomplete, is at least correct for the deaths that are recorded.

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Comments (4)

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    Point made.

    But….the real numbers dwarf what’s officially manipulated.


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    What about deaths as a proportion of population. UK population is 68.7 million but the population of Sweden is only 10.5 million. Am I missing something?


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    Not real clear.


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